Bacteria Challenge #2

Bacteria Chapter Challenge
• Directions: After each question, write
your answer on a separate sheet of
paper. You will be given about 30
seconds per questions. The group
with the most correct answers will win.
1 of 20) Two part question:
a) What do cyanobacteria produce that creates
our ozone layer?
b) What is the chemical formula for ozone?
2 of 20) Two part question:
A) Name the cell part used to create proteins?
B) Which letter is it?
3 of 20)
Which letter
shows cocci
4 of 20) Identify letter E.
5 of 20) In general, which word means
“with oxygen”?
6 of 20) Two part question:
A) Name the organelle used to anchor and
connect bacteria during conjugation?
B) Which letter is it?
7 of 20) Saprophyte bacteria are a type
of ____________ because they feed on
dead matter.
Dead and rotting tree
8 of 20) Gram Negative bacteria have
something that Gram Positive bacteria do not.
Which letter is it?
9 of 20) What specifically does the
ozone layer block?
10 of 20) At one time these were the 5
kingdoms of life. Today however, Kingdom
Monera has be divided into two kingdoms
called _______ and _______.
11 of 20) What do halophilic
bacteria love?
12 of 20) From inside to outside, name the 3
layers of a bacteria cell.
Green = ___________
Yellow = ___________
Red = _____________
13 of 20) What are the heat-loving
archaebacteria called that can live in
this hot spring?
14 of 20) Two part question:
A) Name the organelle used for movement.
B) Which letter is it?
15 of 20) Three part question: Which traits are
most common in bacteria?
Reproduction (part A): Asexual or Sexual
Disease (part B): Infectious or Non-infectious
Cell type (part C): Prokaryote or Eukaryote
16 of 20) Name
the process
where bacteria
connect to each
other and swap
17 of 20) Which process is shown in
this animation?
18 of 20) Lactobacillus bulgaricus is
commonly found in yogurt. How would you
describe the shape of this bacteria?
19 of 20) Are the following characteristics true
about Bacteria A or Bacteria B?
Gram negative, Hard to treat with antibiotics,
Third outer layer for defense.
20 of 20) Grab-Bag: Match the country
with the name of its money.
A) Israel = ________________
B) Russia = _______________
C) Japan = _______________
D) India = ________________
E) Germany = _____________
1 of 20) Two part question:
a) What do cyanobacteria produce that creates
our ozone layer?
b) What is the chemical formula for ozone?
2 of 20) Two part question:
A) Name the cell part used to create proteins?
B) Which letter is it?
3 of 20)
Which letter
shows cocci
4 of 20) Identify letter E.
5 of 20) In general, which word
means “with oxygen”?
6 of 20) Two part question:
A) Name the organelle used to anchor and connect bacteria
during conjugation?
B) Which letter is it?
7 of 20) Saprophyte bacteria are a type
of ____________ because they feed on
dead matter.
Dead and rotting tree
8 of 20) Gram Negative bacteria have
something that Gram Positive bacteria do not.
Which letter is it?
9 of 20) What specifically does the
ozone layer block?
10 of 20) At one time these were the 5 kingdoms of
life. Today however, Kingdom Monera has be
divided into two kingdoms called ________________
and _________________.
11 of 20) What do halophile
bacteria love to live in?
12 of 20) From inside to outside, name the 3
layers of a bacteria cell.
Green = ___________
Yellow = ___________
Red = _____________
13 of 20) What are the heat-loving
archaebacteria called that can live in
this hot spring?
14 of 20) Two part question:
A) Name the organelle used for movement.
B) Which letter is it?
15 of 20) Three part question: Which traits are
most common in bacteria?
Reproduction (part A): Asexual or Sexual
Disease (part B): Infectious or Non-infectious
Cell type (part C): Prokaryote or Eukaryote
16 of 20) Name
the process
where bacteria
connect to each
other and swap
17 of 20) Which process is shown in
this animation?
18 of 20) Lactobacillus bulgaricus is commonly
found in yogurt. How would you describe the
shape of this bacteria?
19 of 20) Are the following characteristics true
about Bacteria A or Bacteria B?
Gram negative, Hard to treat with antibiotics,
Third outer layer for defense.
20 of 20) Grab-Bag: Match the country
with the name of its money.
A) Israel = ________________
B) Russia = _______________
C) Japan = _______________
D) India = ________________
E) Germany = _____________