Cognitive Processes PSY 334


Cognitive Processes

PSY 334

Chapter 6 – Human Memory:

Encoding and Storage


 First rigorous investigation of human memory – 1885.

 Taught himself nonsense syllables


Savings – the amount of time needed to relearn a list after it has already been learned and forgotten.

 Forgetting function – most forgetting takes place right away.

Memory Models

 Atkinson & Shiffrin – proposed a threestage model including:

Sensory store – if attended goes to STM

Short-term memory (STM) – if rehearsed goes to LTM

 Long-term memory (LTM)

 No longer the current view of memory.

 Still presented in some books.

The Three-Stage Model





Sensory store retrieval


(working) memory encoding

Long-term memory

Executive control processes

Retention Times

Environment Sensory store retrieval


(working) memory encoding

Long-term memory

1-3 seconds 15-25 seconds 1 sec to a lifetime

Sensory Memory

 Holds info when it first comes in.

 Allows a person to extract meaning from an image or series of sounds.

 Sperling’s partial report procedure:

 A display of three rows of letters is presented.

 After it is taken away, a tone signals which row to report.

 Subjects were able to report most letters.

Sperling’s Partial Report

A medium tone signals the subject to report the letters in this row

Sperling’s Results


Kinds of Sensory Stores

 Iconic memory – visual

 Bright postexposure field wipes out memory after 1 sec, dark after 5 sec.

 Echoic memory – auditory

 Lasts up to 10 sec (measured by ERP)

 Located in the sensory cortexes.

Short Term Memory

 The original idea is that when info in sensory memory is paid attention to, it moves into short term memory.

 With rehearsal, it then moves into long term memory.

 STM has limited capacity, called memory span .

Miller’s magic number (7 ± 2)

 New info pushes out older info (Shepard)

Shepard & Teghtsoonian’s


Probability of recalling the target item

Number of intervening items

Criticisms of STM

 Rate of forgetting seemed to be quicker than Ebbinghaus’s data, but is not really.

 Amount of rehearsal appeared to be related to transfer to long-term memory.

 Later it was found that the kind of rehearsal matters, not the amount.

 Passive rehearsal does little to achieve long-term memory.

 Information can go directly to LTM.

Depth of Processing

 Craik & Lockhart – proposed that it is not how long material is rehearsed but the depth of processing that matters.

 Levels of processing demo.

Working Memory

 Baddeley – in working memory speed of rehearsal determines memory span.

 Articulatory loop – stores whatever can be processed in a given amount of time.

 Word length effect: 4.5 one-syllable words remembered compared to 2.6 long ones.

1.5 to 2 seconds material can be kept.

Visuospatial sketchpad – rehearses images

Central executive – controls other systems.

Word-Length Determines


Delayed Matching Task

 Delayed Matching to Sample – monkey must recall where food was placed.

Monkeys with lesion to frontal cortex cannot remember food location.

Human infants can’t do it until 1 year old.

 Regions of frontal cortex fire only during the delay – keeping location in mind.

 Different prefrontal regions are used to remember different kinds of information.

Delayed Matching to Sample

Activation and Long-Term


 Activation – how available information is to memory:

Probability of access – how likely you are to remember something.

Rate of access – how fast something can be remembered.

 From moment to moment, items differ in their degree of activation in memory.

Anderson’s ACT Model

 ACT – Adaptive Control of Thought

 Subjects shown the word “flood” should recall Noah but do not without “Bible,”

“animal” and “flood” together.

 When given the word flood they think of

Mississippi or Johnstown but not Noah.

 Why? Recall is based on both baseline and activation from associated concepts.

 Moses and Jesus have higher baselines.

Moses Illusion

 How many animals of each species did

Moses bring onto the ark?

 People respond 2 rather than none.

 This occurs because people do not focus attention on who did it, and because

Moses and Noah are both Biblical characters.

 This is a semantic illusion.

The ACT Model

Spreading Activation

 Activation spreads along the paths of a propositional network.

Related items are faster to recall.

 Associative priming – involuntary spread of activation to associated items in memory.

Kaplan’s dissertation – cues to solving riddles hidden in the environment led to faster solutions.

Associative Priming

 Meyer & Schvaneveldt – spreading activation affects how quickly words are read.

 Subjects judged whether pairs of related & unrelated items were words.

 Judgments about related words were faster.

Meyer and Schvaneveldt

Practice and Strength

 The amount of spreading activation depends on the strength of a memory.

 Memory strength increases with practice.

 Greater memory strength increases the likelihood of recall.

Power Function

 Each time we use a memory trace, it gradually becomes a little stronger.

 Power law of learning :

 T = 1.40 P -0.24

 T is recognition time, P is days of practice.

 Linear when plotted on log-log scale.

Learning Curves

Practicing Addition Problems

Long Term Potentiation (LTP)

 Neural changes may occur with practice:

 Long-term potentiation (LTP) in hippocampus.

 Repeated electrical stimulation of neurons leads to increased sensitivity.

 LTP changes are a power function.

Neural Changes Mirror

Behavioral Changes

Neural Correlates of Encoding

 Better memory occurs for items with stronger brain processing at the time of study:

 Words evoking higher ERP signals are better remembered later.

 Greater frontal activation with deeper processing of verbal information.

 Greater activation of hippocampus with better long-term memory.

Activation in Prefrontal Cortex

Words activate left prefrontal cortex

Pictures activate right prefrontal cortex

Hemodynamic = blow flow during brain activity

Factors Influencing Memory

 Study alone does not improve memory – what matters is how studying is done.

 Shallow study results in little improvement.

 Semantic associates (tulip-flower) better remembered than rhymes (tower-flower),

81% vs 70%.

 Better retention occurs for more meaningful elaboration.

Elaborative Processing

 Elaboration – embellishing an item with additional information.

 Anderson & Bower – subjects added details to simple sentences:

 57% recall without elaboration

 72% recall with made-up details added

 Self-generated elaborations are better than experimenter-generated ones.

Self-Generated Elaborations

 Stein & Bransford – subjects were given

10 sentences. Four conditions:

 Just the sentences alone – 4.2 adjectives

 Subject generates an elaboration – 5.8

 Experimenter-generated imprecise elaboration – 2.2

 Experimenter-generated precise elaboration – 7.8

 Precision of detail (constraint) matters, not who generates the elaboration.

Advance Organizers

 PQ4R method – use questions to guide reading.

 64% correct, compared to 57% (controls)

 76% of relevant questions correct, 52% of non-relevant.

 These study techniques work because they encourage elaboration.

 Question making and question answering both improve memory for text (reviewing is better than seeing the questions first).

Meaningful Elaboration

 Elaboration need not be meaningful – other sorts of elaboration also work.

 Kolers compared memory for right-sideup sentences with upside-down.

 Extra processing needed to read upside down may enhance memory.

 Slamecka & Graf – compared generation of synonyms and rhymes. Both improved memory, but synonyms did more.

Slamecka & Graf’s Results


 Method of Loci – place items in a location, then take a mental walk.

 Peg-word System – use peg words as a structure and associate a list of items with them using visualization.

 Create acronyms for lists of items.

 Convert nonsense syllables (DAX, GIB) into meaningful items by associating them with real words (e.g., DAD).

“This Old Man” Song



Pegword System

1 – bun

2 – shoe

3 – tree

4 – door

5 – hive

6 – sticks

7 – heaven

8 – gate

9 – wine

10 -- hen

Incidental Learning

 It does not matter whether people intend to learn something or not.

 What matters is how material is processed.

 Orienting tasks :

 Count whether word has e or g.

 Rate the pleasantness of words.

 Half of subjects told they would be asked to remember words later, half not told.

 No advantage to knowing ahead of time.

Awareness of Learning

Flashbulb Memories

 Self-reference effect -- people have better memory for events that are important to them and close friends.

 Flashbulb memories – recall of traumatic events long after the fact.

 Seem vivid but can be very inaccurate, just like everyday memories.

 Thatcher’s resignation:

 60% memory for UK subjects, 20% non-


9/11 Memories

 Talairco & Rubin (2003) found that 9/11 story-consistent details decreased and inconsistent details increased with time.

 Rate and amount of both kinds of details were closely similar for flashbulb & everyday memories.

 Sharot et al. (2007) reported greater activity in the amygdala for people closer to ground zero, when recalling 3 yrs later

Arousal & the Self-Reference


 Two explanations:

 Activation of the amygdala involves a biological mechanism reinforcing memory for events important to us.

 Info relevant and important to the self is rehearsed more often – resulting in better elaboration.

 High arousal may enhance memory above and beyond rehearsal.
