Geography Overview

Name __________________________________________________ Date ___________
European Geography
Europe is mainly in the ________________________________________ and the Eastern Hemispheres. It is
the __________ smallest continent. The ________________________________________ mountains form the
main boundary between Europe and Asia. Russia, the largest country in the world, is in both
________________________________________ and ________________________________________. Europe is bordered
by water. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the
________________________________________ Sea, the Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea to the South. (The
Caspian Sea is actually a lake.) Being mostly surrounded by water makes Europe a
________________________________________ . Because it has so many large cities, Europe has a high
_______________________________________ ________________________________________. Europe has had large
populations for thousands of years because much of its land is _____________________________________,
or good for farming. Despite the fact that Europe is so far north, it has a generally mild climate
because of the ______________________________________ ______________________________________ that comes
across the Atlantic with warm currents and winds. In addition to its good geography, Europe
has a great river system that includes: the Danube, the Rhine, the Rhone, the Elbe, and the
________________________________________ , the longest river in Europe. The continent is split into
northern and southern sections by mountains such as the Alps. Europe can be divided both
politically and physically into Eastern and Western Europe. Until around 1990, the eastern side
was communist while the western side was ________________________________________ . The eastern
side of Russia is called Siberia, which is known for its extremely cold winters. It is not a
surprise that most Russians live in the ________________________________________ side of Russia. A
major factor in Russia’s power today is its natural resources such as coal, natural gas, and
__________________________ .