CRCT Warm Up - Mr. Rogers' 8th Grade SS Class

2. How many states border Georgia?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
3. What are the names of the states that border Georgia?
A. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, and South Carolina
B. Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Florida
C. Alabama, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, and North Carolina
D. Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Florida, and North Carolina
6. On which continent is Georgia located?
A. Asia
B. Europe
C. North America D. South America
8. How many physiographic (geographic) regions does Georgia have?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
9. What is the smallest physiographic (geographic) area in Georgia?
A. Appalachian Plateau B. Blue Ridge C. Coastal Plain D. Ridge and Valley
13. In which region is Atlanta located?
A. Appalachian Plateau B. Blue Ridge C. Piedmont Plateau D. Ridge and Valley
14. Through which physiographic (geographic) regions do the Appalachian Mountains
A. Coastal Plain, Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley
B. Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, Appalachian Plateau
C. Ridge and Valley, Appalachian Plateau, Piedmont
D. Blue Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, Coastal Plain
16. What is the largest physiographic (geographic) region in Georgia?
A. Appalachian Plateau B. Coastal Plain C. Piedmont Plateau D. Ridge and Valley
20. In which region is the Okefenokee Swamp, the largest swamp in North America,
A. Blue Ridge
B. Coastal Plain C. Piedmont Plateau
D. Ridge and Valley
21. What is the highest peak in Georgia?
A. Amicalola Falls B. Brasstown Bald C. Cloudland Canyon
D. Tallulah Gorge
Stop Here
22. Which statement does NOT describe a characteristic of the barrier islands?
A. They serve as a wilderness sanctuary.
B. They protect the beaches from erosion.
C. They are frequently a target of hurricanes.
D. They attract thousands of tourists each year.
24. What two regions are separated by the Fall Line?
A. Appalachian Plateau and Blue Ridge
B. Blue Ridge and Piedmont Plateau
C. Coastal Plain and Blue Ridge
D. Coastal Plain and Piedmont Plateau
28. Georgia’s manmade lakes do NOT
A. store natural ground water.
B. produce hydroelectric power.
C. provide recreational opportunities.
D. supply water to the cities.
43. Georgia’s climate attracts business and industry because the state
A. seldom receives much snow.
B. has a consistently mild climate.
C. rarely experiences tornadoes.
D. does not have hurricanes.
50. Which city is MOST LIKELY to experience a direct hit of a hurricane?
A. Athens
B. Helen
C. Plains
D. Savannah
51. Weather over a long period of time is
A. climate.
B. geography.
C. seasons.
D. topography.
53. What was the oldest prehistoric Indian
civilization found in Georgia?
A. Archaic
B. Mississippian
C. Paleo
56. Why have few Paleo artifacts been found
in any one place?
A. Few people lived during that time.
B. People did not leave any artifacts.
C. Artifacts disappeared over time.
D. People moved frequently.
57. During which prehistoric period did large
game become extinct?
A. Archaic
B. Mississippian
C. Paleo
58. Why did the Archaic people move
A. to find secure shelter
B. to locate farmland
C. to trade with others
D. to find enough food
59. During which prehistoric period did
horticulture begin?
A. Archaic
B. Mississippian
C. Paleo
60. Which people were the FIRST to make
and use pottery?
A. Archaic
B. Mississippian
C. Paleo
64. Who were the FIRST people to use burial
A. Archaic
B. Mississippian
C. Paleo
67. Which statement BEST explains why
there are so few Paleo sites in Georgia?
A. Remains from the “Old Stone Age” have
been destroyed by natural forces.
B. The nomadic Paleo Indians did not leave
many artifacts in one place.
C. Paleo sites were often looted by cultural
groups that came after them.
D. Paleo Indians lived primarily in western
states, not in Georgia.
68. Which factor resulted in prehistoric
Indians making permanent settlements?
A. The Indians had abundant large game.
61. Which early people grew tobacco to use in
A. Archaic
B. Mississippian
C. Paleo
62. Which people were the FIRST to live in
A. Archaic
B. Mississippian
C. Paleo
63. During which prehistoric period did the
bow and arrow come into use?
A. Archaic
B. Mississippian
C. Paleo
B. The Indians began to cultivate plants.
C. The Indians followed herds of large animals.
D. The Indians wanted to band together for
75. Who was the FIRST explorer to enter
present-day Georgia?
A. Ferdinand Magellan
B. Ponce de Leon
C. Hernando de Soto
D. Francisco Pizarro
91. The MAIN purpose of the Spanish
missions in the barrier islands was to
A. provide protection for the area’s European
B. convert the Indians to Catholicism.
C. establish trade with Spain.
D. claim land for Spain.
97. Why was de Soto’s expedition considered
a failure?
A. De Soto died before the expedition was
B. De Soto traveled in the wrong direction.
C. De Soto did not find any gold or riches.
D. De Soto’s men died of disease.
98. How did de Soto’s march through
Georgia change the lives and culture of
Native Americans?
A. The expedition encouraged others to settle on
land that belonged to Native Americans.
B. The expedition was responsible for
converting Native Americans to Catholicism.
C. The expedition set up new trading
opportunities for Native Americans.
D. The expedition introduced Native Americans
to new types of food.
A. Cherokee and Chickasaw.
B. Cherokee and Creek.
C. Mississippian and Creek.
D. Seminole and Cherokee.
131. Which country was NOT a major
colonizer of the New World?
A. France
B. Spain
C. Great Britain
D. Italy
140. The trade policy of Great Britain during
the period of colonization was called
A. free trade.
B. mercantilism.
C. merchandising.
D. trade tariffs.
99. The two largest Indian nations living in
Georgia during the colonial period were the
146. The first Georgia settlements were
A. on river bluffs.
B. at the Fall Line.
C. on sandy beaches.
D. at the forks of rivers
149. Georgia’s first settlement was made near
the present city of
A. Athens.
B. Atlanta.
C. Macon.
D. Savannah.
148. Georgia’s Charter of 1732 did NOT
include a provision that
A. guaranteed every settler his day in court to
settle differences.
B. gave the king of England control of the
C. prohibited Catholics from becoming
D. banned liquor in the colony.
151. Why did James Oglethorpe suggest
forming a colony for the poor?
A. England wanted to get rid of debtors
B. Oglethorpe had a friend who died in a
debtors’ prison.
C. The homeless would readily come to the New
D. The poor were mostly well-educated people
who had fallen on hard times.
152. Georgia was NOT settled in order to provide
A. a defensive border against the French and Spanish.
B. more land and power for Great Britain.
C. a place to offer religious freedom.
D. a short route to the West Indies.
153. According to Georgia’s Charter of 1732,
which group of people could become
A. blacks
B. lawyers
C. liquor dealers
157. What Indians were led by Tomochichi?
A. Cherokee
B. Creek
C. Oconee
D. Yamacraw
160. What ship transported Oglethorpe and
Georgia’s first colonists from England to
A. the Ann
B. the Nina
165. Which statement does NOT provide a
reason for British leaders wanting to establish
a new colony in Georgia?
A. Great Britain was overpopulated.
B. The British wanted to convert the Indians to
C. Overseas colonies would enhance the British
D. South Carolina colonists needed protection
from the Spanish.
171. Who served as an interpreter for James
A. William Bull
B. Mary Musgrove
C. Samuel Nunes
D. Tomochichi
C. the Mayflower
D. the Pinta
161. When did King George II grant
Oglethorpe and his group a charter for the
colony of
A. 1492
B. 1607
C. 1732
D. 1776
162. Where did James Oglethorpe and the
first Georgia colonists land when they arrived
A. Ossabaw Island on Ossabaw Sound
B. Fort Frederica near St. Simons Island
C. Yamacraw Bluff on the Savannah River
D. Fort Pulaski on the Savannah River
172. Tomochichi allowed James Oglethorpe
to settle on a bluff overlooking which river?
A. Altamaha River
B. Flint River
C. Savannah River
D. St. Marys River
175. Which statement does NOT describe a
restriction placed on Georgia’s trustees?
A. They could not expand west of the Savannah
B. They could not own land in Georgia.
C. They could not profit from their work.
D. They could not hold political office.
176. Germans from Salzburg came to Georgia
A. obtain free land.
B. obtain religious freedom.
C. be freed from debtors’ prisons.
D. relieve the overcrowding in Germany.
178. Where did the Salzburgers first settle?
A. Albany
B. Darien
C. Ebenezer
D. Savannah
183. Where did the Highland Scots settle in
A. Augusta
B. Darien
C. New Ebenezer
D. Savannah
191. What term was used to describe those
who complained about the policies of the
A. dissidents
B. malcontents
C. objectors
D. rebels
192. The Highland Scots opposed
A. keeping close ties with Great Britain.
B. giving women the right to vote.
C. trading with the Spanish.
D. permitting slavery.
184. What was the importance of the Battle of
Bloody Marsh?
A. It ended the threat of war from Native
B. It demonstrated the strength of the British
C. It resulted in Georgia’s gaining new lands on
which to settle.
D. It was the beginning of a safe southern
frontier for the British.
185. What group came to the aid of James
Oglethorpe in the Battle of Bloody Marsh?
A. Catholics
B. Highland Scots
C. Salzburgers
D. Spaniards
186. Which was NOT an area of discontent in
A. slavery
B. voting rights
C. the sale of rum
D. ownership of land
193. In 1752, Georgia became a
A. debtor colony.
B. proprietary colony.
C. royal colony.
D. self-governing colony.
194. Who was the first royal governor of
A. Robert Castell
B. Robert Montgomery
C. James Oglethorpe
D. John Reynolds
195. Who controlled Georgia when it became
a royal colony?
A. James Oglethorpe
B. a bicameral legislature
C. the king of Great Britain
D. the people
196. While John Reynolds was its royal
governor, Georgia established
A. a unicameral legislature.
B. local governing bodies.
C. a court system.
D. land ownership rights
200. Who was the second royal governor of
A. Henry Ellis
B. Henry Musgrove
C. John Reynolds
D. James Wright
202. Who was governor of Georgia when
palisades were built around Savannah,
Sunbury became Georgia’s main port of
entry, and the term crackers was used to refer
to undesirables?
A. James Wright
B. John Reynolds
C. James Oglethorpe
D.Henry Ellis
238. What two countries were involved in the
negotiations that ended the French and
Indian War?
A. Italy and France
B. France and Great Britain
C. Great Britain and Portugal
D. France and the United States
240. What law forbade colonists to move west
of the Appalachian Mountains?
A. Emancipation Proclamation
B. Intolerable Acts
C. Missouri Compromise
D. Proclamation of 1763
243. Which statement BEST describes how
the French and Indian War led to America’s
Revolutionary War?
A. Great Britain gained control of Canada and
tried to use Canada’s tax structure on the
thirteen colonies.
B. France lost the Louisiana Territory and the
Southern Colonies argued with Great Britain
206. Which statement BEST describes
Georgia’s first government as a royal colony?
A. The government had a unicameral legislature
representing Georgia’s eight counties.
B. The government had a bicameral legislature
representing Georgia’s eight parishes.
C. The government included a House of
Commons and a House of Assembly.
D. The government had an Advisory Council
appointed by the king of England.
218. Which group of colonies had the mildest
A. Middle Colonies
B. New England Colonies
C. Southern Colonies
D.Western Colonies
over claims to the newly acquired land.
C. To get revenge, France incited rebellion in
the colonies and enticed Spain to move into
the territories of the British colonies.
D. To get money to repay war debts, Great
Britain taxed the colonies on the premise that
the war had been necessary to protect the
colonies from the French.
244. Which was NOT a cause of the American
A. Stamp Act
B. Sugar Act
C. Taxation Act
D. Townshend Acts
246. Which event began with a snowball fight
and ended with five deaths?
A. Battles of Lexington and Concord
B. Battle of Bunker Hill
C. Boston Massacre
D. Boston Tea Party
248. Which was NOT a reason for Georgia to
stay loyal to England?
A. Many colonists still had family in Great
Britain and did not want to put them in
B. Life under the Patriots might be harder than
life under the control of the British.
C. The colonists in Georgia were not directly
affected by the British laws.
D. The British king was still paying money to
support the colonies.
251. Who was the primary author of the
Declaration of Independence?
A. John Adams
B. Benjamin Franklin
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Thomas Paine
255. Where did the final major battle of the
American Revolution take place?
A. Camden
B. Concord
C. Lexington
D. Yorktown
256. Which statement does NOT describe an
advantage of the colonists during the
A. They were fighting for their freedom.
B. They were fighting in a concentrated area.
C. They were fighting for their homes.
D. They were fighting on familiar terrain.
261. What was a consequence of the Stamp
A. Georgia’s only newspaper ceased being
B. The colonists stopped all trade with the
253. Where did the first colonial victory in
Georgia during the American Revolution
A. Kettle Creek
B. Lexington
C. Savannah
D. Sunbury
254. Who was the commander of the
Continental Army during the American
A. Elijah Clarke
B. Nathanael Greene
C. Benjamin Lincoln
D. George Washington
C. British troops were housed in colonial homes.
D. The Boston Tea Party was held.
306. What was the purpose of the headright
system in Georgia?
A. It provided an organized system of collecting
B. It established a method of counting
C. It administered voting and election districts.
D. It distributed Indian lands to new settlers.
307. What scandal took place when Georgia’s
governor and some legislators were bribed to
sell public land to private developers at
below-market prices?
A. Trail of Tears fraud
B. Yazoo land fraud
C. Mississippi land fraud
D. Georgia’s land lottery
308. Why did Georgia give up land claims in
what are now Mississippi and Alabama?
A. The federal government paid millions to
settle the Yazoo land fraud and disputed
right to the land.
B. The state could not claim the land because the
General Assembly illegally sold it to
private companies.
C. The state did not have the millions of dollars
required to purchase the land from Spain.
D. The federal government wanted to set that
land aside for the Indian population.
311. What system replaced the headright
system as a way of allocating land?
A. tomahawk rights
B. land lottery
C. surveying
D. land rush
314. Which was NOT a result of the Yazoo
land fraud?
327. The removal of the Cherokee from
Georgia is remembered as the
A. Long Journey Home.
B. Overland Trail.
C. Trail to Nowhere.
D. Trail of Tears.
336. What was George Gist’s (Sequoyah’s)
major contribution to the Cherokee culture?
A. He signed the treaty giving Cherokee lands to
the United States.
B. He signed the treaty moving the Cherokee to
the Indian Territory.
C. He gained fame as a hunter and trapper and
trading the fur for weapons.
D.He developed a syllabary so the Cherokee
could have a written language.
337. Who worked out the Treaty of Indian
Springs, which ceded the last Creek lands in
A. All land sales were repealed.
B. All records of land sales were burned.
C. The federal government paid money to settle
D. Those who bought the land made large profits
from its eventual sale.
322. Why was William McIntosh, a Creek
chief, murdered by his own people?
A. He signed a treaty giving up the last Creek
lands in Georgia to the federal government.
B. He was the cousin of Georgia’s Governor
George Troup.
C. He was defeated in a fight with the Georgia
D.He became friendly with the Cherokee.
323. Who were the first Native Americans to
be removed to the western territories under
Indian Removal Act?
A. Cherokee
B. Creek
C. Algonquian
D. Choctaw
A. Andrew Jackson and William McIntosh
B. Andrew Jackson and Chief Menawa
C. Governor George Troup and William
D. Governor George Troup and Chief Menawa
338. What discovery led to the final Indian
removal from Georgia?
A. silver on Creek lands
B. gold in Dahlonega
C. oil in Columbus
D. zinc in Madison
339. What legislation allowed Georgia to push
the Creek and Cherokee out of the state and
to seize their lands?
A. Treaty of New York
B. Treaty of Indian Springs
C. Indian Removal Act of 1830
D. U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Worchester v.
340. Who was the Chief Justice of the U.S.
Supreme Court who ruled that Cherokee
was not subject to state law?
A. John C. Calhoun
B. Andrew Jackson
C. John Marshall
D. John Ross
341. Who was the chief of the Cherokee who
took a petition to Congress protesting the
Cherokee removal from their land?
A. William McIntosh
B. Chief Menawa
C. John Ross
D. Sequoyah
B. large number of cities
C. favored high tariffs
D. supported states’ rights
344. Which was NOT a characteristic of the
South in the antebellum period?
A. mobile class structure
B. favored low tariffs
C. supported slavery
D. few formal educational institutions
349. With which church was Bishop Richard
Allen associated in the early 1800s?
A. Roman Catholic Church
B. First African Baptist Church
C. Church of the Latter Day Saints
D. African Methodist Episcopal Church
343. Which was NOT a characteristic of the
North in the antebellum period?
A. mobile class structure
367. Which invention had the greatest effect
on Georgia’s economy in the early 1800s?
A. railroad
B. telegraph
C. cotton gin
D. mechanical reaper
368. What LEAST affected industrialization
during the period of western expansion?
A. loans for land purchases to increase
commercial farming
B. abundant power and a supply of laborers for
C. inventions such as the cotton gin, reaper, and
cotton spinning wheels
D. the discovery of gold, which could be used as
a source of funding or industrial
369. Which invention did NOT contribute
directly to the industrialization of the United
States during the period of western
A. cotton gin
B. mechanical reaper
C. Franklin pot-bellied stove
D. water-powered spinning machine
372. Atlanta at one time was called Terminus
A. a majority of the railroads went through the
B. no major railroad went through the city.
C. the longest railroad line ended there.
D. all the railroads ended there.
373. Who invented the cotton gin?
A. Cyrus McCormick
B. Eli Whitney
C. Elias Howe
D. John Deere
374. The cotton gin was used to
A. pick cotton.
B. plant cotton.
C. turn cotton fiber into thread.
D. separate the seeds from the cotton fiber.
376. Who invented the reaper?
A. Elias Howe
B. Cyrus McCormick
C. James Rumsey
D. Eli Whitney
377. How did the cotton gin and reaper affect
Georgia farmers?
A. The inventions decreased the need for slaves.
B. The inventions gave farmers more leisure
C. The inventions increased the cost of farm
D. The inventions allowed farmers to work
larger farms.
388. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written by
A. Harriet Beecher Stowe.
B. Angelina Grimke.
C. William Lloyd Garrison.
D. Frederick Douglass.
389. According to the provisions of the
Missouri Compromise, what state was
admitted as a
free state?
A. California
B. Kansas
C. Maine
390. What was the main importance of the
Missouri Compromise?
A. It permitted slavery to expand into the upper
midwestern United States.
B. It gave slaves states more representation than
free states in Congress.
C. It ended border skirmishes between Missouri
and Kansas.
381. How did Eli Whitney’s invention
influence the growth of slavery in the South?
A. It made it easier for slaves to pick cotton.
B. It increased the profits from growing cotton.
C. It made it easier to produce cloth from cotton.
D. It replenished the soil so that more cotton
could be grown.
387. Which statement does NOT describe the
North’s position on states’ rights?
A. States should obey the laws passed by
B. All political decisions should be made to
benefit the entire country.
C. The interests of the national government
should take precedence over the states.
D. Politicians from states like Maine or New
York cannot relate to the needs of states like
Georgia or South Carolina.
D. It provided a temporary solution to the
slavery question.
391. Sectionalism may BEST be defined as
A. belief that one region is better or more
important than another.
B. differences among states based on states’
C. allocation of resources based on need.
D. desire to divide two or more regions.
392. Which was NOT a provision of the
Compromise of 1850?
A. California entered the Union as a free state.
B. Slave trade was ended in the District of
C. The territories of New Mexico and Utah
would decide if they wanted to be slave or free.
D. Congress would pass a fugitive slave law to
give freedom to slaves who ran away to free
393. What is the correct sequence in which
the following events occurred?
1. Kansas-Nebraska Act
2. Missouri Compromise
3. Mexican-American War
4. Dred Scott decision
A. 2-4-3-1
B. 3-1-4-2
C. 1-4-3-2
D. 2-3-1-4
397. Which was NOT a cause of the Civil
A. federalism
B. sectionalism
C. slavery
D. states’ rights
402. Who led a raid on a federal arsenal at
Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West
A. John Brown
B. Stonewall Jackson
C. Robert E. Lee
D. Lewis Washington
403. What was the name given to a system of
roads, houses, river crossings, boats, wagons,
woods and streams that provided an escape
route for slaves?
A. Chariot Way
B. Freedom Trail
C. North Star Route
D. Underground railroad
406. What Georgia leader became the vice
president of the Confederate States of
398. Who planned a slave revolt in nearby
South Carolina?
A. Frederick Douglass
B. Gabriel Prosser
C. Nat Turner
D. Denmark Vesey
399. Who led the bloodiest slave revolt in
American history?
A. Frederick Douglass
B. Gabriel Prosser
C. Nat Turner
D. Denmark Vesey
401. Which was NOT a restriction imposed
by slave codes?
A. Slaves could not testify against whites.
B. Slaves could not carry a weapon.
C. Slaves could not hit whites.
D. Slaves could not marry.
A. Robert Toombs
B. Alexander Stephens
C. Herschel Johnson
D. Joseph Brown
410. Which statement about the election of
1860 is FALSE?
A. A person who received a minority of the
votes cast was elected.
B. The Republican party had a presidential
candidate for the first time.
C. A candidate who received votes from only
one section of the country was elected
D. The person elected president won without
receiving one electoral vote from the states
in the South.
412. Which outcome resulted from the
Compromise of 1850?
A. Slavery was eliminated in the District of
B. California was allowed to enter the Union as
a free state with no slavery.
C. Texas was allowed to annex New Mexico,
extending slavery into that territory.
D. Popular sovereignty was established,
allowing states to vote on whether or not to have
413. The purpose of the Fugitive Slave Law
was to
A. require slaves to have citizenship papers in
order to obtain jobs.
B. prevent slaves from testifying against whites
in court trials.
C. prevent slaves from having group gatherings
or meetings.
D. require the return of runaway slaves to their
414. What Georgians held positions of
leadership in the Confederate States of
425. What was the importance of Fort Sumter?
A. It was strategically important to the South.
B. It was the last southern garrison under federal control.
C. It was the location of the first skirmish of the Civil
D. It was the largest southern garrison under federal
427. Which was NOT an advantage of the North as it
prepared for war?
A. The North had a larger and better educated
B. The North was the location of the federal
C. The North had a better transportation system.
D. The North had more factories and industry.
428. Which was NOT an advantage of the South as it
prepared for war?
A. The South had better military leaders.
B. The South had closer ties to foreign countries.
A. Jefferson Davis and Herschel V. Johnson
B. Robert Toombs and Alexander Stephens
C. Joseph Brown and Thomas Cobb
D. John Fremont and C. B. Strong
415. Why did the United States Supreme
Court rule against Dred Scott?
A. because he was the property of his owner and
could be taken anywhere
B. because he did not live long enough in a free
territory to be free
C. because Scott was a slave, he was not eligible
to sue in court
D. because he returned to a slave state, he could
not be freed
416. What was the “Georgia Platform”?
A. It was a statement supporting states’ rights.
B. It was a statement supporting popular
C. It was a statement supporting the
Compromise of 1850.
D. It was a statement supporting slavery
throughout the United States.
C. The South was fighting for a cause — independence.
D. The South was familiar with the land where most of
the fighting would take place.
431. Who was the general who headed the
Confederate forces?
A. Ulysses S. Grant
B. Robert E. Lee
C. George B. McClellan
D. William T. Sherman
432. What were the two major campaigns fought in
Georgia during the Civil War?
A. Atlanta campaign and the Savannah campaign
B. Northern Georgia campaign and the Atlanta campaign
C. Chickamauga campaign and the Jonesboro campaign
D. Fort Pulaski campaign and the Chickamauga
436. Where was a notorious Confederate prison in
A. Alcatraz
B. Andersonville
C. Belle Isle
D. Fulton
448. Where did the bloodiest one-day battle of the
Civil War take place?
A. Antietam B. Gettysburg C. Shiloh D. Vicksburg
434. After the destruction caused by his march
through Georgia, why did General Sherman
refrain from burning Savannah?
A. He spared the hometown of his West Point
B. He gave Savannah to President Lincoln as a
Christmas present.
C. He protected over $28 million worth of cotton stored
in Savannah.
D.He had divided the upper and lower Confederacy and
so did not need to destroy the
435. William T. Sherman attacked the civilian
infrastructure between Atlanta and Savannah
in order to
A. retaliate for lives lost in the battle for Atlanta.
B. force Georgia troops to return home to defend
C. end civilian support for the war effort and shorten the
D. punish the South for seceding from the Union and
forming the Confederacy
458. What did the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution do?
A. It abolished slavery.
B. It made blacks citizens.
C. It gave blacks the right to vote.
D. It gave blacks the right to own property.
459. What did the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution do?
A. It abolished slavery.
B. It made blacks citizens.
C. It gave blacks the right to vote.
D. It gave blacks the right to own property.
460. What did the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution do?
A. It abolished slavery.
B. It made blacks citizens.
C. It gave blacks the right to vote.
D. It gave blacks the right to own property.
A. Sharecroppers received a percentage of the crops
produced and could set aside cash
money to purchase their own land, while tenant farmers
had difficulty saving cash.
B. Sharecroppers owned nothing but their labor, while
tenant farmers owned farm animals
and equipment to use in working other people’s lands.
C. Tenant farmers received a cash salary or wage for
their farm work, while sharecroppers
received only a portion of the crops they raised.
D. Tenant farmers earned equity or an interest in the land
they worked from year to year
so that eventually they would own their own property.
469. The Black Codes
A. denied blacks an education.
B. set a five-day work week for blacks.
C. allowed marriage between the races.
D. allowed imprisonment of unemployed blacks.
463. What was the purpose of the Freedmen’s
A. to help former slaves
B. to help all free people in the South
C. to help all poor people in the South
D. to help former slaves and poor whites
468. Which statement BEST describes the differences
between sharecropping and tenant
471. Perhaps the main goal of the Ku Klux Klan was
A. return control of the southern governments to the
B. force the carpetbaggers to move back North.
C. attract members from all social classes.
D. return land to former Confederates.
478. What was the Georgia Act of 1869?
A. federal legislation returning Georgia to military
control because of KKK terrorism against
B. federal legislation refusing to admit Georgia to the
Union until it ratified the 13th
C. state legislation allowing freedmen the right to vote
and the right to hold public office
D. state legislation ending Reconstruction in Georgia
479. What were the stages of Reconstruction in the
South following the CivilWar?
A. military, constitutional, and judicial stages of
492. The New South, envisioned by Henry W. Grady,
A. provide separate facilities for different races.
B. maintain its southern heritage.
C. rival the North economically.
D. promote tourism.
493. What group was supported by Tom Watson, a
Georgia populist?
A. farmers
B. mill workers
C. miners
D. railroad workers
494. What was Tom Watson’s greatest
A. a voting bill for women
B. the Rural Free Delivery bill
C. a bill to provide meat inspections
B. political, economic, social, and cultural stages of
C. presidential, congressional, and military stages of
D. loyalty, slavery, protection under the law, and voting
protection stages of Reconstruction
480. How long did Reconstruction last in Georgia?
A. two years
B. five years
C. seven years
D. ten years
481. Henry McNeal Turner was expelled from his
seat in the Georgia state legislature because
A. he did not win the election fairly and honestly.
B. he did not have the knowledge to be a legislator.
C. he did not live in the district from which he was
D. he did not have the right to hold political office
according to the constitution.
D. a bill to increase the minimum wage
495. Which statement BEST explains why the term
“Bourbon Triumvirate” was most
appropriate for Joseph Brown, Alfred Colquitt, and
John Gordon?
A. The three men ruled the state consecutively for a
period of over thirty years.
B. The three men shared a strong belief in white
supremacy or white superiority.
C. The three men were political rulers drawn together by
power and political goals.
D. The three men were known for excessive business
practices and high profit motives.
496. Rebecca Latimer Felton did NOT support the
A. educational reform movement.
B. temperance movement.
C. suffrage movement.
D. convict lease system.
499. Which is NOT an accomplishment of Henry
A. He increased the circulation of the Atlanta
B. He helped plan the International Cotton Exposition.
C. He served as governor of Georgia.
D.He helped establish Georgia Tech.
500. What was the main purpose of the International
Cotton Exposition that was held in
A. It was to showcase the industries of the New South.
B. It was to get ideas from foreign countries.
C. It was to showcase the cotton gin.
D. It was to bring visitors to Atlanta.
501. Which description most clearly reflects the
meaning of the phrase “New South?”
A. The South began to change in the areas of business,
industrialization, agriculture, race
relations, and social change.
B. The South showed a new economic growth and
prosperity after the Reconstruction
and Redemption periods.
C. The South reflected new ways of thinking and made
huge strides in social, cultural,
economic, and political areas.
D. The South moved away from agriculture and began to
develop new industries to compete
with the North.
511. The murder trial of Leo Frank resulted in a
A. mistrial.
B. hung jury.
C. lynching.
D. death sentence.
512. The racial unrest brought about by the Leo
Frank case resulted in the creation of a
chapter of the Ku Klux Klan who called themselves
the Knights of
A. Columbus.
B. Leo Frank.
C. Mary Phagan.
D. Stone Mountain.
513. The county unit system allowed
A. the larger counties to have more power than the
smaller ones.
B. a candidate to carry the most populated counties but
lose the election.
C. a candidate to be elected only if he or she had a
majority of the popular vote.
D. a candidate to carry only the most populated counties
in order to win the election.
514. Who benefited from the county unit system?
A. cities
B. rural areas
C. metro regions
D. heavily populated counties
516. What is the subject of the political cartoon?
A. Rosa Parks’s meeting with a United States senator
B. Carrie Nation’s testimony before the U.S. Congress
C. a recognition ceremony for widows of World War I
D. Rebecca Latimer Felton serving as a United States
518. The immediate cause of the riot that occurred in
Atlanta in 1906 was the
A. the killing of a black family.
B. blacks being denied the right to vote.
C. the election of Hoke Smith as governor.
D. stories of black violence against whites in the Atlanta
528. Plessy v. Ferguson gave states the right to
A. equal rights.
B. segregation.
C. terrorist attacks.
D. voting rights for blacks.
535. Which did NOT restrict the voting rights of
African Americans in Georgia in the early
A. poll tax
B. grandfather clause
C. gerrymandering
D. eligibility clause
536. Which voting qualification was designed to
prevent African Americans from voting?
A. literacy test
B. party affiliation
C. identification number
D. residency requirement
537. Which is an example of racial violence during
the early 1900s?
A. kidnaping
B. lynching
C. picketing
D. gerrymandering
540. The boll weevil larvae feed on the
A. white, fluffy cotton.
B. leaves of the cotton plant.
C. yellow flowers on the plant.
D. insects that are found on the stalk.
541. Besides the boll weevil, Georgia cotton farmers
have been hurt primarily by
A. tornadoes.
B. droughts.
C. frosts.
D. fires.
542. Which was NOT a result of the drought?
A. Workers moved away to seek jobs.
B. The number of working farms declined.
C. Banks faced losses of assets.
D. Tourism increased.
546. In Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address, he
said, “We are stricken by no plague of
locust. Compared with the perils which our
forefathers conquered because they believed
and were not afraid, we have still much to be
thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty
and human efforts have multiplied it. Plenty is at our
doorstep. . . .” This statement was
meant to give the American people hope to overcome
A. World War I.
B. World War II.
C. the Great Depression.
D. the nationwide drought.
A. Blue Monday
B. Black Tuesday
C. Black Thursday
D. Good Friday
550. Which is NOT a consequence of the Great
A. failure of banks across the nation
B. suspension of the country’s rail system
C. high unemployment in most industries
D. closure of schools or the reduction in the length of
school terms
548. Which was NOT common during the “Great
A. soup kitchens
B. bartering practices
C. public assistance housing
D. migrations in search of work
549. What was the nickname for the day the stock
market crashed?
543. What positive impact did the 1924 drought make
on Georgia?
A. It slowed down the destruction by the boll weevil.
B. It contributed to the end of the Great Depression.
C. It caused tourism to increase at state parks.
D. It created a good climate to attract industry.
544. Which was NOT a cause of the Great
A. borrowing more money than could be repaid
B. speculating in the stock market
C. overproducing farm products
D. failing to save money
554. How did laissez-faire cause the depression?
A. The United States gave businesses too many loans.
B. The United States overextended its trade agreements.
C. The United States government encouraged people to
invest in the stock market.
D. The United States government did not do anything to
help solve the country’s economic
558. From what group of voters did Talmadge
receive his greatest support?
A. rural voters
B. black voters
C. wealthy voters
D. women voters
565. Which statement does NOT describe Eugene
A. He did not like federal intervention.
B. He was a white supremacist.
C. He supported public welfare.
D.He was a conservative.
568. What did the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC) provide?
A. fire insurance
B. life insurance
574. What did the New Deal’s rural electrification
project (REA) do for Georgia’s farmers?
A. It provided loans to farmers’ cooperatives so they
could run power lines in rural areas.
B. It provided funds for power companies to run lines in
rural areas.
C. It required power companies to provide power at a
lower rate.
D. It enabled farms to double their size.
578. What group of Georgians benefited most from
the AAA?
A. property owners
B. tenant farmers
C. alcoholics
D. blacks
C. homeowners’ insurance
D. insurance for savings accounts
570. Which New Deal program was responsible for
such projects in Georgia as
Roosevelt State Park in Pine Mountain, Tybee
Island’s seawall, Augusta’s Savannah
River Levee, and Macon’s airport?
571. Which was NOT a purpose of the New Deal?
A. to provide loans to students
B. to improve lifestyles for Americans
C. to reform the defects in the economy
D. to relieve the suffering of the unemployed
585. What Georgian was the first African American
combat pilot?
A. Eugene Jacques Bullard
B. Alonzo Herndon
C. John Hope
D. Charles Yeager
587. Which was NOT a way that Georgians
supported World War I?
A. growing food
B. attending school
C. making uniforms
D. transporting arms and soldiers
591. The United States entered World War II when
Japan attacked
A. China.
B. Manchuria.
C. Midway.
D. Pearl Harbor.
594. Which statement BEST describes the
involvement of the United States in
World War II before the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
A. The United States provided lend-lease aid to Great
Britain and the Soviet Union.
B. The United States maintained strict neutrality with no
C. The United States provided advisory troops to aid
Great Britain.
D. The United States secretly sank German submarines.
605. Which was NOT a concentration camp during
World War II?
A. Andersonville
B. Auschwitz
C. Dachau
D. Treblinka
B. Coca-Cola
C. Georgia Pacific
D.Western and Atlantic Railroad
620. Because of Senator Richard Russell’s
sponsorship of a program for school
children, what nickname did he earn?
A. Father of the graded school
B. Father of the unified curriculum
C. Father of the county school system
D. Father of the school lunch program
623. Where in Georgia were Liberty ships built
during World War II?
A. Atlanta and Augusta
B. Brunswick and Jekyll Island
C. Brunswick and Savannah
D. St. Simons Island and Augusta
617. What business made Alonzo Herndon a
successful businessman?
A. Atlanta Mutual Insurance Company
626. What Georgian is known as the “father of the
two-ocean navy?”
A. Ben Epps
B. Walter F. George
C. Richard B. Russell, Jr.
D. Carl Vinson
627. What statement about the Bell Aircraft
Company is FALSE?
A. It was located in Marietta.
B. It produced B-29 aircraft.
C. It closed before World War II ended.
D. It was the largest facility of its kind in the Deep
633. Why did Franklin Roosevelt spend so much time
in Georgia?
A. Roosevelt used the warm mineral waters of Warm
Springs to ease his polio.
B. Roosevelt was a native of Augusta and traveled
widely across the state.
C. Roosevelt had originally been a farmer and he loved
farm life.
D. Roosevelt’s wife was a native of Calhoun and visited
634. What New Deal program resulted from
President Franklin Roosevelt’s view of rural
Georgia while sitting on his porch in the evening?
635. Where did President Franklin Roosevelt die
while sitting for a portrait?
A. Camp David, Maryland
B. Hyde Park, New York
C. LaGrange, Georgia
D.Warm Springs, Georgia