Evolution (Part 1) IN: 163 & 165 Incorrect Theories of Evolution: Lamarck • Lamarck proposed an incorrect mechanism for how organisms evolve – Simple life forms continually came into existence from dead matter – Continually become more complex – More "perfect" -- as they transformed into new species. • He correctly pointed out that change in species is linked to an organism’s environment. Linnaeus (1707-1778) • • • • • Swedish Botanist Tried to Classify all of life on earth Kingdoms, Classes, Orders, Genera, & Species He influenced Darwin’s Theories Today we classify life by this order: 1. Kingdom (Keep) 2. Phylum (Pots) 3. Subphylum(Sparkling) 4. Class (Clean) 5. Order (or) 6. Family (Food) 7. Genus (gets) 8. Species (Stuck!) Who Was Charles Darwin Label your paper : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write 5 facts from the short video clip on Darwin… http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolutio n/library/11/2/e_s_2.html Darwin’s Observations • Animals on the coast of S. America: – Resembled those on the nearby islands – Evolved differences Or – Descended w/ modification after separating from a common ancestor. Left page 126: Figure 16-13 page 406 Today’s Activity: Darwin’s Great Voyage!!! IN 128 & 129 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/educators/lessons/lesson2/act1.html 1. Plot Darwin’s 17 Stops on map IN: 166 2. Mark the date next to each stop 3. List one observation he made at each stop on the map Evolution (Part 2) IN 169 & 171 Growth of Populations • Darwin was influenced by Thomas Malthus • He wrote: Populations grow as much as the environment allows. Evolution by Natural Selection • The process of: “Survival of the Fittest” • Organisms that adapt to their environment survive while those that do not adapt disappear • N.S. leads to adaptations in a population. Label Paper: 1. Genetic Variation a. b. Natural Selection Video http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evol ution/library/11/2/e_s_4.html 6 min 39 sec 2. Overproduction of Offspring a. b. 3. Struggle for Existence a. b. 4. Differential Survival & Reproduction a. b. Darwin’s Ideas Updated 1) Change Within Populations • N.S. causes the frequency of certain alleles in a population to change over time. 2) Species Formation • Under certain conditions, change within a species due to reproductive isolation can lead to new species. 3) The Tempo of Evolution • Gradualism is a process of evolution in which speciation occurs gradually • Punctuated Equilibrium is a process in which speciation occurs rapidly between periods of little or no change. Evidence of Evolution-Formation of Fossils • Evidence of orderly change can be seen when fossils are arranged according to their age. Anatomy and Development Vestigial Structures • Reduced or nonfunctional vestigial structures – hind limbs in whales • provide evidence of an organism’s evolutionary history. Whale Evolution Video Label Paper 1-5 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/l ibrary/03/4/l_034_05.html 5 min, 9 sec Homologous Structures • Structures in different organism that indicate a shared ancestry –include vertebrate forelimb. Evidence of Evolution-Biological Molecules Proteins • MORE differences in amino acid sequences of distantly related species • LESS differences between species that are more closely related. Nucleic Acids (what is a nucleic acid???) • MORE differences in DNA sequences b/t distant relatives • LESS differences between species that are more closely related. Examples of Evolution-Natural Selection at Work 1) Factors in Natural Selection • Organisms w/traits helping them survive— reproduce & pass genes. 2) Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance • Experiments show that evolution through N.S. has occurred within populations of antibiotic-resistant bacteria – Tuberculosis bacteria 3) Evolution in Darwin’s Finches • Experiments show that evolution through N.S. has occurred in beak size in Darwin’s Finches. Formation of New Species 1) Speciation • Speciation begins as a population adapts to its environment. 2) Forming Subspecies • Populations of the same species that differ genetically b/c of adaptations to different living conditions are called: subspecies. • Newly formed subspecies are on the road towards speciation. 3) Maintaining New Species • Reproductive isolation through barriers keeps species from breeding with one another. Dichotomous Keys • Tool used when new species is found • Used to categorize different species based on physical characteristics • Classification is a way of separating a large group of closely related organisms into smaller subgroups. • A Dichotomous Key is a listing of characteristics, such as structure and behavior, organized in such a way that an organism can be identified or classified.