Synthesis of Chemical Linkers for Bionanoconstructs Trevor B. Parker, Liang Chen, Michael B. Bostwick, Nishi Begum, Richard D. Gandour Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. VA, 24061 INTRODUCTION Sterol surfactants, a class of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) lipids, find many uses in topical formulations (e.g. cosmetics and skin creams) and in drug delivery (e.g. micelles and protective coatings for “stealth” liposomes)1. The amphiphilic nature and low toxicity of PEG lipids make them prime candidates for these purposes. Much recent research has focused on the drug encapsulation by micelles utilizing PEG lipids. Drugs with low water solubility can aggregate within the lipid core of micelles, and thus be dissolved in solution for easier drug delivery2. PEG lipids play increasingly large roles in liposomal and nanoparticle drug delivery3,4,5. Conventional liposomes can be beneficial when targeting the immune system (e.g. the mononuclear phagocyte system, which includes nonspecific defense). When targeting other systems, conventional liposomes face major disadvantages such as short blood circulation time and low target selectivity. Stealth liposomes (or PEGylated liposomes) incorporate PEG lipids in the liposomal phospholipid membrane such that PEG chains occupy the exterior of the liposome. These PEG chains hinder binding between blood serum and liposomes. This increases blood circulation time and liposomal stability, while decreasing both uptake by the phagocyte system and drug delivery to untargeted cells3, 4. Other research has investigated the attaching of a headgroup to the end of the polymer chain on PEG lipids6. These headgroups are often dendritic, and can serve to modify physical properties or adhere to solid surfaces. The capability for adhesion gives rise to many possible applications in bionanoconstructs. Our interest resides in using modified cholestanol – PEGs as building blocks for novel bionanoconstructs. Attachment of a dendritic headgroup to the end of the PEG chain creates novel amphiphilic polymers. A tricarboxyl headgroup presents interesting possibilities in its potential to adhere to metal oxide nanoparticles. These novel polymers may enable the creation of cutting-edge bionanoconstructs for drug delivery. EXPERIMENTAL Materials. 3β,5α-Cholestanol, recrystallized from EtOH, was heated at 70 °C under high vacuum for 24 h. Tetrahydrofuran (THF), dried with sodium in the presence of benzophenone, was distilled after the solution turned dark blue. Potassium naphthalenide was prepared every 2 weeks in dry THF from naphthalene (99%, Acros) and potassium (in mineral oil, Aldrich) with a concentration of ~0.9 mol/L and stored under argon in an aluminum foil wrapped flask. Ethylene oxide (EO, 99.5+%, Aldrich) was transferred to a flame-dried-under-argon vial that was sealed with a septum, secured with copper wire. Before transferring EO, the vial, which was marked with a specific volume, was placed in a dry ice/acetone bath. EO was condensed in the vial until the specified volume was reached; the weight of EO was estimated by presuming a density (0.95 g/cm3 at –40 °C).3 Then, EO was transferred to the reaction flask via a cannula under argon pressure. Weisocyanate™, (98%) recrystallized in hexane. Pentamethyldiethyltriamine, (Acros Organics) purified by distillation. TFA, (99% Sigma Aldrich). Polymerization. Cholestanol (0.1–0.5 g) was dissolved in dry THF (20–40 mL) in a 100-mL flask. Potassium naphthalenide in THF(~0.9 M, 0.9 eq) was added dropwise by syringe into the stirred flask. The flask was placed into a dry ice/acetone bath and cooled for at least 10 min. Then, condensed EO (10–200 eq) was added to the flask. After addition, the bath was removed, and the flask was allowed to reach room temperature. After 24 h, the reaction was quenched with concentrated HCl (1 or 2 drops). The reaction mixture was poured into hexane (100 mL). Work-up depended on the molecular weight of the polymer. Isolation. For polymers with a MW ≥ 2K, a white solid precipitated and was isolated by vacuum filtration. The solid was dried under high vacuum overnight. For polymers with a MW ≤ 2 K, the solution was concentrated by rotary evaporation to give an oil or wax, which was dried under high vacuum. PEG Lipid Chromatography. Crude polymerization products (~2g) were purified and fractionated by using a 13.5×4.5-cm silica gel column. Varying ratios of CH2Cl2:MeOH (20:1 to 5:1) served as the gradient eluent. A large fraction (150 mL) followed by 40–60 fractions (25 mL) were collected. Typically, 10–20 fractions were pooled and concentrated by rotary evaporation and dried overnight under high vacuum. Headgroup Attachment. Fractionated polymerization products with low PDIs were chosen to be used in reactions with Weisocyanate. PEG lipid (0.055 mmol) was reacted with a 3:1 molar excess of Weisocyante (0.164 mmol). PEG lipid and Weisocyanate were placed in a 50-mL round bottom flask with a stir bar, and covered with a septum. An oil bath was used to bring the temperature to 70 C. Two drops of pentamethyldiethylenetriamine were then added to the reaction flask. After 24 h of stirring, argon was flushed through the flask by syringe for 2 h, exiting through a bubbler. This was carried out in attempt to remove the pentamethyldiethylenetriamine. The flask contents were then dissolved in CH2Cl2 (20 mL), followed by concentration by rotary evaporation. The gel was then dried under high vacuum for 24 h. Triester Chromatography. Crude products (~1g) were purified and fractionated by using a 13.5×4.5-cm silica gel column. Varying ratios of CH2Cl2:MeOH (20:1 to 5:1) served as the gradient eluent. A large fraction (200 mL) followed by 75-150 fractions (25 mL) were collected. Typically, 10-25 fractions were pooled, concentrated by rotary evaporation, and dried overnight under high vacuum. Deprotection. Purified triester (~0.1g) was placed in an RB flask, and sealed with a septum. TFA (~0.5 mL) was added by syringe. The solution was stirred for 5 h at RT. After 5 h, CH2CL2 (~20 mL) was added to the flask. The CH2Cl2 was then removed by rotary evaporation. This solvent chase was repeated 7 times in an attempt to remove the TFA. The resulting oils were dried on high vacuum for 24 h. Linker Purification. Crude triacids were treated with activated carbon to remove any fluorinated compounds. Triacids were dissolved in CH2Cl2 (~15 mL), and activated carbon (~2g) was added and stirred. After 5 min, solution was vacuum filtered over MgSO4. Vacuum filtration was repeated 4 times to remove all the carbon. Clear solutions were concentrated by rotary evaporation to yield clear oils. Characterization. All products, before and after purification, were characterized with 1H NMR in DMSO-d6 on a Varian Inova 400 MHz. Integrations were normalized to the C19 methyl group (δ 0.72, 3H). SEC was used to determine PDI and molecular weight of PEG lipids and triesters, employing chloroform as a solvent. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The living polymerization of ethylene oxide on the C-3 alcohol group of cholestanol with K naphthalenide as an initiator yielded crude PEG lipids with varying molecular weights. Varying molecular weights were desired because the optimum polymer length is not yet known. Reactions were terminated by adding a drop of concentrated HCl before pouring into hexane (Table 1). The polymers were chromatographed and several showed excellent PDIs (>1.05) and agreement between the MW determined by NMR and that determined by SEC. NMR MWs were calculated with integrations of the PEG peak at δ 3.5 ppm. Polymer B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B21 B22 Table 1. PEG Lipids After Chromatography MW (NMR) MW (SEC) PDI (SEC) 762 531 1.03 828 548 1.09 1048 670 1.14 1202 1334 1.05 1400 1410 1.09 1851 2266 1.05 1994 1973 1.12 2269 2104 1.09 2280 2819 1.03 2478 2868 1.05 2731 2708 1.10 3028 3809 1.02 3512 3131 1.11 3688 3849 1.20 3908 2931 1.12 4000 4416 1.03 4271 5591 1.02 4524 4122 1.30 4876 5595 1.02 5888 6828 1.03 6500 6994 1.14 9012 8342 1.07 Figure 1. PEG Lipid 1H NMR Polymers with low polydispersities and agreeing molecular weights by NMR and SEC were chosen for reactions with Weisocyanate™. Scheme 1. Anionic Polymerization of EO on Cholestanol Scheme 2. Headgroup Attachment on Terminal End of PEG Chain CONCLUSIONS The techniques discussed in this report show a successful method for the synthesis and purification of linker molecules to be used in bionanoconstructs. Firstly, PEG lipids of varying molecular weights were synthesized. Secondly, PEG lipids were reacted with Weisocyanate™ to form triester— PEG—Cholestanol polymers. Thirdly, these protected linker molecules were deprotected to form triacid—PEG— Cholestanol polymers. These linker molecules will serve interesting purposes in coated nanoparticles and other bionanoconstructs. Figure 3. Triester 1H NMR. Triesters were successfully synthesized and purified by the methods discussed in this report, confirmed by NMR (Figure 2.) The appearance of the peak at δ 6.9 (N–H) and δ 1.4 (tert-butyl groups) are good indicators of headgroup attachment. Scheme 3. Deprotection of Triester to Yield Triacid Figure 3. Triacid 1H NMR Triacids were successfully synthesized and purified by the methods discussed in this report, confirmed by NMR (Figure 3). Appearance of the broad peak around δ 12 (carboxylic acids) and disappearance of the peak at δ 1.4 (tert-butyl groups) are good indicators of reaction completion. ACKOWLEDGEMENTS The National Science Foundation is acknowledged for funding through grant DMR-0851662. TP thanks Dr. Maggie Bump ad Dr. Judy Riffle for their guidance and support during the MII SURP program, and also Teresa Dickerson and Cindy Graham for their work with the program. Virginia Tech is acknowledged for its exceptional laboratory facilities. REFERENCES (1) Folmer, B.M. Adv Colloid Interface Sci. 2003, 103, 99. (2) Ashok, B., Arleth, L., Hjelm, R. P., Rubinstein, I., Oenyueksel, H. J of Parm. Sci. 2004, 93, 2476-2487. (3) Immordino, M. L., Dosio, F., Cattel, L., Int J Nanomed. 2006, 1, (3), 297-315. (4) Hofmann, A. M., Wurm, F., Huhn, E., Nawroth, T., Langguth, P., Frey, H. Biomacromolecules, 2010, 11, (3), 568-574. (5) Mufamandi, M. S. J Drug Delivery, 2010, 2011, 19. (6) Xie, Q, Williams, A. A., Gandour, R. D., Esker, A. R. Polym. Preprints. 2007, 48(2), 966-967.