Genetics 101: Genetic differentiation in the age of ecological restoration QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Susan J. Mazer Department of Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology University of California, Santa Barbara Genetics 101: Genetic differentiation in the age of ecological restoration Q T I F F a r e u ic k T im ( U n c o m n e e d e d e ™ a n d a p r e s s e d ) d e c o m p r e s s o r t o s e e t h is p ic t u r e . Susan J. Mazer Department of Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology University of California, Santa Barbara Genetic concepts to be considered • Rules of inheritance • Genetic processes • Consequences of mismatches between sources of material for restoration and (a) the environment of the restoration site or (b) the genotypes resident at the restoration site Up and running: common vocabulary Population genetic processes Genetic phenomena Ecological considerations Up and running: common vocabulary Population genetic processes Inheritance in a nutshell Local adaptation Genetic differentiation Genetic drift Founder effect Genetic swamping Genetic phenomena Ecological considerations Up and running: common vocabulary Population genetic processes Genetic phenomena Inheritance in a nutshell Ecotype Local adaptation Heterosis & “hybrid vigor” Genetic differentiation Inbreeding depression Genetic drift Outbreeding depression Founder effect Hybrid breakdown Genetic swamping Ecological considerations Up and running: common vocabulary Population genetic processes Genetic phenomena Ecological considerations Inheritance in a nutshell Ecotype Phenology Local adaptation Heterosis & “hybrid vigor” Pollen limitation Genetic differentiation Inbreeding depression Climate change Genetic drift Outbreeding depression Founder effect Hybrid breakdown Genetic swamping Inheritance in a tiny nutshell • Gene: The sequence of DNA that determines the expression of a given trait. Inheritance in a tiny nutshell • Gene: The sequence of DNA that determines the expression of a given trait. • Most species are diploid: Each gene is present in two copies or alleles, one on each member of a chromosome pair. Each allele is inherited from one parent. Inheritance in a tiny nutshell • Gene: The sequence of DNA that determines the expression of a given trait. • Most species are diploid: Each gene is present in two copies or alleles, one on each member of a chromosome pair. Each allele is inherited from one parent. • One or more genes determine the appearance or performance of an individual for a given trait (e.g., drought tolerance, flower color, seed size, timing of flowering). Inheritance in a tiny nutshell • Gene: The sequence of DNA that determines the expression of a given trait. • Most species are diploid: Each gene is present in two copies or alleles, one on each member of a chromosome pair. Each allele is inherited from one parent. • One or more genes determine the appearance or performance of an individual for a given trait (e.g., drought tolerance, flower color, seed size, timing of flowering). • When the two alleles of a gene are identical, an individual is homozygous for this gene or trait. Inheritance in a tiny nutshell • Gene: The sequence of DNA that determines the expression of a given trait. • Most species are diploid: Each gene is present in two copies or alleles, one on each member of a chromosome pair. Each allele is inherited from one parent. • One or more genes determine the appearance or performance of an individual for a given trait (e.g., drought tolerance, flower color, seed size, timing of flowering). • When the two alleles of a gene are identical, an individual is homozygous for this gene or trait. • When the two alleles of a gene differ, the individual is heterozygous for this gene or trait. Up and running: common vocabulary • Local adaptation: The process in which natural selection favors different alleles or genetic types (genotypes) in different environments. Up and running: common vocabulary • Local adaptation: The process in which natural selection favors different alleles or genetic types (genotypes) in different environments. Up and running: common vocabulary • Local adaptation: The process in which natural selection favors different alleles or genetic types (genotypes) in different environments. Result: genetic differences between plant populations in locations that differ in attributes such as… soil quality climate (temperature, rainfall, date of first frost) identity of pollinators presence and composition of competing species presence of predators presence and identity of diseases Up and running: common vocabulary • Genetic differentiation The process and the outcome of genetic divergence among populations, resulting from natural selection. Up and running: common vocabulary • Genetic differentiation The process and the outcome of genetic divergence among populations, resulting from natural selection. Genetic differentiation among populations can also result from random processes such as genetic drift and founder effects. Genetic differentiation: example • Broadleaf lupine, Lupinus latifolius (D. L. Doede, 2005) 84 populations sampled; 4 distinct seed zones detected associated with watershed, topography, and climate Populations differ in plant size and flowering time when raised in a common environment Genetic differentiation: example • Broadleaf lupine, Lupinus latifolius 84 populations sampled; 4 distinct seed zones detected associated with watershed, topography, and climate Populations differ in growth form or habit Genetic differentiation: example • Broadleaf lupine, Lupinus latifolius 84 populations sampled; 4 distinct seed zones detected associated with watershed, topography, and climate Populations differ in flower color Up and running: common vocabulary • Genetic drift Random fluctuations in the frequency of a specific gene in a small isolated population due to chance. The process by which gene frequencies change at random from generation to generation in small populations due to the chance sampling of different genes among the successful egg and sperm. Up and running: common vocabulary • Genetic drift Random fluctuations in the frequency of a specific gene in a small isolated population due to chance. The process by which gene frequencies change at random from generation to generation in small populations due to the chance sampling of different genes among the successful egg and sperm. Over time, there is a net loss of heterozygosity and an increase in homozygosity until some alleles are lost forever….. Up and running: common vocabulary • Genetic drift Start with 10 alleles Several generations of random sampling Only 6 of the original alleles have left descendants Several generations of random sampling Only 2 of the original alleles (and their descendants) remain. Up and running: common vocabulary • Founder effect Genetic drift observed in a population founded by a small, non-representative sample of a larger population. Rare alleles may become common by chance. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncomp ressed) decompressor are n eeded to see this picture. Up and running: common vocabulary • Founder effect Genetic drift observed in a population founded by a small, non-representative sample of a larger population. Rare alleles may become common by chance. Example: A small group of seeds collected from a large population may contain genotypes that do not fully represent the population. Small samples from large populations typically include less genetic variation than the original population. This reduced genetic variation can limit the population’s ability to survive and to persist in a novel environment. Founder effect: example • Hawaiian silverswords Surviving populations of silverswords (Argyroxiphium sandwicense and A. kaunense: Asteraceae) have experienced severe bottlenecks and are genetically depauperate. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompres sed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. a dna ™emiTkciuQ rosserpmoced )desserpmocnU( F FIT .erutcip siht ees ot dedeen era QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. A restored population of the Mauna Kea silversword, A. sandwicense, consists of 1500 individuals all derived from a two or three original parents. Up and running: common vocabulary • Genetic swamping or Dilution Rapid increase in the frequency of an introduced genotype that may lead to the replacement of local genotypes. Up and running: common vocabulary • Genetic swamping or Dilution Rapid increase in the frequency of an introduced genotype that may lead to the replacement of local genotypes. Cause: a short-term or long-term fitness advantage of the introduced genotype. Up and running: common vocabulary • Genetic swamping or Dilution Rapid increase in the frequency of an introduced genotype that may lead to the replacement of local genotypes. Cause: a short-term or long-term fitness advantage of the introduced genotype. Consequence: a reduction in genetic variation relative to the initial mixture of resident and introduced genotypes. Up and running: common vocabulary Population genetic processes Genetic phenomena Inheritance in a nutshell Ecotype Local adaptation Heterosis & “hybrid vigor” Genetic differentiation Inbreeding depression Genetic drift Outbreeding depression Founder effect Hybrid breakdown Genetic swamping Ecological considerations Up and running: common vocabulary • Ecotype: The smallest subdivision of a species, consisting of populations adapted to a particular set of environmental conditions. These populations may be infertile when crossed with other ecotypes of the same species. Up and running: common vocabulary • Ecotype: The smallest subdivision of a species, consisting of populations adapted to a particular set of environmental conditions. These populations may be infertile when crossed with other ecotypes of the same species. In other words, ecotypes are genetically distinct populations within a species, resulting from adaptation to local environmental conditions. Up and running: common vocabulary • Ecotype: The smallest subdivision of a species, consisting of populations adapted to a particular set of environmental conditions. These populations may be infertile when crossed with other ecotypes of the same species. In other words, ecotypes are genetically distinct populations within a species, resulting from adaptation to local environmental conditions. G. Turesson. 1922. The species and variety as ecological units. Ecotypes: example Beach ecotype, prostrate habit with pubescent leaves Mountain ecotype, erect shrub with hairless leaves Hybrid leaves Beach ecotype Mountain ecotype Ecotypes of Sida fallax and their hybrids in Hawai’i. A. Beach ecotype. B. Mountain ecotype. C, D, and E: hybrid leaves. F: Beach flower. G. Hybrid flower. H. Mountain flower. Up and running: common vocabulary • Heterosis Where heterozygotes within a species or within a population have higher fitness than homozygotes. Hybrid varieties of maize are often prized for their consistently high performance Up and running: common vocabulary • Hybrid vigor (“interspecific heterosis”) Where the hybrids between two species perform better than either of the parent species. Loganberry is a highperforming hybrid between raspberry and blackberry Up and running: common vocabulary • Heterosis and “hybrid vigor” Where heterozygotes within a species or the hybrids between species have a higher fitness than either of their parents. Heterozygotes often grow better, are better able to survive, and/or are more fertile than the homozygotes. Up and running: common vocabulary • Heterosis and “hybrid vigor” Where heterozygotes within a species or the hybrids between species have a higher fitness than either of their parents. Heterozygotes often grow better, are better able to survive, and/or are more fertile than the homozygotes. This observation often causes people to think that mixing genotypes from two or more populations is always good. Up and running: common vocabulary • Inbreeding depression Reduction in performance following mating between very closely related individuals of the same species. Up and running: common vocabulary • Inbreeding depression Reduction in performance following mating between very closely related individuals of the same species. The union of gametes produced by very close relatives can generate offspring with high frequencies of (recessive) genetic diseases in homozygous form. Up and running: common vocabulary • Inbreeding depression Reduction in performance following mating between very closely related individuals of the same species. The union of gametes produced by very close relatives can generate offspring with high frequencies of (recessive) genetic diseases in homozygous form. This observation often reinforces the assumption that mixing genotypes from multiple populations will improve the performance of the resulting population. Up and running: common vocabulary • Inbreeding depression Inbreeding depression: example • Port Orford Cedar (Scott E. Kolpak, Richard A. Sniezko, and Christine F. Hayot) Ovules fertilized by self-pollination are less likely to mature successfully than those fertilized with outcross pollen Seedings derived from self-pollination are shorter than those produced by outcrossing Seedling height by cross type Height (cm) % Filled seed % filled seed by cross type Outcross Cross type Self Outcross Open Cross type Self Up and running: common vocabulary • Outbreeding depression Reduction in population performance following hybridization between genetically distinct individuals of the same species. Mating between genotypes adapted to different environmental conditions can generate offspring that are poorly adapted to the home environments of either parent. Up and running: common vocabulary • Outbreeding depression Reduction in population performance following hybridization between genetically distinct individuals of the same species. Mating between genotypes adapted to different environmental conditions can generate offspring that are poorly adapted to the home environments of either parent. Outbreeding depression: example • Lotus scoparius (Fabaceae: deerweed) Mean number of seeds per flower The success of crosses between populations decreases with the genetic distance between the populations (Montalvo & Ellstrand, 2001). QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Genetic Distance between crossed plants Up and running: common vocabulary • Hybrid breakdown Up and running: common vocabulary • Hybrid breakdown QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Up and running: common vocabulary • Hybrid breakdown QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Up and running: common vocabulary • Hybrid breakdown “Classic” definition: Where the first-generation hybrid offspring between two species are healthy, but subsequent generations resulting from the matings between these hybrids perform poorly. Up and running: common vocabulary • Hybrid breakdown “Classic” definition: Where the first-generation hybrid offspring between two species are healthy, but subsequent generations resulting from the matings between these hybrids perform poorly. Updated definition: Where the first-generation hybrid offspring between two ecotypes or genotypes within a species are healthy, but subsequent generations resulting from the matings between these hybrids are unhealthy and decrease in frequency. Hybrid breakdown: examples • Agrostemma githago & Silene alba (Caryophyllaceae): The F2 generation has poorer performance than either of the original parental resident and foreign genotypes. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Agrostemma lithago Silene alba Hufford & Mazer, TREE, 2003 Hybrid breakdown: examples • Agrostemma githago & Silene alba (Caryophyllaceae): The F2 generation has poorer performance than either of the original parental resident and foreign genotypes. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncomp ressed) decompressor are n eeded to see this picture. Agrostemma lithago Silene alba Hufford & Mazer, TREE, 2003 Mechanism of Hybrid Breakdown beteen Genotypes Participating in Restoration Effort QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Resident Population Under Restoration Source Population of Introduced Genotypes If local adaptation has occurred, resident and source populations will be genetically distinct and homozygous for alternative alleles of the same gene aa BB CC dd EE AA bb cc DD ee Resident Population Under Restoration Source Population of Introduced Genotypes Restoration Phase I: Introduction of genotypes from a chosen “source” population aa BB CC dd EE AA bb cc DD ee Resident Population Under Restoration Source Population of Introduced Genotypes Restoration Step II: Mating between genotypes of resident and source populations….What is the fate of these hybrids? aa BB CC dd EE aA Bb Cc dD Ee AA bb cc DD ee Resident Population Under Restoration F1 Hybrids produced Following Introduction Source Population of Introduced Genotypes Genotypes Participating in Restoration Effort: What is the fate of these hybrids? aa BB CC dd EE aA Bb Cc dD Ee AA bb cc DD ee Resident Population Under Restoration F1 Hybrids produced Following Introduction Source Population of Introduced Genotypes Hybrid Breakdown Parent 1 Homozygous diploid parents aa BB CC dd EE X aA Bb Cc dD Ee F2 generation following recombination Parent 2 AA bb cc DD ee Hybrid Breakdown Parent 1 Homozygous diploid parents Parent 2 aa BB CC dd EE aA Bb Cc Assume: Parent dD at is a resident Ee X 1 restoration site or adapted to its F2environment. generation following recombination AA bb cc DD ee Hybrid Breakdown Parent 1 Homozygous diploid parents Parent 2 aa BB CC dd EE aA Bb Cc Assume: Parent dD at is a resident Ee X 1 restoration site or adapted to its F2environment. generation following recombination AA bb cc DD ee Assume: Parent 2 is adapted to an alternative environment and genetically distinct from Parent 1. Hybrid Breakdown Parent 1 Homozygous diploid parents F1 hybrid aa BB CC dd EE Parent 2 X AA bb cc DD ee aA Bb Cc dD Ee F1 hybrids will have a full complement of F2 generation alleles followingfrom each parent, so they may recombination function well at restoration site Hybrid Breakdown Parent 1 Homozygous diploid parents aa BB CC dd EE Parent 2 X AA bb cc DD ee aA Bb Cc dD Ee F1 hybrid F2 generation following recombination Following sexual reproduction, F2 hybrid offspring will regain homozygosity at many loci Hybrid Breakdown Parent 1 Homozygous diploid parents aa BB CC dd EE Parent 2 X AA bb cc DD ee aA Bb Cc dD Ee F1 hybrid F2 generation following recombination Where F2s are homozygous for genes from Parent 2, they may not be well adapted to Parent 1’s environment Hybrid Breakdown Parent 1 Homozygous diploid parents aa BB CC dd EE X aA Bb Cc dD Ee F1 hybrid F2 generation following recombination Parent 2 AA bb cc DD ee Mean Population Fitness Possible Outcome of Hybridization between Resident and Introduced Genotypes F1 generation exhibits hybrid vigor. After the first generation of hybridization, population mean fitness declines as homozygotes are reconstituted Residents Hybrids Residents + Hybrids Mean Population Fitness Possible Outcome of Hybridization between Resident and Introduced Genotypes F1 generation exhibits genetic swampling or dilution. After the first generation of hybridization, population mean fitness increases as resident homozygotes are reconstituted. Residents Hybrids Residents + Hybrids After 1st generation, population mean fitness declines as adaptive combinations are shuffled Mean Population Fitness Mean Population Fitness Possible Outcomes of Hybridization between Resident and Introduced Genotypes Magnitude of decline will depend on strength of natural selection Residents Hybrids Residents + Hybrids Up and running: common vocabulary Population genetic processes Genetic phenomena Ecological considerations Inheritance in a nutshell Ecotype Phenology Local adaptation Heterosis & “hybrid vigor” Pollen limitation Genetic differentiation Inbreeding depression Climate change Genetic drift Outbreeding depression Founder effect Hybrid breakdown Genetic swamping Up and running: common vocabulary • Phenology The study of the timing of biological events Up and running: common vocabulary • Phenology The study of the timing of biological events Includes critical events such as: The timing of germination, which often influences early seedling survivorship The timing of flowering, which determines the attraction of pollinators, the availability of mates, and reproductive success. The timing of seed ripening, which may determine the likelihood of seed dispersal by animals. Up and running: common vocabulary • Phenology Q T I F F a r e u ic k T im ( Un c o m n e e d e d e ™ a n d a p r e s s e d ) d e c o m p r e s s o r t o s e e t h is p ic t u r e . Yellow star thistle Up and running: common vocabulary • Phenology QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Silene nutans Up and running: common vocabulary • Pollen limitation The phenomenon in which plants do not produce as many seeds as they are capable of, simply because they don’t receive enough pollen. Causes: Flowering too early or too late to attract pollinators Flowering too early or too late relative to other plants in the population Synthesis: Consequences of inappropriate source selection Short-term (more or less immediate) consequences: Long-term consequences: Synthesis: Consequences of inappropriate source selection Short-term (more or less immediate) consequences: Genetic swamping or dilution population performance Long-term consequences: reduction in mean Synthesis: Consequences of inappropriate source selection Short-term (more or less immediate) consequences: Genetic swamping or dilution population performance High mortality reduction in mean reduced population size Long-term consequences: Synthesis: Consequences of inappropriate source selection Short-term (more or less immediate) consequences: Genetic swamping or dilution population performance High mortality reduction in mean reduced population size Reduced genetic variation Long-term consequences: Synthesis: Consequences of inappropriate source selection Short-term (more or less immediate) consequences: Genetic swamping or dilution population performance High mortality reduction in mean reduced population size Reduced genetic variation Long-term consequences: Hybrid breakdown poor performance of F2 and subsequent generations Synthesis: Consequences of inappropriate source selection Short-term (more or less immediate) consequences: Genetic swamping or dilution population performance High mortality reduction in mean reduced population size Reduced genetic variation Long-term consequences: Hybrid breakdown poor performance of F2 and subsequent generations Potential for phenological mismatch Synthesis: Consequences of inappropriate source selection Short-term (more or less immediate) consequences: Genetic swamping or dilution population performance High mortality reduction in mean reduced population size Reduced genetic variation Long-term consequences: Hybrid breakdown poor performance of F2 and subsequent generations Potential for phenological mismatch Potential failure to be pollinated Synthesis: Consequences of inappropriate source selection Short-term (more or less immediate) consequences: Genetic swamping or dilution population performance High mortality reduction in mean reduced population size Reduced genetic variation Long-term consequences: Hybrid breakdown poor performance of F2 and subsequent generations Potential for phenological mismatch Potential failure to be pollinated Pollen-stigma incompatibilities Synthesis: Consequences of inappropriate source selection Short-term (more or less immediate) consequences: Genetic swamping or dilution population performance High mortality reduction in mean reduced population size Reduced genetic variation Long-term consequences: Hybrid breakdown poor performance of F2 and subsequent generations Potential for phenological mismatch Potential failure to be pollinated Pollen-stigma incompatibilities Inability to adapt to climate change (due to limited genetic variation). Surviving stand of Nassella pulchra (a native perennial bunchgrass) Nassella pulchra Bromus carinatus Elymus glaucus Genetics 101: Genetic differentiation in the age of ecological restoration Susan J. Mazer Department of Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology University of California, Santa Barbara