Yield Management A technique used to Maximize Room Revenue Used for reservations of a Perishable Commodity: – Hotel Rooms – Airplane Seats – Rental Cars – Cruise Ship Cabins Hotels are shifting from High-Volume to High-Profit bookings Yield Management As Demand exceeds Supply Increase Rates to Maximize Profits $ As Supply exceeds Demand Decrease Rates to Maximize Occupancy $ Elasticity of Demand How sensitive is demand to a change in price? ELASTIC – Demand is very sensitive to price INELASTIC – Demand is not sensitive to price Guest Booking Profile Inelastic Business Leisure Reservations Elastic 100 Days before arrival 0 Yield Statistic Actual Rooms Revenue Potential Rooms Revenue Potential Rooms Revenue – Every room sold at full rack rate – # Rooms x 365 days x Rack Rate Yield Management Tools Discount Allocation • Manage discounted room rates • Encourage upselling Duration Control • Place time constraints on reservations • May reject reservation requests Combination • Discounts for 3 nights, but rack for 1 night Duration Control Minimum Length of Stay • Reservation for a certain number of nights Close to Arrival • Guest must arrive before a certain date • Limit number of check-ins on a given day Sell-through • Similar to minimum stay • Sell days around a peak day Room Discounts Hurdle Rate • Minimum room rate for a given day Displacement • Occurs when a hotel accepts group business at the expense of transients Wash Factor • Deletion of group room blocks Rooms Availability Formula 150 Guestrooms - 5 Out of Order - 45 Stayovers - 50 Reservations + 10% No-show + 5 Understays - 20 Overstays 40 Rooms Available for Sale Forecasting Rooms Revenue Forecasted Annual Rooms Revenue = Rooms Available Occupancy Percentage Average Daily Rate Rooms Available = Total Rooms X 365 Days Forecasting Rooms Revenue Example 100 Room Hotel 100 x 365 days = 36,500 Rooms Available 75% Occupancy Percentage .75 $50 Average Daily Rate 36,500 x .75 x $50 = $1,368,750 Hotel Operational Statistics Occupancy Percentage The most commonly used operating ratio Average Daily Rate (ADR) Average of all room types and rates Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR) Measures revenue capabilities of hotel Occupancy Percentage Number of Rooms Occupied Number of Rooms Available What does rooms occupied include? Rooms sold + comp rooms What does rooms available include? Use the rooms availability formula 2000 = 63.9% Occupancy Percentage Example Number of Rooms Occupied Number of Rooms Available Sold 95 rooms with 5 comps 150 room hotel with 25 out of order 95 + 5 = 100 150 - 25 = 125 = 80% Daily Occupancy Rates 68.3 Tues Weds 62.4 70 60 67.7 65.3 66.5 70.1 47.8 50 40 30 20 10 0 Sun Mon Thurs Fri Sat Average Daily Rate (ADR) Rooms Revenue Number of Rooms Sold Number of Rooms Sold may or may not include comps 1999 = $81.07 Average Daily Rate Example Rooms Revenue Number of Rooms Sold $10,000 Rooms Revenue Sold 95 rooms with 5 comps $10,000 95 + 5 = $10,000 100 = $100 Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR) Actual Rooms Revenue Number of Available Rooms or: Occupancy Percentage x ADR 1999 = $51.50 RevPar Example Actual Rooms Revenue Number of Available Rooms $10,000 Rooms Revenue 150 room hotel with 25 out of order $10,000 150 - 25 $10,000 125 = $80 Hubbart Formula Approach “Bottom-up”Approach Begin with desired profit based upon expected Return on Investment (ROI) Calculate pretax profits, fixed charge, management fees, & operating expenses Estimate other departmental income Determine the required rooms department income Add expenses to get rooms department revenue Room Revenue / Rooms Sold = Average Room Rate Hubbard Formula Item Desired net income Pretax income Interst expense Income before interest & tax Est. depreciation & insurance Income before fixed charges Undistributed operating expenses Calculation Amount Investment x ROI 2,500,000 x .15 = 375,000 $375,000 Pretax income = net income 1 -t Pretax income = 375,000 1 - .4 Principal x int. rate x time 7,500,000 x .12 x 1 $900,000 40% of income before interest & tax $1,525,000 $610,000 60 % of income before fixed charges $2,135,000 $1,281,000 Required operated depts revenue Department income excluding rooms Less: Food & beverage Plus: Telephone loss $3,416,000 5% of required operated depts revenue 2% of required operated depts revenue Rooms dept. income Rooms dept. direct expenses ($170,800) $68,320 $3,313,520 54,750 x $10 $547,500 Rooms revenue Required average room rate $625,000 $3,861,020 Room revenue Room sold $3,861,020 54,750 $70.52 Hubbard Formula Figures Owner Investment = ??? Principal Loan Amount = ??? ROI = 15% Tax Rate = 40% Annual Interest Rate = 12% Depreciation & Insurance = 40% of income before interest & taxes Undistributed Operating Expenses = 60% of income before fixed charges Hubbard Formula Figures Other department gains & losses: F&B = 5% of required operated depts. revenue Phone = 2% of required operated depts. Revenue Annual rooms sold = ??? Depends on your occupancy percentage Rooms department direct expenses = $10 per room sold