SPATIAL, STRUCTURAL, & TEMPORAL ANALYSES IN THE GEOLOGY EXPLORER Donald P. Schwerta, Brian M. Slatorb, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukata, PI’s Robert Cosmanob, Shannon Tomacb , Guy Hokansonb , and Otto Borchertb Abstract aDept. The Geology Explorer, is a synthetic, Internetbased, educational environment (“Planet Oit”) where students carry out geologic investigations as a field geologist would. The Interpretive Module of the Geology Explorer provides students with an authentic, spatiallyoriented geologic mapping experience. New additions in 2003 to the Interpretive Module include the ability of students to: 1) determine structural aspects of tabular units using spatial relationships and interactive measuring tools, and 2) propose a chronology of geologic events for the history of the bedrock terrain. The Geology Explorer can be visited on the Internet at . of Geosciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND bDept. of Computer Science, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND Background Educational Role-playing Games: “Learning-by-doing” Experiences What is “Planet Oit” ? The Technical Approach • Similar to Earth, but opposite the Sun •Students “land” on Oit to undertake exploration •Authentic Geoscience goals - e.g., to locate, identify, and report valuable minerals; to create and interpret a geologic map The Virtual Environment is: •MultiUser •Exploratory •Spatially-oriented The Virtual Environment promotes: Spatial Navigation Using Maps and Rendered 3-D Scenes ~50 places: desert, cutbank, cave, etc. ~100 different rocks and minerals ~15 field instruments: rock pick, acid bottle, magnet, etc. Software Tutors: intelligent agents for equipment, exploration, and deduction •Practical planning and decision making •Problem solving •Investigation of real-world content • Understanding the scientific method • Networked, internet based, client-server simulation • UNIX-based MOO (Multi-User Dungeon, Object Oriented) • Java-based clients •Mature thinking Timeline: Proposing a Chronology for Geologic Events Measurement of Thicknesses of Tabular Rock Units in a Structural Terrain “Aerial Photo” Outcrop Locations are Shown with Markers You Are Here Markers Coded to Rock Type Show Location of Identified Outcrops Initial Instructions Opening Timeline Interface Dragging a Timeline Proposal Player Creates a Geologic Map Based on Outcrop Locations, and Receives Immediate Feedback Player Uses Pen to Draw Map Interpretation Automated Assessment and Advice Automated Feedback: Incorrect Response Proposing a Thickness Measurement on a Completed Geologic Map Automated Feedback, From Which Student Can Now Use Values to Determine True Thickness Freedom of Action Automated Feedback: Correct Response Automated Feedback: Also Correct Acknowledgments Special thanks are due to John Bauer for Java graphical client development, to Rebecca Potter for graphical development, to Bryan Bandli, Julia Karst-Gray, Ned Kruger, K.C. Vorthmann, Joy Turnbull, Dean Vestal, Mindy Sue Vogel, Jeff Walsh, and Jane Willenbring for geology content development and assessment, to Mark Tinguely, who saved our world when its universe imploded, and to Dave Schmidt for the name: Planet Oit. Geology Explorer research supported by NSF grants DUE-9752548, EAR-9809761, DUE-9981094, ITR0086142 and EPSCoR 99-77788, and FIPSE P116B011528.