ppt, Day 3

1) Why did New York City change so much
over time?
2) How does New York City’s growth show
that it is a good community?
3) How are that ways that Bisbee and New
York City changed over time different?
4) What details about Bisbee tell you that it is
a good community?
Synonyms are words that have the same or
almost the same meaning.
community - town
shut - close
small - little
quick - ______
kind - _______
glad - ________
Signal words: because, then, had to, so come
between what happens and why it happens.
Why it happens (Cause)
What happens (Effect)
page 28
Copper was discovered.
Bisbee started
page 23
People lost their jobs
and had to move away.
I dropped the glass, so ______________.
Venn Diagram
Has shapes that overlap to show how things are
different and alike.
Read Pages 18-28
What is the cause of people having to find new jobs?
A harbor is a safe place where ships bring and get
goods. What is a synonym for harbor?
What part of the Venn diagram is about only one city?
What might you put in a Venn diagram about your
community and a community you have read about?
Practice /or/ spelled or, ore, oar, oor, our
Sort: more, born, fort, store, board, door, your,
Frequently misspelled words: before, our
High Frequency Words:
Review through
Decodable Reader #13: Dinner for Hardtop
Fluency: “Almost Moving Day”
(reading with expression)
practice page 160
On a viset to London, Jane saw
groups of extremely poor people.
She returned home. She wanted to
create a place to live for poor
people to lived. She and her friend,
Ellen Starr, began Hull House in
On a viset to London in 1883, Jane saw
groups of extremely poor people.
When she returned home, she wanted
to create a place for poor people to
lived. She and her friend, Ellen Starr,
began Hull House in chicago