Grammar - New Braunfels ISD

Warm-ups Set 1
• This PPT includes the warm-ups for January 24, 2012-TBD
Warm-up #1
Independent & Dependent Clauses:
Subordination & Coordination
1. The coordinating
• A. from, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
• B. for, and, nor, both, or, yet, so.
• C. for, after, not, but, or, yet, so.
• D. for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
2. Choose the correct form of the
sentence that below.
• A. I survived the shipwreck; incidentally, I am an excellent
• B. I survived the shipwreck being an excellent swimmer.
• C. I survived shipwreck I am an excellent swimmer
• D. I survived the shipwreck, I am an excellent swimmer.
3. Two independent clauses...
A. should never be joined.
B. can be joined by a coordinating conjunction.
C. can be joined by a conjunctive adverb.
D. can be joined by either a semicolon and a conjunctive
adverb or a coordinating conjunction.
4. A dependent clause...
• A. has a verb and a subject, and can stand alone as its own
• B. has a verb and a subject but cannot stand alone as its own
• C. should be connected to other dependent clauses by a
subordinate conjunction.
• D. has a subject but not necessarily a verb.
5. Spot the incorrect
sentence and mark it.
A. You insult my honor; I challenge you to a duel.
B. You insult my honor. I challenge you to a duel.
C. You insult my honor, so I am challenging you to a duel.
D. You insult my honor I am challenging you to a duel.
Grammar Independent & Dependent Clauses:
Subordination & Coordination
Answer Key
Warm-Up #2
January 25, 2013
• Respond to the following quote. Your response should be half a
page in length for full credit:
• “How do you teach events that defy knowledge,
experiences that go beyond imagination? How do you tell
children, big and small, that society could lose its mind
and start murdering its own soul and future? How do you
unveil horrors without offering at the same time some
measure of hope? Hope in what? In whom? In progress,
in science and literature and God?”-Elie Wiesel
Warm-up # 3
January 28, 2013
We will watch a short clip of
the boxcars before we write.
Clip 1
Clip 2
• For your quick write, write either your reactions to the clip
watched, or write as if you were one of the
men/women/children being loaded into the boxcars.
• Your response must be half a page in length for full credit.
• When you are finished with your response, please put your
warm-up away and take out your Night study guide.
Warm-up #4 January 29, 2013
• We will watch a Grammar Video and then complete a multiple
choice quiz.
• Punctuation: Using Commas
1. Which of the following is
NOT one of the functions of a
• A. To create a slight pause in a sentence
• B. To fix participles that are dangling for lack of a subject
• C. To separate a word that comes before the main clause of a
• D. To separate adjectives of a single noun that aren’t
2. Which of the following
demonstrates correct usage?
• A. The rock flew from his hand skipped across the pond and
sank from sight.
• B. The rock flew from his hand, skipped across the pond, and
sank from sight.
• C. The rock flew from his hand skipped across the pond and,
sank from sight.
• D. The rock, flew from his hand, skipped across the pond, and
sank from sight.
3. Which of the following
demonstrates correct comma
• A. The lawn, was covered with a variety, of balls gloves and
• B. The lawn was covered with a variety of balls, gloves, and
• C. The lawn was covered with a variety of balls; gloves and
• D. The lawn was covered, with a variety of balls gloves and
4. In American English,
• A. Commas go inside of quotation marks, if required by the
clause or phrase.
• B. Commas go inside of a phrase, only if the speaker is British.
• C. Commas go outside of quotation marks, if the speaker has a
completed the phrase.
• D. All of these answers.
5. Which of the following
demonstrates correct usage of
a comma?
A. Kim Kardashian, tweeted ‘Love my girls!!!!!!’
B. Kim Kardashian tweeted ‘Love my girls!!!!!!’
C. Kim Kardashian tweeted, ‘Love my girls!!!!!!’
D. Kim Kardashian tweeted ‘Love, my girls!!!!!!’
Answer Key
January 30, 2013
* Warm-up #5: Re-read the passage on page 34 that begins,
“Never shall I forget that night,” carefully before you choose
your answers.
• 1. In the context of the passage, the word “nocturnal” (line 8)
most likely means
• a. eternal.
• b. nighttime.
• c. malevolent.
• d. bountiful
* Warm-up #5: Re-read the passage on page 34 that begins,
“Never shall I forget that night,” carefully before you choose
your answers.
• 2. The repetition of the phrase “never shall I forget” illustrates
• A. how each of the images described is burned on his heart
• B. the seven times sealed that it mentioned in line two.
• C. Elie’s attempt to erase the memories from his
• D. the members of Elie’s family who were killed at the
concentration camps.
* Warm-up #5: Re-read the passage on page 34 that begins,
“Never shall I forget that night,” carefully before you choose
your answers.
• 3. The phrase, “those moments that murdered my God” in line
10 is an example of
• a. understatement
• b. irony.
• c. simile
• d. personification.
* Warm-up #5: Re-read the passage on page 34 that begins,
“Never shall I forget that night,” carefully before you choose
your answers.
4. The phrase, “silent sky” in line 5 is a reference to
A. the children Elie saw thrown into the flames.
B. Elie’s mother and sister.
C. God.
D. Elie’s lost youth.
* Warm-up #5: Re-read the passage on page 34 that begins,
“Never shall I forget that night,” carefully before you choose
your answers.
• 5. Lines 4 and 5 describe which of the following events in the
• A. the destruction of the schools in Sighet
• B. the million and a half children who were murdered during
the Holocaust
• c. Elie’s sister who was killed at Auschwitz
• D. the babies that Elie witnesses being thrown into the fires
Answer Key
• B: Nocturnal is defined as relating to night.
• A: The repetition of the phrase emphasizes how much Elie will not
be able to forget what happened. If he only used the phrase once,
the reader might not have as strong of a response to the passage
that interrupts the narration of the story.
• D: Moments are incapable of any physical action. Elie is personifying
moments to illustrate the number of times he felt as if his faith was
• C: Throughout the memoir, Elie blames God for His silence. The sky
represents that metaphorical place where many believe we find
• D: While choice B is plausible, Elie does not witness all of the
children being murdered at the concentration camps. He is only
witness to the babies he sees getting burned in the fires.
February 1, 2013
Warm-up #6: Quick write
• Write about the importance of being selfless.
• Use examples to support your opinion.
February 4, 2013
Warm-up #7
• We will watch a Grammar Video and then complete a multiple
choice quiz.
• comma-usage-avoid-confusion-in-clauses-contrastingsentence-parts
1. Correctly place the commas
around the non-essential
• A. The dragon, even though the villagers denied it, was
actually a nice guy.
• B. The dragon even, though the villagers denied it, was
actually a nice guy.
• C. The dragon even though the villagers, denied it, was
actually a nice guy.
• D. The dragon, even though, the villagers denied it was
actually a nice guy.
2. How could the following
sentence be altered to be
Without help I would not finish this assignment.
• A. Add commas around 'I would not.’
• B. Add a comma after 'not.’
• C. Add a comma after 'finish.’
• D. Add a comma after 'help.'
3. Identify the most appropriate conjunction
and the correct comma placement of the
following sentence: I don't always use
commas _ when I do I use them correctly.
• A. I don't always use commas, nor when I do I use them
• B. I don't always use commas, for when I do I use them
• C. I don't always use commas, but when I do I use them
• D. I don't always use commas, yet when I do I use them
4. When is it appropriate to
use a comma without a
A. When it helps clarify the meaning of the statement.
B. When two parts of a sentence are contrasting.
C. None of these answers.
D. Both A and B.
5. Identify the grammatically correct version
of this sentence: She was not nice she did not
share her Twinkie with me.
• A. She was not nice she did not share her Twinkie with me.
• B. She was not nice, for she did not share her Twinkie with
• C. She was not nice and she did not share her Twinkie, with
• D. She, was not nice but she did not share her Twinkie with
Answer Key
February 5, 2013
Warm-up 8
• Before you choose your answers, carefully re-read the passage
that begins on the bottom of page 52 and concludes on page
53 with the words “Clench your teeth and wait.”
• 1. Elie describes the interaction between him and Idek as
being like a game
• A. in which both players were equal
• B. in which Elie had the upper hand
• C. in which Idek had the upper hand
• D. that would never have a winner
• E. that Elie would win someday
2. Elie’s interaction with the
young French woman is
surprising because
• A. men and women are not usually in the same camp
• B. the woman is trying to receive favors from the guard
• C. the woman is the person responsible for getting Elie in
• D. the woman is also beaten
• E. Elie did not believe the woman knew how to speak German
3. Why does the French woman
refer to Elie as “little brother”?
• A. The young French woman is Elie’s older sister
• B. The young French woman wants the guard to believe that
they are related.
• C. The young French woman is delusional and believes that
Elie is her little brother.
• D. The young French woman is trying to comfort Elie.
• E. The young French woman is confused about the meaning of
the words in German.
4. Idek continues to beat Elie
after he is covered in blood
• A. Idek is irrational and cannot tell how much pain he has
already inflicted
• B. Idek believes Elie is being defiant because he will not
scream in pain
• C. Elie is screaming with pain and Idek wants him to be quiet
• D. Elie cursed Idek after the beating, which only made Idek
• E. Idek is punishing Elie for the young French girl’s crimes as
well as his own
5. What effect does Elie create
when he describes, at the top
of page 53, the way in which
Idek beats Elie?
A. irony
B. suspense
C. empathy
D. morbidity
E. humor
Answer Key
• 1. A: Elie describes the beating by stating “as if we had taken
part in a game in which both roles of equal importance.”
• 2. E: When Elie describes the girl, he states that he does not
believe that she knows how to speak German.
• 3. D: The young French woman is trying to make Elie feel
better. She tries to connect with him so he understands that
someone else feels his pain.
• 4. B: The text supports answer B when Elie explains that he
believes it is his silence that causes Idek to inflict more blows.
• 5. C: Elie wants the reader to be aware of and understand how
Elie must have felt when he was being beaten.
Warm-up #9
• Please complete the following short answer question:
• How is the people’s response to the hanging of the young boy
different than the response to the previous hangings? Support
your answer with evidence from the selection and an
explanation. (Hint: use APE)!
Warm-up #10: Reading Quiz
• Use the passage that begins on the
bottom of page 77 and continues until
the top of page 79 to answer the
following 7 questions.
1. What type of shift does not
occur in the prison camp
during the winter?
• A. The men are given proper clothing for dealing with the
• B. The more experienced prisoners taunt the new prisoners
about the camp atmosphere and the winter.
• C. The prisoners do not have to work as hard in the colder
• D. The prisoners are able to take a break on Christmas and
New Year’s.
2. What effect is Elie creating
with the Hungarian Jew’s
warnings to Elie?
A. Humor
B. Foreshadowing
C. Suspense
D. Irony
3. Why is Elie in the infirmary?
• A. Elie is in the infirmary because he is suffering from
• B. Elie is in the infirmary to be next to his father.
• C. Elie is in the infirmary to avoid selection.
• D. Elie is suffering an injury from the cold.
4. “We went off to work as
usual, our bodies frozen” is an
example of
A. hyperbole
B. metaphor
C. allusion
D. simile
5. Elie was treated well in the
infirmary because
A. he pays the doctor with extra rations
B. the Germans need him to continue his work
C. the doctor likes his father
D. the doctor is a German Jew
6. This passage suggests that
the Hungarian Jew
• A. fears being selected during the next selection
• B. would like Elie’s company because he has been in the
infirmary a long time
• C. does not believe that he is going to be selected in the next
• D. is trying to save Elie’s life
7. The point of the last
complete paragraph on page
78 is to establish
A. the Hungarian Jew’s jealousy of Elie’s good health
B. Elie’s fear that the Hungarian Jew is telling the truth
C. the poor treatment of the Jews in the infirmary
D. Elie’s confidence that the Hungarian Jew is trying to mislead
Answer Key
• 1. C: the passage states “We went off to work as usual…” (78).
• 2. C: Elie’s decision to wait and see if the Hungarian Jew is telling the
truth creates suspense for the reader
• 3. D: The text specifically states, “my right foot began to swell from the
cold.” (78)
• 4. A: the men’s bodies are not literally frozen. Elie is trying to explain
how cold the weather is
• 5. D: There is no text evidence to support any other answer. The reader
can infer that the reason Elie is treated well is because there is a “great
Jewish doctor, a prisoner like ourselves” who is taking care of him(78).
• 6. A: The Hungarian Jew only shares information with Elie because he
wants to free the bed so he is not compared with Elie during the
selection. If Elie is not in the infirmary, the man who is suffering from
dysentery will look much healthier.
• 7. B: The images in the last line suggest that Elie is worried about what
the Jew is sharing with him. Elie uses images of the grave and describes
being filled with terror.