Dana Austin, Samantha Schmidig, Ali Ebersole, Sam Ballard

Resource Usage
Dana Austin, Samantha Schmidig,
Ali Ebersole, Sam Ballard
Energy Usage
In 2008:
Residential energy consumption:
-123 million Btu per building,
-101 million Btu per household.
-39 million Btu per household member.
The residential energy expenditures were:
-$1,632 per building,
-$1,338 per household.
-$517 per household member.
1) United States:8.35 TOE per person
2)Canada:8.16 TOE per person
3)Finland:6.4 TOE per person
4)Belgium:5.78 TOE per person
5)Australia:5.71 TOE per person
6)Sweden:5.7 TOE per person
8)New Zealand:4.86 TOE per person
9)Netherlands:4.76 TOE per person
10)France:4.25 TOE per person
11)Japan:4.13 TOE per person
12)Germany:4.13 TOE per person
13) United Kingdom:3.89 TOE per person
14) Ireland:3.86 TOE per person
15) Switzerland:3.7 TOE per person
16) Denmark:3.64 TOE per person
17) Austria:3.52 TOE per person
18) Italy:2.97 TOE per person
Total:89.51 TOE per person Weighted average:5.0 TOE per
Energy Sources
• Residents of Danville, CA, get their power from Pacific Gas
and Electric (PG&E). PG&E gets their energy from multiple
sources, including hydroelectric, nuclear, fossil fuels, and
• Hydroelectric power comes from large amounts of fast
running water. The total output of hydroelectric power is
1,212 MW.
• Nuclear power, which is power produced from controlled
nuclear reactions, had a total output of 2,240 MW.
• Fossil Fuels (natural gas/fuel oil), had a total output of 660
• Solar energy, or energy from the sun, had an output of 500
Residential Water Usage
• At home, each person uses about 80-100 gallons of water a
Commercial Water Usage
Public supply is 11% of water usage.
Domestic is less than 1%.
Irrigation is 34%.
Industrial is 5%.
Mining is less than 1%.
Thermoelectric Power is 48%.
Livestock is less than 1%.
Aquaculture is less than 1%.
Agricultural Water Usage
• Agricultural is a major user of ground and surface water in
the US, accounting for 80% of our country's water use, and
over 90% in the western US.
• 16% of crops in the US are irrigated, that acreage generates
almost 50% of the value of crops sold.
• Efficient and managable irrigation systems can increase farm
profitably and help direct that saved resource to others.
• CA, Texas, and Oklahoma combined for 2\3 of surface water
for livestock and agriculture
• Areas of major water usage for livestock are relative to areas
where corn, hay, and alfalfa are grown. For example: Texas,
Kansas, and Nebraska produce the most hay therefore feed
the majority of farms producing cattle.
Water Sources
• Here in Contra Costa County, we get our water from Contra
Costa Water District (CCWD).
• CCWD serves 550,000 people in the county.
• All of CCWD's water comes from the Sacramento-San
Joaquin Delta.
• The water goes through 6 water treatment plants before
being used.
Comparison in Water usage
• The average person uses around 80 to 100 gallons
of water a day
• The average american uses 171 gallons a day
• The average californian uses 192 gallons a day
Water Source (CCWD)
Electricity Source (PG&E)
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PG%26E
• http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/qahome.html
• http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/ene_usa_per_perenergy-usage-per-person
• http://www.ccwater.com/waterquality/faq.asp#tap
• http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/2004/circ1268/htdocs/textlv.html
• http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/WaterUse/