Connect! •What is the hereditary molecule? •Brainstorm everything you know about DNA. MODERN GENETICS • DNA is the hereditary material. Cells of living organisms use a chemical code to transfer information from one generation to another. The chemical code is DNA. DNA Facts 1. DNA is a nucleic acid which is an organic compound. Biochemists have found that DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material which replicates and is passed from generation to generation. Chunk! • What is the hereditary material? • What do the letters DNA stand for? • How is genetic material passed from one generation to the next? 2. DNA is found in the nucleus of cells and controls the cell by influencing the production of proteins. 3. DNA Structure • is a polymer which means it has many repeating units • consists of thousands of smaller repeating units known as nucleotides • a DNA nucleotide has 3 parts: a phosphate group a sugar (deoxyribose) molecule a nitrogenous base. • There are 4 possible bases: Chunk! • • • • Where is DNA found in the cell? How does DNA control a cell? Why is DNA considered a polymer? What are the repeating units that make up DNA called? • Name the 3 parts of a nucleotide. • What does the “house” represent? …the “pool”? …the “garage”? • Name the 4 bases. 4. The scientists Watson and Crick developed a model of the DNA molecule. Their model consists of the following: • The DNA has 2 complementary chains. • The DNA molecule has a ladder type organization with the uprights composed of the phosphate and deoxyribose molecules. The rungs of the ladder are composed of bases held together by weak hydrogen bonds. • The bases only pair with specific bases: adenine (A) – thymine (T) guanine (G) – cytosine (C) • The shape of each base is represented by a different form, as above. • Why do A and T base pair? • Why do C and G base pair? • The DNA ladder is thought to be twisted in the form of a double helix. Chunk! • Who discovered the structure of DNA? • What does it mean when it is said the DNA consists of “2 complementary chains”? • What makes up the “rungs” of the “ladder”? • What makes up the “uprights” of the “ladder”? • What holds the bases together? • What shape is the DNA molecule? • Fill in the missing bases in the DNA diagram at right. DNA Functions • DNA has 2 functions which are 1. Replication of the genetic code for reproduction 2. Control of the activities of the cell by the synthesis of proteins, specifically enzymes Chunk! • What are the two functions of DNA?