African American - Eldred Central School

I. African American History 1865-1945
A. Black Codes-Passed in the South following
the Reconstruction period. Designed to limit
African American rights.
B. Literacy Tests-Required voters to read and
understand the state Constitution. States
deliberately picked areas of the Constitution that
were difficult to understand.
C. Poll Tax-Southern states adopted a monetary sum
to vote that was beyond the means of most African
D. Grandfather Clauses-Anyone that had an ancestor
who could vote in 1867, allowed whites to bypass
literacy tests.
15th amendment wasn’t ratified until
E. Following military reconstruction in the South,
southern states began passing Jim Crow laws.
1. Jim Crow-Legalized segregation in the South.
2. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
a) Background-30 year old Homer Plessy was jailed
for sitting in the “White” car of the East Louisiana
b) Ruling: Supreme Court upheld the segregation
and declared facilities must be “separate but
equal.” In other words, segregation was legalized.
F. Booker T. Washington-Urged African Americans to
postpone the fight for civil rights and instead
concentrate on preparing themselves
educationally and vocationally for full equality.
G. W.E.B Du Bois-Accused Booker T. Washington of
being too conservative on civil rights. He insisted
upon equal treatment and voting rights. He would
publish The Crisis, the official magazine of the
H. The National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP)-Fought against
discrimination of African Americans.
“The Niagara
I. Great Migration-Period following WWI where
African Americans moved to the North for
economic opportunities.
J. Harlem Renaissance-Arts awakening for African
1. Langston Hughes
2. Zora Neale Hurston
K. Jazz Age-Many African Americans
participated in the Jazz Age (i.e., Louis
Armstrong and Duke Ellington)
II. African American History Post 1945
A. In 1948, Harry S. Truman issued an executive
order that ended the segregation of the
B. Montgomery Bus Boycott-On December 5, 1955,
Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus.
This led to a boycott of the bus system in
1. Martin Luther King Jr. was elected to run the
Montgomery Bus Boycott and urged his
supporters to use non-violence to get rid of
1. What was the significance of Plessy v.
2. What was the Great Migration?
3. What were the methods of MLK Jr?
4. What was the purpose of grandfather
clauses, literacy tests, and poll taxes?
2. After the boycott, King established the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957 to
eliminate segregation.
C. Brown vs. the Board of Education (1954)
1. Linda Brown was denied access to an all white
school in Topeka, Kansas.
a) With the help of the NAACP and their brilliant
lawyer, Thurgood Marshall, Linda Brown sued the
Topeka School Board.
1) The school board ruled that segregation in public
schools was unconstitutional due to the equal
protection clause in the 14th amendment.
D. Little Rock School Crisis-In September 1957, nine
African Americans were set to enroll at Central High
with 9,000 white students. The governor (Orval
Faubus) refused to allow the students into the
school and sent the Arkansas National Guard.
1. Eisenhower Reacts-Eisenhower sent in the Army
and federalized the Arkansas National Guard.
Federal troops ensured that the “Little Rock Nine”
enrolled in school.
E. Greensboro Sit-Ins-African American students sat
at the lunch counter and were refused service. This
inspired African Americans across the South to
conduct similar sit-ins.
F. Freedom Riders-Teams of African Americans and
white volunteers rode buses south to expose the
lack of integration in bus terminals.
1. In Birmingham one bus was met by members of
the KKK armed with baseball bats, chains, and lead
G. Peaceful protests led by King in Birmingham,
Alabama would lead to more violence. Kennedy
was now convinced he would introduce a civil rights
bill, but needed the right time.
H. After the murder of civil rights activist Medgar
Evers, Kennedy introduced a civil rights bill.
1. In order to gain support for the bill, Martin Luther
King Jr. organized a march on Washington. On
August 28, 1963, more than 200,000 protestors
listened to speeches that included, “I have a
dream” speech.
2. After the civil rights bill was introduced, the Senate
filibustered the bill.
a) Filibuster-When a minority of senators refuse to
stop talking to prevent a bill from coming to a vote.
3. On November 22, 1963, JFK was assassinated and
Lyndon Johnson, a Texan, became president.
a) Johnson put his entire support behind the bill
and helped bring an end to the filibuster. The Civil
Rights Act would pass in 1964.
LBJ “politicking”
Senator Russell, a
b) The Civil Rights Act of 1964
1) Law made segregation illegal in most public
2) Gave the government power to force school
3) Gave the federal government power to
prevent racial discrimination and established
the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC).
I. Voting Rights1. 24th amendment-Ended poll taxes in federal
24th amendment-The right of citizens of the United States to
vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice
President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for
Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or any state by reason of failure
to pay any poll tax or other tax.
2. The Voting Rights Act of 1965a) Authorized federal examiners to register
qualified voters
b) Suspended discriminatory devices, such as
literacy tests
J. Black Power Movement-Many African
Americans were critical of King’s non-violent
1. Malcolm X-Was a Black Muslim, and a
believer that African Americans should
separate themselves from whites.
2. Black Panthers-Created in 1966
a) They believed a revolution was necessary to fight
whites to grant them equal rights.
K. Affirmative Action-Calls for companies to recruit
African Americans with the hope this will lead to
improved social and economic status.
Marcus Garvey and the “Back to Africa
Marcus Garvey thought African Americans
should move back to Africa where they would
enjoy equality.
Early 20th century
End of the Civil WarReconstruction begins
1) Who implemented
Reconstruction policy? Who
did they send to enforce their
Plessy v. Ferguson
Greensboro Sit-Ins
1) What doctrine was established by the
Supreme Court in this case?
1) What was the purpose of the
Greensboro Sit-Ins?
2) What was one other example of a
non-violent protest for civil rights?
2) What was the name of the
segregation laws in the South?
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Reconstruction Ended:
1) What was the Compromise of
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Brown v. the Board of Education
1) What did this Supreme Court
case establish?
2) What were grandfather
clauses, literacy tests, and poll
taxes designed to do in the
1) What were the three parts of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964?
1) How did southern congressmen attempt
to block this bill?
2) Why was it difficult to
1) What was LBJ’s influence on the Civil
Rights movement?