CSCI495Unit2 - Math & Computer Science

CSCI 495 Senior Seminar
Unit 2
Objective 1:
Objective 2:
Objective 3:
Objective 4:
George Rudolph
Computer Architecture, OS's, Networking and Databases
Review classic Von Neumann computer hardware and machine-level views
Review operating systems
Review networking and databases
Review and extend multitasking, parallel and distributed computing concepts
C Level Maximum 65 points
1. Make flash cards of on key terms architecture, OS’s, Networking and Databases. (10 pts)
2. Illustrate the structure of an TCP/IP packet and a UDP packet. (10 pts)
3. Draw a diagram showing the major parts of a processor such as the Motorola 68000 or one of the Intel x86
processors. (10 pts)
4. Choose your favorite instruction in the instruction set from an x86 processor. Draw a timing diagram for the
execution of that instruction. (10 pts)
5. Diagram the layers in a typical database-centric application. (10 pts)
6. Consider a database that includes cadet information and grades by semester. Draw a poster showing what
that data might look like in a relational, object-oriented and no-SQL database model. (10 pts)
7. List the fundamental operations for a relational or database. (5 pts)
8. List the fundamental operations for a no-SQL database. (5 pts)
9. List the key features of a typical desktop operating system. (10 pts)
10. List the key features of a typical real-time operating system. (10 pts)
11. Describe the structure of an HTTP header, and show what happens when a browser requests a page from a
web server. (5 pts)
12. What is a mime type? What is it used for? (5pts)
13. Describe and illustrate the SSH protocol. (5 pts)
14. List 5-10 embarrassingly parallel problems you might be interested in. ( 5pts)
B Level 15 points—Choose One
Typically, you will write a lab report for these items.
1. Write an x86 assembly language routine that outputs the string characters for “Hello” to a console.
2. Demonstrate the advantages of using a relational database over flat files.
3. Demonstrate the advantages of using a no-SQL database over a relational database.
4. What time of day is network traffic out of your barracks slowest?
5. What is the actual speed or capacity of the link between two computers in the TH215 computer lab?
6. Pick a traditional sort or search algorithm that you like. Find or implement a sequential and parallel version of
the algorithm in Java. Run both on a computer with at least two cores. What is their measured performance
for various sizes of a list?
7. Implement and demonstrate a simple encryption server that can take a message and encode or decode it.
Level 20 points—Choose One
Does the increased availability of cheap parallel computing pose a threat to security?
Is the no-SQL database model better than a traditional relational model?
All modern desktop computers feature a graphical user interface. Is the PC/Mac/Linux difference real or only
F: < 60 D: < 70 C: < 80 B: < 90 A: >= 90