The Green Business Forum - American Chamber of Commerce in

The Green Business Forum
An in-depth look on what we can do
to make an impact on the
environment in our business activities.
Experts and business owners will join us to
discuss the mounting problems and the
accompanying solutions to our current
environmental situation.
Topics: The Carbon Credit Market and How to
Bring “Green” Practices into Your Business.
Time: July 12, 2008
2 PM to 6PM
Place: The HYATT
The Carbon Credit Market
China is currently one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gasses in the
world and only now are the Chinese authorities addressing this
devastating environmental problem. The Carbon Credit Market is a
system designed to tame the explosive growth of carbon emissions by
putting a price on its production. Four expert panelists will detail how the
system works, what it means for China, and most importantly how you
and your company can get active.
Meet our experts and their
JUCCCE is a non-profit organization focused on bringing
help to the area of greatest concern- and greatest
opportunity for impact- China. Vice Minister of Construction
Qiu BaoXing says, “We are at war with energy and China
is our common battlefront.” Our initiatives are aimed at
helping China accelerate 30 years of world experience and
development into 10 years. JUCCCE advisors makeup a
network of multi-disciplinary leaders in energy efficiency
and clean energy supply within China and the US.
Peggy Liu
Peggy is Chinese-American and currently resides in Shanghai. She has a B.S.
from MIT in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with a thesis in ISDN.
She has been active in the non-profit world in leadership positions for most of
her life. Peggy Liu is now the Chairperson of JUCCCE. Most recently COO at
Mustang Ventures, an early stage venture fund in Shanghai, China. An active
alumna of MIT, she created the MIT Forum on the Future of Energy in China.
Prior to Mustang Ventures, She was an internet executive in Silicon Valley.
Peggy also worked as an independent advisor where she consulted on
strategies, fundraising, and business partnerships for e-commerce businesses.
In 1996, she co-founded and was the CEO of Channel A, which is one of the
earliest business-to-consumer e-commerce websites. Peggy has a long history
of work experience, which includes leading NetManage where she led the
company into the retail channel with Internet Chameleon. She also managed
the Macintosh line development tools at Symantec and was a management
consultant at McKinsey & Co. in Los Angeles.
O Koo
O Koo is the general manager of CDM projects in JUCCE. He is originally from
Shanghai, but he spent the later part of his life in South America, Europe and
the United States--where he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and
Physics. After a short tenure with Merrill Lynch & Co., O joined GE’s
Information Management Leadership Program, and was later nominated for
GE’s Corporate Audit Staff performing various financial, compliance, and
operations audits across GE's Industrial and Capital businesses worldwide. In
August 2002, O became the Six Sigma Quality Leader for GE Industrial
System in the Asia Pacific area. He led Six Sigma and Lean strategies across
five industrial manufacturing operations on key initiatives to support operating
targets, manufacturing variable productivity, global fulfillment, and product
quality. O was promoted to General Manager of Lamps Asia Pacific in 2004. As
General Manager he had direct P&L responsibility where he played an
important role in restructuring the organization and driving profitable growth.
Emissions Zero
Emissions Zero is the first carbon consulting and offset
retail company in China. In the past year, Emissions Zero
has worked with clients in China who wish to reduce and
offset their carbon emissions. We partnered with China’s
first carbon neutral hotel and carbon neutral gym, who are
leading other businesses in China toward carbon neutral
operation. Emissions Zero wishes to promote the carbon
neutral concept and work with responsible businesses to
help China reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions
Zero looks forward to going carbon neutral with you!
MengMeng Cui
Mengmeng is the General Manager of Emissions Zero, the first carbon
consulting and carbon retail company set up in China. Cui has a bachelor's
degree in environmental sociology from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in
Japan. She returned to Beijing, China after graduation and worked with Global
Village Beijing—a reputable environmental NGO between 2004 and 2005. At
Global Village Beijing, she gained practical and up to date knowledge of
China's environmental issues. She joined Climate Bridge, a UK company that
is a carbon trader, in China in 2007. In early 2008, she helped set up
Emissions Zero and started promoting the carbon neutral concept throughout
URBN Hotel
URBN Hotels is committed to developing and operating
green hotels. By renovating an existing structure, focusing
on using recycled and locally sourced materials such as
reclaimed hardwoods and old Shanghai bricks, and
introducing eco-friendly solutions like passive solar shades,
and water based AC systems. Thus, the Urban is the
China’s first carbon neutral hotel: the total amount of
energy the hotel consumes, including staff commutes, food
and beverage delivery, and the energy used by each guest,
will be tracked to calculate the carbon foot print. URBN will
then purchase credits to neutralize its footprint by investing
in local “green” energy development and emission
reduction projects.
Scott Barrack
Scott Barrack is an American from Newport Beach, California and Aspen,
Colorado. He is the director of the URBN Hotel in Shanghai, China’s first
Carbon Neutral hotel. A graduate of Arizona State University, Scott moved to
China in 1998 to follow his dream of being part of the “waking China”. Barrack
speaks Chinese fluently and has a deep understanding of the Chinese
business and social cultures. Barrack has become a pioneer in the Shanghai
real estate market. His mission is to restore and recycle old Shanghai for
modern adaptability.
How to Bring “Green” Practices
into Your Business
Firms in several industries have come to realize that going green is in their
best interest. Even those who are not environmental activists can do their
part to help save the environment. Simple and high-tech recycling, biodiesel
delivery trucks, efficient packaging, and effective supply chain management
are just a few ways that businesses can be eco-friendly. Five expert
panelists will highlight how green practices can help your business and how
you can enact change today.
Meet our experts and their
Roots and Shoots
Roots & Shoots is a positive program that focuses on helping young
people find concrete ways to make the world a better place by caring
for the environment, animals, and other people. Roots & Shoots
stresses empowerment through environmental education. It offers a
forum to bring young people together within their school environment
while providing the opportunity to explore and understand their
connection with the environment, nature, and community. Roots and
Shoots Shanghai is new and counting on corporate support within
Shanghai to provide us with the critical funds and resources needed to
run this organization. In 2004, JGI-Shanghai became the first and only
foreign-affiliated non-profit charitable organization registered in China.
Throughout the years, JGI-Shanghai has established Roots & Shoots
groups in more than 170 schools in and around Shanghai.
Zhenxi Zhong (Zee Zee)
Zhenxi Zhong is the Operations Director of the Jane Goodall Institute in
Shanghai. Through a global youth program called "Roots & Shoots, she and
her organization are leading the way in helping local schools to develop
environmental education curricula and to implement projects – from setting up
organic gardens in Shanghai schools to planting one million trees to stop
desert from expanding in Inner Mongolia – designed to assist young people in
developing concern for their society. She manages operations of one of
Shanghai's most respected NGOs, and is highly committed to the concept of
community involvement.
Arc8x Design
Arc8X Design is a Design led Consulting Company,
providing Multinational Clients with Architectural, Interior
Design and Design and Build solutions. Our goal is to
provide our Clients with dedicated and exceptional
professional services while also facilitating environmentally
responsible solutions for their needs. Arc8x is registered in
both China and the United States and have on staff a
registered AIA Architect and a LEED Accredited
Stephen Protz
Stephen is the founder of Arc8X Design. He is a passionate advocate of the
fact that creative design and environmental accountability are interrelated
issues. It is with this philosophy that Arc8X recently completed the offices for
DuPont, ITT and Treasury Holdings with the incorporation of environmental
sustainability as a core design concept using green planning principles, energy
efficiency, materials use and Eco zone /recycling stations among other
strategies. “Sustainability is not just a target or goal, but a process of modifying
human behavior via design, infrastructure, office policy and individual/corporate
Kong & Allan
Kong and Allan is a unique consulting firm specializing in
supply chain operations and global expansion. Located in
the epicenter of global development - Shanghai, China our team will help your company create innovative
solutions and assist in the execution of these strategies to
improve moving products to customers, managing
inventory, or bringing new consumers to your company. We
aren't going to tell you the time. We guess you already
know that.
Bradley A. Feuling
Mr. Feuling’s experience encompasses supply chain operations in Asia and
the US, including strategic sourcing in China and consumer product
distribution planning. He brings a rich expertise in business development
for early stage ventures and was mentored by best-selling author Jim
Collins (Built to Last and Good to Great) Mr. Feuling has written numerous
articles like, “Quality in Foreign Downstream Manufacturing” and “China’s
Evolving Supply Chain”, for publications such as IndustryWeek and Supply
Chain Europe. Mr. Feuling earned his MBA in Global Strategy from The
Krannert School of Management at Purdue University and a BA in both
Economics and English, with a minor in International Relations from
Bucknell University.
Greennovate is an environmental consulting company
based in Shanghai, China. With an international team of
environmental professionals, Greennovate brings together
expertise from industry, universities, institutes and
government organizations to provide environmental
concepts that contribute to the quality of life outside major
cities in China.
Mihela Hladin
Mihela Hladin, a native of Slovenia, founded Greennovate after working and
developing opportunities in the environmental field in China. Having a
background in her country's own environmental recovery, Mihela recognized
the link between environmental improvements, basic awareness and the
importance of integrating the environment into mainstream values for
The 11th Hour
The 11th Hour is a documentary directed by sisters Leila
Conners Petersen and Nadia Conners. The film documents the
current environmental problems caused by human actions.
Such destructive actions include global warming, deforestation,
mass species extinction and the depletion of the oceans’
habitats. 50 prominent thinkers and activist, such as reformer
Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking and Nobel Prize
winner Wangari Maathai, contributed to this film. An important
note about this film is that it offers hope and solutions.
Scientists and environmental advocates David Orr and Gloria
Flora show how humans in the future can coexist with earth’s
life systems and not dominate them. This documentary is a call
to action.