University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Transfer Student Orientation University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Orientation Introduction Welcome to transfer student orientation! Before we begin, you should’ve already received a white envelope with your username and password. Your username is listed on the outside of the envelope. You will use this to access your email and MyBlugold CampS, the student information and registration system. Your initial password is: uwec (lower case) ? followed by your four digit PIN (example: uwec?1234). Your PIN is found inside the envelope. You may have already changed your password after receiving your PIN. You will need the following materials that the Orientation Office recently sent you: - White binder - Manila file with your coursework information - Current university catalogue As you go though the orientation presentation, you will see page numbers in pink on the right hand corner of the slides which correspond with the pages in the white binder. Pages with a “T” (e.g. T-15) refer to the back section of the binder called Using Technology. You’ll also find web links to specific topics in light blue text. Please review the information in the binder/web links and discuss any questions or concerns during your orientation advising phone call. In addition, there will be a short quiz at the end of this orientation presentation that you’ll need to submit prior to your advising phone call. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire MyBlugold CampS As we go thought this presentation, we will frequently refer to MyBlugold CampS. It is the student information and registration system used on campus. Some of you may be familiar with this program while others may be new to it We’ll be providing you with more information about this program near the end of this presentation. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Student Services Email Payments (Bills) Instructional Resource Rental – Textbook Rental Housing Dining Services Blugold Card - ID Parking and Transportation The student services portion of this presentation covers a few topics related to transfer students. Since we can’t cover everything, we strongly recommend that you review the section “Where to Go for Help” on pages 28-35 in the binder. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire E-Bill & Payment Dates Spring Semester 2013 Dec./Jan. Students notified via UWEC email when bills available to view in MyBlugold CampS. Jan. 22 1st Day of Class – Financial aid disbursement begins Feb. 15 Full or Partial Payment Due March 15 Full Payment Due Page 59 A partial payment of at least 50% must be paid by the “Full or Partial Payment Due” date to avoid a $60 administrative service fee. Minnesota students with questions about reciprocity should contact the Minnesota Office of Higher Education. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Payment Information Payments may be made to the Business Office Online – Direct transfer from bank account Phone – 866-364-4178 Mail or In Person – Cashier Window, Schofield 108 Credit Card – 2.75% convenience fee – Visa not accepted Page 60 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Financial Aid If you have not applied—do so soon. Access Financial Aid info. via MyBlugold CampS Information available on our web-site Page 62-71 Transfer students planning to enroll in spring semester should note that financial aid does not automatically transfer from your previous school to UW-Eau Claire. You will need to request FAFSA information be sent to UW-Eau Claire. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Getting a Job Information in Binder On-line job board lists on and off campus jobs Work study eligibility often not required for on campus jobs Page 65 The on-line job board has opportunities for on-campus and off-campus employment. You can begin applying now. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Textbook Rental through the University Bookstore UWEC uses a textbook rental system Some texts/workbooks may need to be purchased You can pre-order your textbooks and pick them up at the bookstore All rental materials are due the last day of final exams (Fines if late) Textbooks listed in MyBlugold CampS Page 72 While UW-Eau Claire has a textbook rental system, you will probably still need to purchase supplemental materials. There are two ways to obtain your books: 1. Order your books online. You will need to have your class schedule available to complete your order. 2. Go to the bookstore and get books by following your class schedule. You will need both your class schedule and ID card to get textbooks. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Dining Services Living on campus meal plan required Four options (All Access, Blugold Ultimate, 150 Meal & Declining Balance) Select a plan on-line Default meal plan – All Access Meal Plan Change (on-line) through January 23, 2013 (by 4:30 pm) Handout in Binder Students living on campus are required to have a meal plan. For off-campus students, meal plans are optional. Students wanting to change meal plans may do so online during the first week of the semester. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire The Blugold Card/Account Official University ID card Access meal plan Campus debit card system Library Card Bus Pass –ride the city bus for free Free/reduced ticket prices ATM for Page 75 The Blugold Card is your official university ID card. You’ll need to get it soon after you arrive on campus. In addition to accessing a student’s meal plan (optional if living off campus), students can put money on their Blugold Account which works like a campus debit card. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Get Blugold ID Card 1. Need Picture ID 2. Need UWEC ID number (on manila folder) 3. Go to Blugold Card Office Drivers license or other picture ID Mc Kinney, Fred 5787241 4. Picture will be taken Once you get on campus, be sure to get your Blugold card right away. It’s available at the Blugold Card Office in Davies Center 110. You will need a picture ID to get your card. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Adding Money to your Meal Plan or Blugold Account Blugold Card Office – Cash, check, MasterCard or Visa Phone Blugold Card Office Deposit cash anytime at value transfer station – Hilltop Center, Towers Hall, Haas Fine Arts Center Deposit funds online – MasterCard or Visa – Parents can also add money as a “guest” Unlike the tuition payment, you may use credits cards to add money to your meal plan or Blugold account. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Parking On Campus Permits required for all lots except parking meters - On-Campus “R” (Residence Hall) – Needs Based - $117 “B” (Bollinger Lot- Park & Ride Bus) - $67 - Off-Campus “S” (Commuter Student) - $129 “E” (Economy - Park & Ride Bus) - $67 Parking meters enforced 8 am to 9 pm Pages 76-79A All Faculty/Staff (F) and Commuter Students (S) permit spaces become free parking after 3:00 p.m. EXCEPT in McPhee and Murray. Students living on campus are encouraged to leave their vehicles at home because of limited parking parking (“R” permits are awarded through a lottery system only in the fall. If any are available for spring they are issued as a Need Based option). Students living off campus are encouraged to take the City of Eau Claire Transit system (free with student ID). Offcampus students should also be aware of the City of Eau Claire odd/even parking calendar (November – April). The pages in the parking section of the binder includes information about the Resident Escort Shuttle Service and the University Conveyance System. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire On Campus Housing Lots of information on the Housing web-page, including a virtual tour Roommate assignment letters Not too late to apply for on-campus housing Move-in on January 16 (Wednesday) Pages 80-87 If you have specific questions about housing, contact the Housing and Residence Life Office at 715-836-3674. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Off-Campus Housing On-line housing list available Choose carefully and know your rights. Check out information in the binder pages Pages 88-90 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Emergency Notification System Notification system will alert students when a serious emergency exists on campus. Cell phone notification is available by subscribing through the UWEC home page (click on Emergency Info). Page 28 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Veteran Services Schofield 128 Assist veterans in applying for G.I. bill benefits and advise on other benefits available from the state and federal government. Miranda Cross-Schindler, Veterans Certifying Official, will help answer your questions. Veterans Center in Schofield Hall 020. Page 48 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Nontraditional Student Services Provides advising and advocacy to students generally ages 24 or older. Welcome letter and brochure of services will be in your file. Bonnie Isaacson is the adviser for the program. Page 37 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Services for Students with Disabilities Provides academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Accommodations may include: • Note taking assistance • Exam accommodations • Tutorial assistance • Early registration Office located in Old Library 2136 Page 47 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Student Health Services Offer health care services to currently enrolled students. Open weekdays when classes are in session. Appointment needed Located on upper campus in Crest Wellness Center Page 91-98 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Catalogue On-line Catalogue Contains University, General Education and major/minor requirements Will be under the 2012-2013 Catalog May be able to change catalogs Transfer students use the UW-Eau Claire catalog requirements in effect when they enroll. Students may move to an older/newer catalog year if its to their advantage (discuss with an academic adviser) Students who are accepted for fall semester will have academic information (e.g. degree audits) produced from the “old” catalogue until the “new” catalog is entered into the registration system. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Important Dates Spring Semester 2013 Jan. 22 Classes begin Jan. 28 Last day to add full semester classes Feb. 4 Last day to drop full semester class with no record of enrollment April 8 Last day to withdraw from a full semester class with “W” April 8 Last day to withdraw from the University with “W’s” May 13 - 17 Final Exams Page 3 You can add a full semester class during the first week of the semester without any signatures. During the second week, you’ll need the signatures of your adviser and the course instructor. You can drop a full semester class (with no record of enrollment) during the first two weeks of the semester without any signatures. You can withdraw from a full semester class with a “W” on your transcript between the 3rd and 10th week of classes. Courses with shorter lengths (e.g. first/second quarter) have different dates to add, drop and withdraw. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Good Academic Standing Criteria for Good Standing 1. Semester grade point average of 2.0 (C) or better 2. Resident grade point average of 2.0 (C) or better Page 5 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Three Stages of Academic Difficulty 1. Academic Warning 2. Probation 3. Suspension A student will be suspended automatically if the semester GPA is less than 1.0 (D) at UW-Eau Claire A transfer student will have already “used” their academic warning if the semester GPA is less than 2.0 (C) during any prior coursework Page 6 The links provide good information about issues related to academic difficulty University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Admission to Colleges/Programs College/Program GPA Business 2.6 Education 2.75 minimum 3.0 or above realistic Nursing 3.0 minimum 3.5 or above realistic Other program requirements listed in Catalogue Although a 2.0 GPA is sufficient to remain in good academic standing, it is not sufficient to get into some of the majors offered at UW-Eau Claire. The three Colleges/Programs on the slide are the most common for students, but more GPA requirements may be found in the catalogue (e.g. Communication/Journalism). University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Total vs. Resident GPA Resident GPA Total GPA Courses only taken at UW-Eau Claire Courses taken at UW-Eau Claire and all transferable coursework Used to determine “academic standing” Used for admission to programs Used for admission to programs Page 6 UW-Eau Claire keeps track of three GPA’s: Resident GPA – Coursework taken at UW-Eau Claire Transfer GPA – Transferable coursework taken at a previous school(s). Total GPA – Combination of resident and transfer GPA. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Repeat Policy-Transfer Students Transfer students can repeat a course at UW-Eau Claire that they originally took at another school. If original grade was “C-” or lower, new grade will replace the first in the total GPA. This is especially important for students seeking admission to the schools and programs that look at total as well as resident GPA’s. Page 6 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Excess Credit Policy UW-System policy Wisconsin residents only 165 credits or 30 beyond required for degree 100% surcharge = Tuition would double Includes: transferable credits from all UW-System and WI Technical Colleges Not included: credit by exam (AP, CLEP) confirming courses (retroactive credits) Page 6 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Information Found in Manila Folder Advising Report Student Transfer Evaluation Transfer Issues Form Degree Audit This section will cover the information listed above which can be found in your manila folder University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Advising Report University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire If you took UW-System placement tests your scores and equivalent courses will be indicated on this form. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Math Placement Basic Algebra Trigonometry Course Placement Math 10 (Mandatory Introductory Algebra) Math 20 (Mandatory Intermediate Algebra) 396-585 Math 104, 106, 108, 109, 203, or 246 586-625 Math 111 or 112 150-585 Math 111 or 113 586-850 Math 114 150-325 150-395 326-850 626-850 Page 15 This is the chart for the UW-System math placement test. You may not take a course higher than the one into which you placed without permission from the Math department. If you have any questions, discuss with the transfer adviser. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Foreign Language Placement French Score Placement 150-403 French 101 404-455 French 102 456-552 French 201 553-773 French 202 774-850 French 315 German Score Placement 150-380 German 101 381-474 German 102 475-630 German 201 631-820 German 202 821+ German 313 Spanish Score Placement 150-414 Spanish 101 415-499 Spanish 102 500-583 Spanish 201 584-850 Spanish 202 Japanese Score Placement 0-60 Japanese 101 61-115 Japanese 102 116-165 Japanese 201 166-195 Japanese 202 196 and above Japanese 301 Page 18 This is the chart for the UW-System foreign language placement tests. You cannot take a course LOWER than the one into which you placed. If you have any questions, discuss with the transfer adviser. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Foreign Language Test Not Needed If you have been out of high school for at least 3 years. You plan to take a language you have never studied. You are transferring a prerequisite course (ex. Span 101). If you plan to take a Foreign Language (French, German, Japanese or Spanish) and are exempt from taking the test, you will still need to contact the Foreign Language department at 715-836-4287 to get clearance to be eligible to register for the course you plan to take. Page 8 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Student Transfer Evaluation STUDENT TRANSFER EVALUATION Name: ID: Run Date Run Time 03/09/2010 16:02:15 Academic Program: No Active Program Found ************************************************** COURSE CREDIT ************************************************** Transfer Credit Type: External Transfer Institution: Minn State Univ-Moorhead Articulation Program: Business – Undergrad Internal Articulation Term : 2010-11 Fall Semester 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 External Subject Nbr PSY 113 GEOS 170 HLTH 330 MATH 102 HLTH 122 FYE 101 MDEV 127 ATHL 181P ENGL 101 ENGL 102 Transfer Record Title Units Gen Psychology 3.00 Earth Science 3.00 Disease Preventn 2.00 Intro To Math 3.00 Alcohol+Coll Life 1.00 1st Yr Experience 1.00 Intermediate Algebra 4.00 V Softball 1.00 Comp/Lit I 3.00 English Comp II 3.00 Grd D A B+ C BA B A A IP Status Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Rejected Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Internal Equivalency/Reject Reason Subject Nbr Title Units PSYC 100 INTRO TO PSYCH 3.00 ELEC 920L LD GE 2 3.00 ENPH 907U UD ELECTIVE 2.00 TRANS 100 Consult with Departm 3.00 TRANS 101 Defer Reject rule found MATH 20 INTERMED ALGEBRA 4.00 KINS 108 INTERCOL ATHLETIC 1.00 ELEC 907L LD ELECTIVE 3.00 ENGL 110 INTR COLL WRITING Grd Repeat D A B+ C BB A A IP Transfer Credit Summary: Minn State Univ-Moorhead No Rule Category Transferred Total Accepted (Not Posted) Contingent Posted Not Transferred Total Rejected 0.00 Total 23.00 23.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 The Student Transfer Evaluation indicates how your courses transfer. More information on consults, defers, and other terms. Advanced Placement (AP) credit does not automatically transfer to UW-Eau Claire. You will need to have you score report sent to the Academic Testing Office. If you have any questions, discuss with your transfer adviser. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Transfer Issues Form A Transfer Issues Form has been created and identifies three issues: 1. Whether UW-Eau Claire’s English Composition requirement has been met. 2. Which UW-System placement tests are needed. 3. Consults, defers, and other issues that need to be addressed, and where to go for assistance. Let your transfer adviser know if you will earn (or have earned) your Associate Degree from the UW-Colleges as this will affect the completion of your General Education requirements. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Components of a Degree 120 Credits 39 Credits (minimum) 60 Credits Major & Minor or Comprehensive Major General Education GE I English Course Competency Math Competency Communications GE II Natural Sciences GE III Social Sciences Foreign Language/Culture Cultural Diversity GE IV Humanities Service-Learning GE V University Wide GE Wellness Theory/Activity Electives Page 14 More information on Components of a Degree University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Degree Audit (Online or PDF Formats) The degree audit is a computerized report that indicates how you are progressing towards fulfilling your degree. It indicates the requirements you have completed, those in progress and those still needing to be met. It is based on the 2012-13 Catalog. The degree audit can be viewed as an interactive online degree audit or as a PDF. There are significant differences between the two, in both look and content. The PDF format is what you will find in your advising file. The example below is what you will see in MyBlugold CampS when you request a degree audit. The online version is by sections in blue. For instructions on how to use the online degree audit see the Technology section (T-37) of the UW-Eau Claire binder. The light green box will generate the PDF degree audit. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Degree Audit Organization University Requirements General Education Requirements Major & Minor Requirements The degree audit is organized from the most general to the most specific requirements. The first column of the PDF degree audit will have a list of important messages. After this there will be a “Course summery” list. This will list all of your courses in various categories. The audit then begins checking your University Requirements, then your General Education Requirements, and finally the requirements for your major and minor (if applicable). University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Degree Audit PDF Format It’s important to go through your Degree Audit section by section (line by line) to determine what requirements you’ve met and what needs to be completed. If you see a star (*) next to a requirement, it is one still needing to be fulfilled. Please note – In progress courses will be treated as if you have completed them. The requirement may appear as completed, even if you haven’t finished the course. If something does not look correct on your degree audit please be sure to ask your adviser. Before your advising phone appointment, it’s expected that you have looked through your degree audit and are prepared to discuss it. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Building a Class Schedule Materials to use: Degree Audit MyBlugold CampS – Online course searching and registration program G.E. lists (pp. 19-22) Catalog The items above will be helpful as you begin to plan your class schedule. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire What you need to Register Username (on degree audit) Password – Changed it (use your new password) – Not changed it - know PIN (uwec?1234) – Not changed it - forgot PIN (talk to Katie or Erik) PAC (get from adviser) To register for classes, you’ll need you username, password, and PAC. Your username is on the degree audit. If you previously changed your password, use the new one you created. If you have not changed your password but have your four digit PIN, the password is uwec (lower case) ? Followed by your PIN (example: uwec?1234). If you have not changed your password and do not have your PIN, talk to the transfer adviser. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire UW-Eau Claire Academic Information University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire MyBlugold CampS On-Line program that students use to register for classes and much more Accessed through the UW-Eau Claire home page. Username and password is needed Step-by-Step instructions Tutorials on using MyBlguold CampS It’s important to check out MyBlugold CampS before your phone appointment. Page T-16 MyBlugold CampS allows you to search for courses, register, drop/add, look up grades, and order degree audits, transcripts, or bills via the Web. The course searching links to the class schedule and the catalogue. Make certain that you check the prerequisites for the courses. The Step-by-Step Guide to Registering is found on page T-21 in the white binder. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire UW-Eau Claire Webmail Using email regularly is an expectation To get started with email go to Your email address is: (e.g. Detailed instructions in binder Page T-10 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Orientation Adviser Phone Appointment Topics Placement Tests – Do you need them? Transcripts – How classes transfer Degree audit – Requirements unfulfilled? Questions about MyBlugold CampS & Web Mail Courses planning to take Additional Questions During the phone call with the Orientation Adviser, the topics above will be addressed. Please be prepared with questions. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Expectations When Calling Faculty Adviser Be knowledgeable about your degree audit Prepare a list of questions Create a list of courses as well as alternative courses you wish to take Remember to ask for PAC code and adviser assignment The Key is Be Prepared The PAC is your Personal Advising Code. It’s a two letter code that will allow you to register for classes. Be sure to get this code from your faculty adviser during your phone appointment. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Next Steps Take quiz Schedule phone appointment with transfer adviser and faculty adviser. Prepare and participate in phone appointments Register using MyBlugold CampS once your appointment time has arrived. You are responsible for calling the transfer adviser and faculty adviser for your phone appointments.