Athens vs Sparta: Love Letters & Comparison

Democracy (for adult, male, citizens who owned
Limited democracy (many fewer people were able to
Only sons of wealthy families received formal education
Military training started at age 7. Moved into army barracks
(starting at age 7)
and lived there until age 30!
Make them good citizens (reading, grammar, poetry,
Individual expression restricted (didn’t value arts or literature
history, math, music, logic, public speaking, athletics)
etc. Did value duty, strength, discipline, beauty, and
Older boys had military training because protecting
Military training was marching, exercising, fighting. Light
Athens was a civic duty
tunics, no shoes, slept on hard benches with no blankets,
porridge only to eat. Encouraged to steal as long as they
didn’t get caught
Girls educated at home
Received some military training. Ran, wrestled and played
Make them good wives and mothers (child-rearing,
Taught to put service to Sparta above everything, even
weaving cloth, preparing meals, managing the household)
A few women were able to learn to read and write
Women’s movement in Athens restricted and mostly not
Had considerable freedom, especially in running estates when
seen outside the home
their husbands were on active duty
Military state (made themselves so after helot revolt that they
barely put down)
You are looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend! You think that the Spartans/Athenians might really like to date you. You want
to write someone from the other state, trying to convince them that you would be a good person to date. Tell them what is
so wonderful about you! Goal is to show the Spartan/Athenian side. Feel free to make it look/smell as much like a love
letter as you want!
You have just received a letter from someone from Athens/Sparta. It is clear that they don’t know much about you, and
that you are very different kind of people. You may respond positively or negatively but you must make them understand
why you said “yes” (something about them impressed you and you are willing to put aside your differences) or “no” (you
two are just so different and explain why it wouldn’t work). Goal is to show the Athenian/Spartan side.