CASE 1: The Finnish company Metsa

The Finnish company Metsa-Botnia ,is engaged in the production of paper and is looking for a
new location for one of its factories. In principle, it is interested in the capital of Lapland,
Rovaniemi. This afternoon, officials will gather at City Hall with representatives of the company
and an environmental organisation with members of the neighborhood association acting as
Is the installation of a paper industry it beneficial to the town of Rovaniemi (Finland)?
Group 1: YES
Representatives of the company. Investigate using the Internet Lapland's natural resources
and the process of making paper. Make a list of the advantages of Metsa-Botnia to the location
of Rovaniemi. Then, prepare arguments to convince the authorities that the new factory will
be a benefit to Rovaniemi.
Find information and evidence in other written sources and the Internet in order to prepare
the discussion. (Natural Resources of Lapland. Rovaniemi: location, population, economy,
communications, tourism. Papermaking process: pollution, inputs-outputs, type of industry.
Group 2: NO
Environmental movement. You are very concerned about the reduction of forest and pollution
generated by such plants. Read pages 3.4 and 5 report by Greenpeace on the impact of the
pulp and paper industry. Prepare a letter explaining the main causes of pollution from these
industries that can cause damage to the natural wealth of the region .
Find information and evidence in other written sources and the Internet in order to prepare
the discussion. (Natural Resources of Lapland. Rovaniemi: location, population, economy,
communications, tourism. Papermaking process: pollution, inputs-outputs, type of industry.
The film Welcome, Mr. Marshall! Is based on the visit of the great tycoon Sheldon Adelson to
Spain to build a casino. Eurovegas plans to locate near Madrid and promises to create many
jobs. However, despite the fact that creating jobs is good news, the reality does not look fun
at all when you consider that any opening of a casino is always a great attraction for organized
Euro Project Vegas: The need?
Group 1: YES
With the current economic situation and unemployment in Spain and Catalonia, a project like
this is a great opportunity. Unemployed people, businesses and institutions cannot miss this
Focus on strengths: Increased jobs (direct and indirect), money that tourism brings to the local
economy, progress and development in Barcelona and Catalonia will become even more
popular world wide
Find information and evidence in other written sources and the Internet in order to prepare
the discussion. Barcelona resources: location, population, economy, communications, tourism.
Group 2: NO
The values of EuroVegas are negative: gambling etc. they are not something we want in our
community. Our culture is very different to Las Vegas and we don’t need to destroy it just to
help stop the current violence.
Focus on strengths: Problems associated with this type of business, money laundering, drug
trafficking, prostitution, etc.. Regarding the environment, the project is not environmentally
friendly. Respect the culture and traditions of a nation and a city that has nothing to do with
Las Vegas. Increase in this type of tourism, which degrade the conditions of life and will lose
prestige brand in Barcelona and Catalonia.
Find information and evidence in other written sources and the Internet in order to prepare
the discussion. (Barcelona resources: location, population, economy, communications,
tourism. Possible implications and impact of the installation of a complex of its kind in our
The Central Temporary Storage Unit (ATC) is a facility to store and process Hazardous Waste
including Nuclear waste produced by Spain. It is hoped in the future that money could be
generated by charging other countries money (France, UK) to store and process their waste
Despite some reluctance among some sectors of the population, 13 cities submitted their
proposals to build the future installation.
Is it beneficial for the local population to live near The Central Temporary Storage Unit?
Group 1: YES
Represented by members of the local employers' association and a neighborhood association.
They see an opportunity for economic improvement for a city that is part of a region with no
other options. The waste must be handled somewhere in Spain and nuclear energy is crucial in
countries like France and the United States.
Find information and evidence in other written sources and the Internet in order to prepare
the discussion. (Asco: location, population, economy, communications, tourism. Process of
storage of nuclear waste, pollution, inputs-outputs, type of industry. Examples).
Group 2: NO
The local environmental movement and neighborhood associations. Opposed to nuclear
power and more to the location of a storage facility that is considered very dangerous. They
believe that the nuclear facility in their city is more than enough. Economic development must
come from another source.
Find information and evidence in other written sources and the Internet in order to prepare
for the debate. (Asco: location, population, economy, communications, tourism. Process of
storage of nuclear waste, pollution, inputs-outputs, type 'industry. examples).