RTRN Small Grants Program – Grant Application – 2015 1. TITLE OF PROJECT (Do not exceed 81 characters, including spaces and punctuation) 2. TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH LEVEL (select one): T1 T2 T3 T4 T1- Translation to Humans T2- Translation to Patients T3- Translation to Practice T4- Translation to Population Health 3. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (select one) CLINICAL RESEARCHER BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCHER COMMUNITY RESEARCHER 3a. NAME (Last, first, middle) 3b. DEGREE(S) 3c. LISTED IN PROFILES No 3d. ACADEMIC RANK (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor) Yes 3g. MAILING ADDRESS (Street, city, state, zip code) 3e. INSTITUTION 3f. PRIMARY RTRN CLUSTER AFFILIATION 3i. E-MAIL ADDRESS: 3h. TELEPHONE AND FAX (Area code, number and extension) TEL: FAX: 3j. SEX: MALE 3l. RACIAL CATEGORY: (optional) AMERICAN INDIAN / ALASKA NATIVE BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN WHITE / CAUCASIAN 4. HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH No 3k. ETHNIC CATEGORY: HISPANIC (optional) FEMALE Yes 4b. Federal-Wide Assurance No. If “Yes,” Exemption No. Yes 4c. Clinical Trial No 5. VERTEBRATE ANIMALS ASIAN NATIVE HAWAIIAN / OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER MORE THAN ONE RACIAL IDENTITY 4a. Research Exempt No No 4d. NIH-defined Phase III Clinical Trial Yes No Yes 6. PROPOSED PERIOD OF SUPPORT: 07/01/2015 – 06/30/2016 7. ENTITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: DUNS NO: 8. RCMI PI OR PD TO BE NOTIFIED, IF AWARD IS MADE Name Title Address Address E-MAIL: RTRN SGP Template for 2015-2016 Funding Cycle CONGRESSIONAL DIST: 9. OFFICIAL FOR APPLICANT ORGANIZATION Name Title FAX: Yes 5a. Animal Welfare Assurance No. TOTAL COSTS REQUESTED: TEL: NON HISPANIC TEL: E-MAIL: Face Page FAX: Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): 10. PRIMARY COLLABORATOR OR MULTIPLE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (select one) CLINICAL RESEARCHER BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCHER COMMUNITY RESEARCHER 10a. NAME (Last, first, middle) 10b. DEGREE(S) 10c. LISTED IN PROFILES 10d. ACADEMIC RANK (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor) 10g. MAILING ADDRESS (Street, city, state, zip code) No Yes 10e. INSTITUTION 10f. PRIMARY CLUSTER AFFILIATION 10h. TELEPHONE AND FAX (Area code, number and extension) TEL: 10i. E-MAIL ADDRESS FAX: 11. SECONDARY COLLABORATOR OR MULTIPLE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (select one) CLINICAL RESEARCHER BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCHER COMMUNITY RESEARCHER LAY COMMUNITY MEMBER 11a. NAME (Last, first, middle) 11b. DEGREE(S) 11c. LISTED IN PROFILES 11d. ACADEMIC RANK (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor) 11g. MAILING ADDRESS (Street, city, state, zip code) No Yes 11e. INSTITUTION 11f. PRIMARY CLUSTER AFFILIATION 11h. TELEPHONE AND FAX (Area code, number and extension) TEL: 11i. E-MAIL ADDRESS FAX: IF APPLICANT IS AN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, COMPLETE SECTIONS 12 AND 13 12. PRIMARY MENTOR (select one) CLINICAL RESEARCHER BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCHER 12a. NAME (Last, first, middle) COMMUNITY RESEARCHER 12b. DEGREE(S) 12c. LISTED IN PROFILES No 12d. ACADEMIC RANK (Professor, Associate Professor) Yes 12g. MAILING ADDRESS (Street, city, state, zip code) 12e. INSTITUTION 12f. PRIMARY CLUSTER AFFILIATION 12h. TELEPHONE AND FAX (Area code, number and extension) TEL: 12i. E-MAIL ADDRESS FAX: 13. SECONDARY MENTOR (select one) CLINICAL RESEARCHER BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCHER 13a. NAME (Last, first, middle) COMMUNITY RESEARCHER 13b. DEGREE(S) LAY COMMUNITY MEMBER 13c. LISTED IN PROFILES No 13d. ACADEMIC RANK (Professor, Associate Professor) 13g. MAILING ADDRESS (Street, city, state, zip code) 13e. INSTITUTION 13f. PRIMARY CLUSTER AFFILIATION 13h. TELEPHONE AND FAX (Area code, number and extension) TEL: FAX: Yes 13i. E-MAIL ADDRESS Page 2 Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): PROJECT SUMMARY: OBJECTIVE: CENTRAL HYPOTHESIS: SIGNIFICANCE: INNOVATION: APPROACH: TRANSLATIONAL ASPECT OF RESEACH: RELEVANCE TO HEALTH DISPARITIES: Page 3 Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): PROJECT/PERFORMANCE SITE(S) (if additional space is needed, use Project/Performance Site Format Page) Project/Performance Site Primary Location Organizational Name: DUNS: Street 1: Street 2: City: County: Province: State: Country: Zip/Postal Code: Project/Performance Site Congressional Districts: Additional Project/Performance Site Location Organizational Name: DUNS: Street 1: Street 2: City: County: Province: State: Country: Zip/Postal Code: Project/Performance Site Congressional Districts: SPECIFY THE TYPE OF COLLABORATIVE ARRANGEMENT THIS APPLICATION REPRESENTS: CLINICAL RESEARCHER AND CLINICAL RESEARCHER CLINICAL RESEARCHER AND COMMUNITY RESEARCHER CLINICAL RESEARCHER AND BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCHER COMMUNITY RESEARCHER AND COMMUNITY RESEARCHER COMMUNITY RESEARCHER AND CLINICAL RESEARCHER COMMUNITY RESEARCHER AND BASIC SCIENTIST BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCHER AND CLINICAL RESEARCHER BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCHER AND COMMUNITY RESEARCHER SENIOR/KEY PERSONNEL. Start with Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s). List all other senior/key personnel in alphabetical order, last name first. Role on Project Name Institution e-mail OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTORS Role on Project Name Institution e-mail Principal Investigator Multiple Principal Investigator Multiple Principal Investigator Primary Collaborator Secondary Collaborator Primary Mentor Secondary Mentor Human Embryonic Stem Cells No Yes If the proposed project involves human embryonic stem cells, list below the registration number of the specific cell line(s) from the following list: http://stemcells.nih.gov/research/registry/eligibilityCriteria.asp. Use continuation pages as needed. If a specific line cannot be referenced at this time, include a statement that one from the Registry will be used. Cell Line Page 4 Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): RTRN SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Numbers Face Page .................................................................................................................................................. Description, Project/Performance Sites, Senior/Key Personnel, Other Significant Contributors, and Human Embryonic Stem Cells ......................................................................................................... Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................... Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period .............................................................................................. Budget Justification ................................................................................................................................. Biographical Sketch – Principal Investigator (Not to exceed four pages) ............................................... Other Biographical Sketches – Multiple Principal Investigator(s) or Collaborator(s) and/or Mentor(s) (Not to exceed four pages each) ................................................................................................................ Other Support – Principal Investigator and Key Personnel ...................................................................... Research Plan ........................................................................................................................................... 1. Specific Aims (Not to exceed one page) ............................................................................................. 2. Research Strategy (Not to exceed four pages) .................................................................................. Significance ......................................................................................................................................... Innovation ............................................................................................................................................ Approach ............................................................................................................................................. 3. Literature Cited (Not to exceed one page) ........................................................................................... 4. Protection of Human Subjects (if applicable) (no page limit) ............................................................... 5. Inclusion of Women and Minorities (if applicable) ............................................................................... 6. Inclusion of Children (if applicable) ...................................................................................................... 7. Vertebrate Animals (if applicable) (no page limit) ................................................................................ 8. Select Agent Research (if applicable) (no page limit) .......................................................................... Appendix (None allowed) 1 2-4 5 6 7 Page 5 Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): DETAILED BUDGET FOR BUDGET PERIOD DIRECT COSTS ONLY FROM THROUGH List PERSONNEL (Applicant organization only) Use Cal, Acad, or Summer to Enter Months Devoted to Project Enter Dollar Amounts Requested (omit cents) for Salary Requested and Fringe Benefits NAME ROLE ON PROJECT Cal. Mnths Acad. Mnths Summer INST.BASE Mnths SALARY SALARY REQUESTED FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SUBTOTALS CONSULTANT COSTS EQUIPMENT (Itemize) SUPPLIES (Itemize by category) TRAVEL INPATIENT CARE COSTS OUTPATIENT CARE COSTS ALTERATIONS AND RENOVATIONS (Itemize by category) OTHER EXPENSES (Itemize by category) CONSORTIUM/CONTRACTUAL COSTS DIRECT COSTS SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS FOR INITIAL BUDGET PERIOD (Item 7a, Face Page) CONSORTIUM/CONTRACTUAL COSTS TOTAL DIRECT COSTS FOR INITIAL BUDGET PERIOD $ FACILITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS - 50% $ Page 6 Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): BUDGET JUSTIFICATION FOR PROJECT PERIOD Itemization and Budget Justification (Continue on another page if necessary) Page 7 Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. NAME ACADEMIC RANK eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login) EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.) DEGREE INSTITUTION AND LOCATION YEAR FIELD OF STUDY (if applicable) A. Personal Statement B. Positions and Honors C. Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications D. Research Support Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. NAME POSITION TITLE eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login) EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.) DEGREE INSTITUTION AND LOCATION YEAR FIELD OF STUDY (if applicable) A. Personal Statement B. Positions and Honors C. Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications D. Research Support Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): OTHER SUPPORT Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): SPECIFIC AIMS (ONE-PAGE LIMIT) Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): RESEARCH STRATEGY (FOUR-PAGE LIMIT) Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): LITERATURE CITED (ONE-PAGE LIMIT) HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH (If applicable) VERTEBRATE ANIMALS (If applicable) Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Page Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS TO BE UPLOADED with application 1. Letter(s) of Support from Multiple Principal Investigator(s), Collaborator(s) and /or Mentor(s) 2. LETTER OF SUPPORT FROM RCMI PI/PD OF APPLICANT INSTITUTION 3. LETTER(S) OF SUPPORT FROM RCMI PI/PD OF COLLABORATOR INSTITUTION(S), IF DUAL- OR MULTI-SITE CLINICAL TRIAL IS BEING PROPOSED 4. COST ESTIMATE LETTER from Director of RTRN Data Coordinating Center 5. Evidence of IRB or IACUC Application or Approval (if applicable) 6. Targeted/Planned Enrollment Table (if applicable) Page