PROJECT: MAKE A PLANT OR ANIMAL CELL MODEL Name: ____________________________ 8____ Due Date: ______________ LEARNING OUTCOME: #2. Investigate and describe the role of cells within living things 2a) describe the role of cells as a basic unit of life 2c) distinguish between plant and animal cells 2e) examine plant and animal structures; and identify contributing roles of cells, tissues and organs TASK: 1. Build a 3-D model that will represent either a plant or animal cell. 2. Collect items, objects and materials that you could use to represent each organelle of a cell that were covered in class. 3. The material chosen for each organelle should accurately represent the function, size and shape of each organelle. 4. Build your 3-D model cell. Use the rubric supplied as a guideline. 5. Label each organelle appropriately. 6. Design a table to explain the function of each organelle, describe the material you used for each organelle, and explain why you used that material to represent that organelle (function, shape and size). Organelle Function Material used Explanation why according to its function. Cell Cheese cloth Covers…and has holes to membrane represent semi-permeable membrane for diffusion 7. In class we compared the cell organelles to parts of our house. Individually (different from your partner), choose an object (car, team sport, etc.) and make an analogy between the organelles of the cell to the object. Explain your choices based on the function of each organelle. CHECKLIST: _____ Plant or animal cell chosen _____ Choose appropriate materials for each organelle! _____ Build your model _____ Are all organelles included (5-animal cell; 7-plant cell)? _____ Are all organelles are labeled (correctly) _____ Do you have a table of organelles: including organelle, its function, the material used and the explanation for the material used. CELL MODEL RUBRIC (MARK SHEET) Name: _____________________________8___ due date: ______________ CRITERIA Beginning Acceptable Proficient Mastery Placement of organelles in Model Demonstrates limited/incomple te understanding of the learning demonstrates basic/adequate understanding of the learning demonstrates strong/solid understanding of the learning N/A Organelles are not placed accurately within the model Organelles are generally accurately within model. Organelles placed accurately within model. Demonstrates limited/incomple te understanding of the learning Demonstrates basic/adequate understanding of the learning Demonstrates strong/solid understanding of the learning Organelles are not accurately represented according to their function, size and shape. Have a general representation of organelles according to their function, size and shape. Organelles are skillfully represented according to their function, size and shape. Demonstrates limited/incomple te understanding of the learning. Demonstrates basic/adequate understanding of the learning. Demonstrates strong/solid understanding of the learning Limited/minimal reasoning for materials used as related to the organelles function. Adequate reasoning for materials used as related to the organelles function. Size and representation of the organelle of the cell Function and material reasoning chart Individual Analogy Comments: Used a simplistic object to form an analogy that demonstrates a limited understanding of the functions. Used a reasonable object to form an analogy that demonstrated a general understanding of the functions. Detailed reasoning given for materials used as related purposely to the organelles function and is explained in great detail. Used a complex object to form an analogy that demonstrated a strong, in-depth understanding of the functions. Demonstrates exemplary, in-depth understanding of the size, representation of organelles according to their function, size and shape. Demonstrates an exemplary, in-depth understanding of the organelles function. An insightful reasoning for materials used as related purposely to the organelles function Used a complicated object to form an analogy that demonstrated an extensive and profound the functions.