MINNESOTA STATE UNIVERSITY, MANKATO (MNSU) ONLINE LEARNING POLICIES SAVANNAH FAHLSTROM & LORALIE ELLINGSON MISSION Minnesota State University, Mankato (MNSU) Vision, Values, & Mission is applicable to all faculty and students at MNSU. Reading these policies sets the tone and expectations for all who enter through the online doors and campus site doors. The policies can be found at: http://www.mnsu.edu/president/vision.html ONLINE LEARNING DEFINED Online learning replaces regular classroom learning with web-based technology. All required activities take place in an online environment. The educational content presented in an online course does not differ from traditional classroom content; only the method of delivery is different. Online courses have the same credit value as in person classroom learning. ONLINE LEARNING CONSIDERED While online learning may seem as though it is a luxury that awards one with more freedom and flexibility than campus-based courses, it is important to consider the independent, self-motivated nature required due to the web-based medium ‘that classes and knowledge are transmitted through. Generally speaking, online learning proves to be a rewarding experience for many students. However, it is important to consider technological aptitude, learning style, electronic devices needed etc. before assuming that asynchronous learning is the right learning environment for you. Some students have expressed discomfort with online learning because interaction with peers and instructors is solely virtual; face-to-face interaction during campus-based lectures has proven to be more suitable for some because it provides them with the structure they need to keep on track. As an online learner, you dictate the pace of your own progress with coursework. Online learning requires a certain kind of self-discipline in order to keep up with the class schedule and meet deadlines. COMPUTER LITERACY In order to be successful as a student enrolled in an accredited online degree program, a general working knowledge of technology, computers, and the internet is essential. The following information is a list of technological subject matter that a student should have a general understanding of and exposure to before enrolling in an online degree program. o o o o o o o o o o o o Basic software application navigational skills Word processing applications such as Microsoft Word Keyboard commands Knowledge of operating systems Basic knowledge of different file types How to convert files from one type to another Typing speed of at least 36 WPM or more Awareness of adware/malware and how to implement virus protection How to download and use communicative software technology Basic understanding of social media Demonstrated skill in connecting, accessing and using browsers Ability to use online communication tools, such as email (create, send, receive, reply, print, send/receive attachments), discussion boards (read, search, post, reply, follow threads), chats, and messengers. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Minnesota State University, Mankato (MNSU) provides a collaborative learning environment with small student to faculty ratios. Online classes offer more flexibility than traditional classrooms, however, students must be focused and able to prioritize their schedule on their own. STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO: Actively engage in classroom discussions and assignments. Participate consistently and respectfully with fellow students and faculty. Provide constructive feedback to fellow students and faculty. Work collaboratively with class teams in the learning process. Communicate respectfully to fellow students and faculty, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious, moral, or political beliefs. o Maintain the highest ethical standards in the preparation and submission of assignments. o Be self-motivated and self-disciplined. o Ask questions and speak up. o o o o o SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Online courses at MSU are accessed through Desire2Learn, or “D2L”. Before logging in to D2l, ensure your operating system and software requirements meet the minimum requirements listed below. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS COMPONENTS APPLE USER Office Suites Operating System—OS X (1.0x) PC USER Office Suites Internet Browser Browser Plug-ins Email Multimedia (if used in course) Internet Speed Microsoft Office: Office 2004 or later with Word, Excel, PowerPoint Apache OpenOffice Operating System—Minimum of Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 PC & APPLE USERS BOTH NEED: REQUIREMENTS Microsoft Office 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, or later Apache OpenOffice Internet connection via Internet Service Provider (Comcast, Quest etc.) 56 kbps modem, DSL or Cable access Internet Explorer 7.x or higher Mozilla Firefox 3.x or higher Safari 4.x or higher Java Adobe Acrobat Real One Player Flash Player Must have ability to check email Monitor capable of 1024 X 768 resolution Sound Card and speakers/headphones CD drive, DVD Drive, or CD-RW drive 5 meg down / 2 meg up BROWSER REQUIREMENTS In order to access content as it should be displayed through the MNSU homepage, D2l etc., the following browsers are recommended: BROWSER TYPE WINDOWS MAC OS LINUX Google Chrome X Internet Explorer 7.x + X Mozilla Firefox 3.x + X X X Safari 4.x + X X ESSENTIAL PROGRAMS AND PLAYERS Before enrolling in a web-based course through offered through MSU, it will be necessary to download the following software applications and players appropriate for your operating system: o Mozilla Firefox o Adobe® Reader® (pdf files) o Macromedia Flash Player o Shockwave Player o PowerPoint Viewer 2003 - If you do not own the PowerPoint program, this viewer will let you view full-featured presentations created in PowerPoint 97 and later versions. o Excel Viewer 2003 - Open, view, and print Excel workbooks, even if you don't have Excel installed. o Word Viewer 2003 - View, print, and copy Word documents, even if you don't have Word installed. o Visio 2003 Viewer o Visio 2002 Viewer o Works 6.0 Converter for Works and Word Users - The Works 6.0 Converter allows you to convert word processor documents created in Microsoft Works 6.0 to Microsoft Word and other Works programs. Specifically, this converter works with Works 2000, 4.5, and 4.x, and Word 2002, 2000, and 97. o Windows Media ( players, encoders and codes) o RealPlayer 10 o QuickTime Player ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING & CONDUCT Minnesota State University, Mankato (MNSU) has a zero tolerance policy towards certain negative behaviors exhibited in an asynchronous learning environment. These include: o Actions, verbal statements which threaten or violate the personal safety of any faculty, staff, or student will not be tolerated. o Academic dishonesty will not be condoned in any classroom at Minnesota State University. Engaging in academically dishonest behavior will be automatic grounds for professors to give the student a failing grade in their course. o It is important for students to be conscious of their conduct when communicating through text in an online environment. Students should refrain from using the caps lock when they type during lecture, as some consider typing in all capital letters to mean “yelling”. REGISTRATION EXPLAINED Registration for online courses is done via the MnSCU secure web system. Students will need their tech ID and a PIN or tech ID password. The Registration page, “http://www.mnsu.edu/registrar/registration.html” provides links to course offerings, registration windows and calendars, financial information, and much more. Questions regarding registration should be directed to The Registration Help Center, Room WA 132. Registrar Contact Information: Mailing address: Office of the Registrar Minnesota State University, Mankato 132 Wigley Administration Building Mankato, MN 56001 Tel.: 1-507-389-6266 (V), 1-800-722-0544 (V) Fax: 1-507-389-5719 Email: registrars-office@mnsu.edu FINANCIAL AID 101 The first step in applying for financial aid is filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Be aware of copy-cat FAFSA web-sites, such as FAFsa.com or fafsastudentaid.com. The official FAFSA website is http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/. STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES CONTACT INFORMATION Mailing address: Student Financial Services Minnesota State University, Mankato 120 Wigley Administration Building Mankato, MN 56001 Phone: 1-507-389-1866 (V) 1-800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY) or 711 (MRS/TTY) Fax: 1-507-389-6410 INSTRUCTOR RESPONSIBILITIES Instructors design their courses with the online learner in mind. Content covered in online courses is the same as the content in traditional face-to-face classroom. The courses are structured so as to be compatible across multiple systems. Courses and content are easily navigated and accessible. Instructors provide a syllabus and required materials list a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the start of the semester. This allows the student time to search, find, and purchase their books and materials. BOOKSTORE Barnes & Noble Bookstore is the campus bookstore and offers supplies, books, and apparel. Books can be ordered online, on campus, or by phone. The staff are always willing to provide assistance. For the student who prefers alternate choices, many used textbooks can be found online, i.e. Amazon, and may also be available for rent as an eBook. FACULTY SUPPORT Faculty support is available for questions regarding course studies, advising, and academic support. NAME OFFICE, TELEPHONE , E-MAIL TEACHING AND RESEARCH SPECIALTIES Cashin, Melanie AH 218F 507-389-2117 melanie.cashin@mnsu.edu Technical communication Chapman, David AH 207I 507-389-1035 david.chapman@mnsu.edu Environmental writing and technical communication MacKenzie, AH 229C Nancy 507-389-5505 program nancy.mackenzie@mnsu.edu director Technical and scientific literature, rhetorical theory, visual communication for technical communicators, health-related technical communication, and risk communication Nord, Roland AH 229E 507-389-5402 roland.nord@mnsu.edu Computer-assisted writing and publishing, technical editing, document design, usability, documentation Perbix, Gretchen AH 201N 507-389-5506 gretchen.perbix@mnsu.edu Rhetorical theory, document design and usability, project management Tesdell, Lee AH 229D 507-389-5219 lee.tesdell@mnsu.edu International technical communication, online help systems, collaboration and teamwork, writing for the WWW Veltsos, Jennifer AH 201M 507-389-5507 jennifer.veltsos@mnsu.edu Business communication, visual communication, research methods Westerman, AH 301A Gwen 507-389-5508 gwen.westerman@mnsu.edu Visual rhetoric, document design, business and technical communication INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Information & Technology Services offers a robust, user-friendly, self-service website. Visit the website at: http://www.mnsu.edu/its/ to learn more and take advantage of their many services. CONTACT First point of contact: Campus Hub Phone: 800-722-0544 or 507-389-1866 Minnesota State University, Mankato Mankato, MN 58001