Planning for High Quality Learning Experiences

Lesson Planning
•February 3, 2016
•Teaching Teams sit together
Points to Ponder
Praxis II and PLT
5 senses
Student centered
Final Self-Assessment
Components of the Big Picture – planning, delivery,
pacing, assessing, reflecting
• Post “I can……”
• Articulation
Planning for High Quality
Learning Experiences
Objective: At the conclusion of today’s lesson, the learner will
be able to:
1. Identify the team member who is responsible for
each part of the schedule on a daily basis.
2. Pull from a variety of learning experiences to plan
high quality, highly engaging learning experiences.
3. Complete the lesson plan for Day 1 with
Team Work
• Develop each team member’s role throughout the day.
• Monday through Friday ask yourselves, “Who will teach
• Construct a TREE MAP (categorize) to visually see the “job”
• Use the classroom schedule to build the TREE MAP.
Tree Map – Block 1 - Week 1 - March 7 - 11
Team Members – Jean Sue Annie
Sample Schedule
Morning Meeting
Science Lesson
Story Time
Tree Map – Block 1 Week 2 - March 14 - 18
Team Members – Jean Sue Annie
Morning Meeting
Science Lesson
Jean ELA Sue ELA
Annie ELA Jean ELA Sue ELA
Sue Math Annie Math Jean Math Sue Math Annie Math
Annie SC Jean SC
Sue SC
Annie SC Jean SC
Story Time
• What is the purpose of constructing a TREE MAP at this time?
• What will you need to construct your team’s TREE MAP?
• Will every day’s schedule be the same?
• Will the work be divided equally?
• Construct the TREE MAP now!
• More details will be included on the Tree Map as you finalize
the Center responsibilities!!
Tree Map – Block 1 - Week 1 - March 7 - 11
Team Members –
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Sorting to
show items
that begin
with the
same sound
Bong the letter that
has the beginning
sound of the word
Change a
word using
Build a word
Hot Potato Game
Who has it?
• CIRCLE MAP - Brainstorm
• Think about what your mentor teacher has assigned
your team to teach during Block 1.
• In the center circle, put information that you will focus
on such as an objective, the theme, etc.
• ROUND TABLE - Pass the CIRCLE MAP around so each
team member has an opportunity to write something
on the map. SILENT WORK at this time!
• Continue this process until all ideas are on the map.
• Each team member will explain their
entry after everyone has contributed.
Writing Your Lesson Plan
• Now that you know what you will be teaching and when, it is time to begin
writing your lesson plan!
• Step 1 – Complete the HEADING on EACH lesson plan. You do not need to
put a header nor a footer.
Southeastern Louisiana University
Early Childhood Education 400/411/420 LESSON PLAN REQUIRED FORMAT
Block __1____
Day and Date to be taught: Monday, March 7, 2016
Candidate Name: Jean Stewart Team Members: Sue McIlvoy, Annie May
Host School: Amite Elementary Magnet Mentor Teacher: Becky Lawson
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Theme: Spring/Growth of Plants
DAY ONE of the THEME Week.) The research is expected to be on a higher level
than elementary school.
• The theme for the pre-k class is plants. Through research and from prior knowledge, I know
that plants come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Their functions can also be
different. Plants all have one thing in common. They are living things. In order to stay alive
they need……………………………. Photosynthesis is the process used to change energy into
food for living plants. Sunlight is needed for this process to happen. Oxygen is a by-product
or waste product of photosynthesis. ……………………
• References:
• Include your references at the end of your entry!!
• Concept/Focus of the Day: This should align to your
objective(s) and tell the focus of your teaching time.
You may have one or two depending on the
• This will tell me exactly what you will do at a glance:
• Examples:
• Life cycle of a plant
• Beginning sounds using /m/, /t/, and /k/
• Rhyming words
• Word families (at, it, ut)
• Interactive writing
• This should be your DAILY schedule from the time the first
bell rings until you finish your morning teaching at 11:00.
INCLUDE EVERYTHING!!! It may change from day to day
depending on any “pull outs”.
• You will include the time, the name of the learning
experience and the name of the person responsible for that
time frame.
• There should be NO gaps in the time!!
• Pre-Kindergarten Schedule example
• 8:00 – 8:05 – Morning Check-In
• 8:05 – 8:15 – Morning Greeting
• 8:15 – 8:30 – Morning Meeting
• 8:30 – 8:32 – Transition
• 8:32 – 8:45 – Music and Movement
• 8:45 – 8:47 – Transition
• 8:47 – 9:47 – Free Choice Centers
• 9:47 – 9:50 – Transition
• 9:50 – 10:05 – Story Time
• 10:05 – 10:06 – Transition
• 10:06 – 10:20 – Science Lesson
• 10:20 – 10: 22 – Transition
• 10:22 – 10:45 – Science Center
• 10: 45 – 10:55 – Journal Writing
• 10:55 – 10:57 – Transition
• 10:57 – 11:27 Lunch
Jean Stewart
Jean Stewart
Jean Stewart
Jean Stewart
Sue McIlvoy
Sue McIlvoy
ALL Team Members have a specific center
Annie May
Annie May
Annie May
Sue McIlvoy
Sue McIlvoy
ALL Team Members are assisting at the tables – Sue M. plans.
Annie May
Annie May
All Team Members until 11:00 then Classroom Teacher
• Kindergarten Schedule example
• 8:00 – 8:05 – Morning Check-In
Jean Stewart
• 8:05 – 8:15 – Morning Greeting
Jean Stewart
• 8:15 – 8:30 – Morning Meeting
Jean Stewart
• 8:30 – 8:32 – Transition
Jean Stewart
• 8:32 – 8:45 – ELA Lesson
Sue McIlvoy
• 8:45 – 8:47 – Transition
Sue McIlvoy
• 8:47 – 9:47 – Small Group Learning
ALL Team Members have a specific center
• 9:47 – 9:50 – Transition
Annie May
• 9:50 – 10:05 – Story Time
Annie May
• 10:05 – 10:06 – Transition
Annie May
• 10:06 – 10:20 – Science Lesson
Sue McIlvoy
• 10:20 – 10: 22 – Transition
Sue McIlvoy
• 10:22 – 10:45 – Science Center
ALL Team Members are assisting at the tables – Sue M. plans.
• 10: 45 – 10:55 – Journal Writing
Annie May
• 10:55 – 10:57 – Transition
Annie May
• 10:57 – 11:27
All Team Members until 11:00 then Classroom Teacher
• You do not need to include anything that your team member is doing
except transitions from one location to another OR one learning
experience to a new experience. Include the transitions with detail for
each transition whether you are leading the transition or assisting. Add
clarifying information as to what your roll will be during transitions when
you are NOT the lead person.
• EXAMPLE: Jean is doing transition into Free Choice Centers. She will set
expectations for the transition – walk quickly and safely to the center you
choose, check to make sure there is an open spot there, place your check
in ticket on the clipboard. The students will be dismissed to the centers by
calling the color and shape groups rotating each day so each group has a
chance to choose first at least once a week. (MONDAY Red Circle; TUESDAY
Blue Triangle, WEDNESDAY Green Square, THURSDAY Purple Octagon,
FRIDAY Yellow Oval) I will be encouraging students to quickly select a
center, reminding them that they will be able to choose other centers
when there are openings in those centers.
• Transition from Music/Movement to Storytime
• Jean is responsible for the transition from Music/Movement to
Storytime. She will close out Music/Movement by saying, “Friends,
Now that we have completed our music/movement time, we will read
a story about a dancing bean. Remember that we sit in our own space
during story time. Check out the Give Me Five chart.” (Teacher will
read the chart. I will assist by pointing to what she is reading). I will
also sit near a child who has difficulty focusing for more than 2
minutes. I will use hand motions to help him focus such as point to
the book and teacher, gently rub his back and hold his hands.
Learning Experience
• *Learning Experience - Be specific as to the experience (Morning Meeting, Story time, Centers,
Outdoor Play, etc.)
• *TIME for learning experience
• *Location (Rug, Tables, Centers, Outdoors, etc.)
• *Student Configuration (Whole Group, Small Group, Center Groups, Individual)
• LouisianaBelieves Standard(s)
LouisianaBelieves Indicator(s)
TSGold Objective(s)
Objective (Teacher Written)
EXAMPLE References:
TSGold Objectives
Learning Experience: Morning Meeting
Time – 8:15 – 8:30
Location – Rug and Two students sitting with Para in small chairs
Student Configuration – Whole Group
Louisiana Believes Standard - SE 5 Regulates impulses, attention and behavior
• Indicator - With adult support and guidance, wait for short periods of time to get
something he/she wants (e.g., waits turn to play with a toy, etc.). (4.3)
• TSGOLD – Social Emotional 1. Regulates ones own emotions and behaviors b. follows limits and
• Objective: The student will be able to wait his/her turn during Mystery Bag activity.
• Louisiana Believes Standard – CM 1 Understands numbers, ways of
representing numbers, and relationships between number and quantities
• Indicator - Identify written numerals 0-10 in the everyday environment. (4.5)
• TSGOLD – Mathematics 20. Uses number concepts and operations b. Qualifies
• Objective – The student will be able to verbally name a given numeral to represent a set of objects.
• References:
What would you put here?
• Use of Technology specific to this learning experience. This MUST be
interactive use of technology!
• Think of some INTERACTIVE ways to use technology!!
• For this learning experience there will be NO technology used.
• Use of Technology - NA
• Alternative use of Technology specific to this learning experience
• Think of some ways to get the same results without the use of
• Alternative use of Technology - NA
• However, you must plan for the use of technology at least 5
times during the course of the 10 day teaching block!
• The use of technology has to be MORE than listening to music
on any devise.
• It has to be interactive learning for the students. Brainstorm at
your table on what that might look like.
A Standard, Indicator, TSGold Objective and Teacher Objective
MUST be included – not for technology, but for the knowledge,
concept, skill the students will gain.
Now you include the OPENING and HOOK
The PROCEDURE with transitions throughout the procedure!
CLOSURE – Student Led
Accommodations and Differentiation
Management of Behavior
• I am so surprised. That is not like you at all. You are not like
• Ask students. “Who has your control?” Teacher coaches students
to believe it when they say, “I have got control!”
• Management of Learning - Use of a variety of learning styles, levels
• Management of Materials – Distributing materials
• List of Materials Include how many of each item you will need.
• Teacher
• Student
• Attachments of ALL materials – ALL – Books,
charts, materials, etc. ALL INCLUSIVE
• Assessment tool name - JUST name is required
• Transition to the next learning experience or
• Resources/References
Learning Experience - Science
*TIME - 10:06 – 10:20
*Location - Rug
*Student Configuration - Whole Group
LouisianaBelieves Standard(s) Standard CS 1: Develop the ability to carry out the scientific inquiry
process (ask questions, predict, make observations, explain observations, and draw conclusions).
LouisianaBelieves Indicator(s) - Use prior knowledge and experiences to generate
questions, hypothesize, predict, and draw conclusions about living creatures, objects,
materials and changes observed in the environment. (4.4)
TSGold Objective(s) – Science and Technology – 24 Uses scientific inquiry skills
Objective (Teacher Written) – The student will be able to demonstrate the
ability to observe with the purpose of making predictions and formulating
• References for Standards, Objectives, Indicators and TSGold only in this section:
Technology – Video showing time lapsed growth of a seed to a plant.
Reference for Technology: URL – www………………………………….
Alternative to Technology – Show pictures of the seed, sprout, plant in very fast sequence.
Reference for Alternative to Technology:
Opening and Hook
• Opening and Hook in detail (Include everything you will say and do,
everything the students will say and do.) Make sure your hook is truly
something that will pique the interest of the students.
• If your theme is Plants, what kind of a HOOK might you have for the
first day of the unit being taught?
• What about the last day of the unit?
• Opening and Hook – The children will be gathered on the rug for the
science lesson. In the center of the rug will be a container covered with a
cloth. The expectation if that the students will begin to look at the cover
and wonder what might be under it.
Once all the students have transitioned to the rug, I will begin the lesson by
reviewing what I noticed about transition – As you got ready to transition
from your centers to the rug for science, I noticed that you cleaned up
centers quickly and quietly. Johnny, I noticed that you finished putting the
puzzle away that you were using and then helped Susie put her items on the
top shelf. That was being very helpful. Boys and Girls, you did a great job
cleaning up and transitioning!! And, now you are doing a great job getting
ready to learn more things! Kiss your brain!
Look at the picture schedule (teacher points to the schedule). So far this
morning we have had Morning Meeting, Music and Movement, Free Choice
Center Time. Look what comes next (points to the icon for science center).
What comes next? (Bloom’s level ……). That is right, Science Time.
Remember, first we have a lesson with the teacher, then we go to centers to
do some learning activities to help us remember the science lesson.
• While sitting on your bottoms, focus your eyes on the center area of the rug.
Think, think, think about what I am going to ask you. Remember when we think,
we keep the information in our brains and NEVER EVER let it come out of our
mouths during Think Think Think time. Are you ready to think? Put your fingers
on the temples of your head, tap, tap, tap gently and listen to the question.
• There is something in the center of the rug. Can you see it? (Bloom’s Level…..)
Why? Why not? (Bloom’s Level…..) You can’t see it with your eyes. It is covered
up. Looking at the size and shape of the mystery thing, think about what it might
be. Think, think, think….What might it be? (Blooms Level ……) (teacher will be
doing the motions of Think, Think, Think as the students do the motions). After
about 20 seconds, ask the question again. What might it be? (Blooms Level ……)
It is now time to turn to your shoulder partner and tell your partner what you
think it is. Remember who goes first, Number 1 of the team goes first, then
number 2. Ready, share! The students will be given about 1 minute to share.
• The teacher claps 3 times to get the students’ attention. She says, “I noticed each
person had a chance to share what they thought was under the cloth. Sometimes
it is very hard to wait our turn but you did it!! Great job!!”
• The teacher will say, “I am going to remind you that you will again keep
your information in your brain while we share. (teacher will choose
students to answer using the name sticks). Remember the question was
What might be under the cover? What might it be?” Use wait time – 5
seconds Johnny, what do you think? Teacher will validate the answer by
repeating what the student said. Continue this procedure with 3 more
• With much drama, the teacher walks to the middle of the rug and very
slowly takes the cover off of the box. The box contains a variety of plants
and materials/supplies a gardener might use.
• The teacher has the students think again about what they are seeing using
the THINK THINK THINK strategy.
• After a few seconds, the teacher has students (using name sticks) share
their thoughts.
• At this point, the teacher asks the students what they think all of the items
have to do with learning about science. (Bloom’s level……)
• *Procedure in detail (Include everything you will say and do,
everything the students will say and do.). Include questions you will
ask. Label the questions (ALL questions) with the level of Bloom’s
Taxonomy and/or Depth of Knowledge.
This should be a seamless transition from the opening and hook.
• Once several students have completed their thought sharing, the
teacher will add to or clarify thoughts shared by the students. EX – If
a student says that all plants grow from a seed, the teacher will say
that we will learn how plants grow over the next two weeks and we
might have some surprises about that. Ask the students how long it
would take for a seed to grow into a plant. (Bloom’s level….) The
students will watch a video of a time enhanced growth of a plant
from a seed. The teacher will ask if the students think a plant can
grow that fast. (Bloom’s Level…..) She will have them predict how
much time it might take to grow. The predictions will be written on a
chart paper to be used for future lessons. She will then have a
student come up and place a seed in some soil.
• She will set a timer and instruct the students to watch. When nothing
happens after 15 seconds, the teacher will ask if the seed has
changed at all. (Bloom’s level). She will have a student take the seed
out of the soil and inspect it.
• At this point of the lesson, the students will be asked to share with
their partners how long it might take for seeds to grow/change into
plants. The teacher will then write the information on a chart paper
using scientific language – Johnny’s hypothesis is that a seed will
change or grow into a plant in 1 day. Susie’s hypothesis is that a seed
will change or grow into a plant in 753 days. Annie’s hypothesis is
that a seed will change or grow into a plant when we go to lunch. All
information will be on the chart ahead of time except the time the
student offers.
• CLOSURE of Whole Group Science – The teacher will have the
students share with their shoulder partner how long they think it
takes to grow a plant from a seed. The teacher will then say, “I
noticed that everyone share how long they think it will take to grow
the plant.” You shared showing respect for your partner. You took
turns and you used good listening skills! Great job!!
• To transition from whole group lesson to the science centers, the
teacher will tell them that being a scientist means that one has to test
their hypothesis to either prove or disprove it. She will ask, “What do
you think prove or disprove means?” (Bloom’s level….) She will tell
the students that is exactly what they will do in the centers.
• It is now time to transition to science centers. Expectations will be
set: The students will move to their designated areas (color and shape
groups) when called to do so. They will move quietly and safely. Once
at their area, the students will focus on what is on the tables. The TC
will then begin their lesson on plants. All team members will assist at
the tables.
• SPECIFIC and detailed procedure is to be included here – the team
will decide if the SCIENCE lead teacher will plan for all of the tables
or if each TC will plan for their table.
• *Accommodations and Differentiation specific to this learning experience – The student
who has a hearing impairment will be seated so he can see the teacher’s lips as she
speaks. He will also be assigned a work partner.
• *Management of Behavior specific to this learning experience - Set clear expectations.
Redirect, practice expectations. Preferential seating, Oversized personal space for
Johnny. Use “I noticed…” statements throughout the lesson to reinforce appropriate
• *Management of Learning specific to this learning experience – Ask questions through
out the lesson, use rebus directions for the yellow oval table group, plan for different
learning levels and learning styles.
• *Management of Materials specific to this learning experience Have materials on the
tables prior to students going to table. A materials manager can be assigned.
• *List of Materials specific to this learning experience. Include how many of each item
you will need.
• Teacher
• Box with dirt (one container) , seeds (variety of sizes) , plants (variety – at least 6) , planters – two
or three, carrots (a bundle), potatoes (two or three), peanuts (a cup full of unshelled) flowers (one
bouquet), etc. pertaining to plants and growth. Lab coat, safety googles large clear tub
• Student – NONE to provide. The student will use dirt, seeds, containers and have access to all
other materials to observe.
• Attachments
• ALL materials are to be included as an image in this section.
• This included the “Expectations” chart such as a “Give Me Five”
• Assessment Tool: Checklist OR NA
• References/Resources – Specific to the learning
procedure including Start Smart book with page
number and ALL resources you used when planning
opening, hook, and procedure as well as all
management components, etc. for THIS specific
learning experience.
Learning Experience - Science Student Interaction
TIME - 10:22 – 10:45
Location - Tables
*Student Configuration - Small Groups (Color/Shape Groups)
LouisianaBelieves Standard(s) Standard CS 1: Develop the ability to carry out the
scientific inquiry process (ask questions, predict, make observations, explain
observations, and draw conclusions).
LouisianaBelieves Indicator(s) - Use prior knowledge and experiences
to generate questions, hypothesize, predict, and draw conclusions about
living creatures, objects, materials and changes observed in the environment.
TSGold Objective(s) – Science and Technology – 24 Uses scientific
inquiry skills
Objective (Teacher Written) – The student will be able to
demonstrate the ability to observe with the purpose of
making predictions and formulating hypotheses.
• Each Teacher Candidate (TC) will be responsible for a group of
students. In my center the students will be given the choice of a clear
cup, a clear plastic baggie, or a paper cup. They will also be given the
choice of a variety of seeds. Expectations for behavior is that the
students use their ears to listen, they hands to do the appropriate
work, their feet to keep them in their personal space and their brains
to learn new things. The teacher will refer to the “Give Me Five”
expectations chart if and when needed in order to redirect, reteach,
practice, etc.
• The teacher will say, “Look with your eyes at what is on the table.”
Think, think, think. What do you see? (Bloom’s level……..) What do
you predict that we might do with these objects? (Bloom’s level….)
What are some thoughts about how we will use the objects? (Blooms’
• The teacher will explain that we are going to test our hypothesis.
Referring to the chart, she will say, “I predicted that the seed will
grow and change into a plant in 2 days.” How can I test this? (Bloom’s
Level…) The students will be guided to share their thoughts. After
they share, they will actually put their thoughts into action. If Johnny
says, “I think you need to put the seed in a cup and cover it up with
dirt.” the teacher will ask Johnny what materials he will need.
(Bloom’s Level….) The teacher will allow the students to gather the
materials they identified as needed in their space and follow with the
work to test their hypothesis. This might include, putting seeds in a
clear cup with nothing else, putting seeds in a baggie, putting seeds in
a cup of dirt, etc. The teacher will allow all students to follow their
thoughts in this learning experience. After the students have
completed their work, the teacher will label their items.
• Closure – The teacher will have the students discuss what they had to do as a
scientist to test their hypothesis.
• The teacher will say, “While you guys worked as scientist, I noticed that you
worked carefully. You shared materials when needed. And, you finished the
work that needed to be done. Now, we get to wait and see what happens. We
will check every day to see what is happening to our seeds.
*Accommodations and Differentiation
• *Management of Behavior
• *Management of Learning
• *Management of Materials
• *List of Materials
Student *
• *Attachments of ALL materials
• *Assessment tool name I
• References for this learning experience:
• Transition: It is now time to do our Journal Writing. We will stay right here to do
• Learning Experience - Journal Writing
• Time – 10: 45 – 10:55
• Location – Tables
• Student Configuration – Small group (Same as for science center)
• Louisiana Believes Standard(s) Standard LL 7: Develop familiarity with writing
implements, conventions, and emerging skills to communicate
written representations, symbols, and letters
• Indicators - Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing in response to a text
read aloud, or to tell a story about a life experience or event. (4.2)
• TSGold Objective – Literacy – 19. Demonstrates emergent writing skills b. Writes to convey
• Objective – The student will be able to successfully complete an entry in a journal about
what he/she did during the science center learning experience.
• References for Standards, Indicators and TSGold objectives.
• Opening and Hook – The teacher will have a lab coat on and some safety
googles. She will have some lens less glasses for each student. She will also
have clipboards, papers and writing utensils for each student. The students
will be asked if they know one more job a scientist does. (Bloom’s Level…..).
Once the students have given their thoughts, the teacher will add to the
information by telling the students that scientist have to record their work.
• Procedure – The materials will be given to the students (located in center
of table for ease of managing). Once they have one clipboard, a pair of
glasses and a writing utensil, they will be instructed to write or draw what
they did during science center. The teacher will offer support as the
students work using prompting, questioning, etc. (What did you put your
seed into? How much dirt did you put on top of your seed? Did you use any
dirt in your baggie? What was the first thing you did? …the last thing you
did? (Bloom’s levels…..))
• Closure - The journals will be shared with the students at the tables.
Clarifying questions will be asked by the teacher or students as needed.
*Accommodations and Differentiation
*Management of Behavior
*Management of Learning
*Management of Materials
*List of Materials
Student *
*Attachments of ALL materials
*Assessment tool name I
References for this learning experience:
• Assessment for this specific learning experience
• You only need to put information here IF you are doing an assessment of this
learning experience – one objective for the learning experience.
• I am assessing during this learning experience so this section will look like
• Assessment – Checklist
• I am NOT assessing during this learning experience so this section will look
like this:
• Assessment - NA
• Transition – The teacher gives 3 claps to get the students’ attention. She says, Boys and
Girls, I noticed that everyone has finished sharing their journals. It is now time to put the
materials back in the center of the table then move to the rug.
• References: This is specific for your resources and references for this part of the lesson –
the journal writing only!!
• Closure for the day: Once the students are on the rug, the teacher reviews what
happened over the course of the morning. Today, we learned (list what was learned…..).
Turn to your shoulder partner and share what you learned about being a scientist today.
Students will share for 2 minutes. The teacher will say, “I noticed that everyone worked
very hard! All of that hard work can make our brain and our body hungry… And, we are
in luck! It is lunch time. :
• Transition: To line up, remember to go directly to your number spot and stand in your
space. Begin counting to see if we can line up before we count to 20 today. Ms. Susie will
be touching the numerals as we count to line up. (Susie will touch the numerals and
count in a whisper voice as the lead teacher transitions the students to their lunch line.
Listen carefully. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4,and 5 line up….numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 line up……
and so on until all students are lined up. Once the students are lined up, the teacher
reminds the students of the hallway expectations (walk on the right side of the hallway,
voices on silent, hands in their place, feet walking, eyes looking ahead) leads the
students down the hallway to the cafeteria.
The completed assessment is your DAILY ASSESSMENT DATA ANALYSIS that is
submitted on Moodle ECE 411. This is done daily during the block weeks!
• *Assessment Tool for ECE 411 – You MUST have this section for every day of the
two weeks. However, you only need to assess for ONE learning experience per
day and only 4-5 students per day. Over the course of two weeks, every student
should be assessed at least once; more would be helpful for the mentor teacher.
Share the assessment with your mentor teacher at the end of each week.
Example of what is required:
• Type of assessment: Checklist
• TSGold Objective with the number
• Teacher written Objective being assessed: The student will be able to pronounce
simple words using the AT family to form these words.
• Attachment/Image of Tool: This might be a completed checklist, images of
pictures or antecdotal notes, etc.
• Students being assessed: one student from each center group will be assessed
today, being 5 students total between Monday and Tuesday.
• Questions answered using the collected data.
• ***For the DADA that will be placed on Moodle ECE 411, more information is
required. Refer to the assignment on that site for clarification.***
Clarifying Points
• Each teacher candidate will plan at least ONE learning experience each day
of the Block teaching time.
• Each teacher candidate will offer assistance and support when she is not
teaching (whole group learning experiences).
• Each teacher candidate will individually write her plans.
• The team will work together to collaborate the learning experiences in
order to have coherent teaching days.
• The team will work together during transitions.
• The team will offer moral support to each member!
• The team members will respect the teaching time of each other.
• Each teacher candidate will record a complete teaching morning to include
all components of the schedule.
• At this point, you should:
-be able to complete your lesson plans with a
high degree of success,
-have a clear understanding of the teaching
requirements of each teacher candidate and
-have your preliminary job assignments