Annual Report A 23 Year Retrospective Higher Education Inc. Electrical Engineering Division “Hand Crafting Graduates, One at a Time” Data Taken From NSF04302 National Demographics of Electrical Engineering Students Bachelor Degree Unless Otherwise Stated Female (13%) Male (87%) Hispanic (8%) Black (7%) Asian (24%) Undergraduate Students Foreign Citizens (14%) Native American (0.3%) White (61%) Graduate Students U. S. Citizens (86%) Foreign Citizens (56%) 1 2 U. S. Citizens (44%) National Demographics of Electrical Engineering Students Bachelor Degree Unless Otherwise Stated Jobs of 1999 & 2000 BSEE graduates in 2001 Other science or engineering (35%) Electrical Engineer (57%) Somewhat Related (31%) Closely Related (51%) Non-related Field (8%) Not Related (18%) The Drive to Succeed Students Self-Reporting Cheating 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 100% Frequency of Cheating 80% 60% 40% 20% 1964 1996 Year of Study 2004 0% More than 1/Semester 1/Semester At some Time BSEE Degree Production over Time Bachelor Degrees Masters Degrees Ph.D. Degrees 20,000 10,000 2002 1997 1992 1987 0 1982 Number of Degrees Granted 30,000 Year Ph.D. Degrees 156% Increase over 19 Years 8.2% per year Bachelor Degrees 11% Increase over 19 Years 0.58% per year The news bad news is our product is stagnating… The good is production is down and costs are rising… 250 Percentage Ratio Women ÷ Men 200 College ÷ Life 150 100 50 2002 1997 1992 1987 1982 0 Year Costs are 220% Higher Adjusted for Inflation 6.3% per year 6.7% More Women over 19 Years 0.5% per year A Critical Look at the University • Stories are much more powerful than data! • The observer affects the measurement. • We generalize personal experiences or beliefs rather than base teaching on facts. • “Students are less willing to work now than they were in the past.” • “Students care more about their social life than about their school work.” Broad generalizations form the mythos of the university. • Universities arose in 11th and 12th centuries as cathedral and monastery schools. • A demand for educated men resulted in secular universities. • Early universities had no physical building- students came from all over to study with the Masters. • Over time universities became more organized and developed curricula. “The original Latin meaning of curriculum was a course, but of the kind that one runs around (it came from currere, to run), or perhaps traverses in a racing chariot, a transferred sense. The first borrowing of the Latin word into English—in the late seventeenth century—was for a light, two-wheeled, twin-horsed carriage” Source: One of the earliest woodcuts of a Medieval University (c. 14th Century ) What has changed in nine centuries? The assumption inherent in the paradigm on which modern higher education rests is that specialized information can only be found and learned at universities. "Today's production and distribution of information are undermining the university structure, making it ready to collapse in slow motion once alternatives to its function become possible." E. Noam, "Electronics and the dim future of the university," Science, vol. 270, pp. 247-249, 1995 • Our students learn what we teach them, but often do not become what we intend. • Students learn behaviors that let them succeed in classes, but these behaviors are not always needed to succeed as an engineer. What is the solution and what does this have to do with case studies? Transition from a knowledge-based paradigm to a paradigm that is development-based. Stories are a very effective way to teach students why they should learn. We remember what we understand; we understand only what we pay attention to; we pay attention to what we want. Putting Knowledge in its Place. Knowledge-based program: teaching a specific set of concepts prepares students for a career in engineering. • Inherent assumptions: • Information can only be learned at universities. • Information is a rare and expensive commodity. • Exponential growth of information, need for knowledge outside narrow disciplines, growing uncertainty in the career choices of our graduates increase the knowledge content of our program without increasing time to graduation. Development-based program: teach students the process of solving the problems in addition to the concepts needed to understand them. • Developing problem solving skills is of equal or greater importance than gaining a broad overview of electrical engineering. Ineffective ways to make this transition: • Removing “legacy material” from the curriculum. • There is no accepted way to identify legacy material, it depends on context rather than intrinsic merit. Is chemistry legacy knowledge for an electrical engineer? It depends on the story! • Blindly adopting technology. A Historical Example: Authentic vs. Artificial Learning An anecdotal story involves a young Niels Bohr taking a physics exam at the University of Copenhagen. One of the questions asked how to determine the height of a skyscraper with a barometer. Niels Bohr’s answer was to tie a long string to the barometer, lower it from the roof, then measure the length of the string. The professor gave a failing grade to Niels, who immediately appealed on the grounds that his answer was correct. At the hearing Niels passed the exam by stating five other ways to determine the building height, each more practical than the answer the professor wanted, determining the difference in air pressure. Class Emphasis: students read Artificialhave Learning: Students’ use of Freshman/Senior like pattern matching Recall concepts, facts, 60% 30% or Rememberstrategies terminology and units. memorization to pass a class with as provide feedback high a grade as possible Correctly solve simple 20% 25%by learning is reinforced Understand Artificial problems, give examples contrived testaor homework problems design solution Be able to solve a 15% 20% Apply related problem Authentic Learning: Students take build a solution on tasks that mimic those used by Be able to predict system To engineers. 5%develop 10% Analyze practicing behavior quantitatively deep learning students must be given evaluate performance authentic tasks. To become Be able to make 10% Evaluate objective engineers judgments students need to continually practice being engineers. improve performance new approaches Create Develop to a problem 5% Bloom’s Taxonomy used to gauge student development Order of Book / Lecture Concepts 1) Lossless and lossy transmission lines 2) Reflection and standing wave ratio 3) Impedance matching, Smith charts 4) Coulomb's and Gauss' laws 5) Capacitance computations 6) Resistance computations 7) Biot-Savart and Ampere's laws 8) Electric force, energy, and potential 9) Magnetic force, energy, and vector potential 10) Inductance computations 11) Electromagnetic boundary conditions 12) Electromagnetic material properties 13) Maxwell's equations 14) Plane waves at normal incidence 15) Poynting vector, complex permittivity Three Questions How do charges apply force and carry energy? Why don’t circuits work the same way at high frequencies? How is information and energy sent through space? (1) Structure learning around two or three fundamental questions rather than a fixed set of concepts. Order of Book / Lecture Concepts 1) Lossless and lossy transmission lines 2) Reflection and standing wave ratio 3) Impedance matching, Smith charts 4) Coulomb's and Gauss' laws 5) Capacitance computations 6) Resistance computations 7) Biot-Savart and Ampere's laws 8) Electric force, energy, and potential 9) Magnetic force, energy, and vector potential 10) Inductance computations 11) Electromagnetic boundary conditions 12) Electromagnetic material properties 13) Maxwell's equations 14) Plane waves at normal incidence 15) Poynting vector, complex permittivity Three Questions How do charges apply force and carry energy? Why don’t circuits work the same way at high frequencies? How is information and energy sent through space? (1) Structure learning around two or three fundamental questions or problems rather than a fixed set of concepts. (2) Create a realistic environment and teach students to work in this environment by emphasizing teamwork skills. (3) Pose questions through a case study to make the problem relevant to students and emphasize social, ethical, and economic impacts of the problem. Case Studies introduce relevance and emerging knowledge into the course. Students construct new knowledge by building upon their prior knowledge- a case study introduces unfamiliar (new) concepts in a framework understood by the students. Case Concepts Studies have students read concepts, facts, Remember Recall terminology and units. Class Emphasis: Freshman/Senior 60% 30% 20% 25% 15% 20% 5% 10% provide feedback Correctly solve simple Understand problems, give examples design a solution (1) Structure learning around two or three fundamental questions (2) Create a realistic environment (3) Pose questions through a case study. (4) Walk students through the process of solving the problem in three steps: (4a) Remember and understand outside of the classroom. Tie all your reading assignments back into the case study! able to solve a Apply Be related problem build a solution Be able to predict system Analyze behavior quantitatively evaluate performance able to make Evaluate Be objective judgments 10% improve performance new approaches Create Develop to a problem 5% Bloom’s Taxonomy used to gauge student development WebCT ensures Knowledge and Comprehension Assign students reading assignments from book or other web-based resources every class period. WebCT based quiz guides students to important concepts from reading assignment Case Concepts Studies have students read concepts, facts, Remember Recall terminology and units. Class Emphasis: Freshman/Senior 60% 30% 20% 25% 15% 20% 5% 10% provide feedback Correctly solve simple Understand problems, give examples design a solution (1) Structure learning around two or three fundamental questions (2) Create a realistic environment (3) Pose questions through a case study. (4) Walk students through the process of solving the problem in three steps: (4a) Remember and understand outside of the classroom. (4b) Faculty actively interact with students in-class in applying what they know and analyzing the problem. Problems given in context of case study. able to solve a Apply Be related problem build a solution Be able to predict system Analyze behavior quantitatively evaluate performance able to make Evaluate Be objective judgments 10% improve performance new approaches Create Develop to a problem 5% Bloom’s Taxonomy used to gauge student development In class students apply their knowledge with faculty guidance to address student misconceptions. One team accomplishes a standard weekly homework assignment each class. Case Concepts Studies have students read concepts, facts, Remember Recall terminology and units. Class Emphasis: Freshman/Senior 60% 30% 20% 25% 15% 20% 5% 10% provide feedback Correctly solve simple Understand problems, give examples design a solution (1) Structure learning around two or three fundamental questions (2) Create a realistic environment (3) Pose questions through a case study. (4) Walk students through the process of solving the problem in three steps: (4a) Remember and understand outside of the classroom. (4b) Faculty actively interact with students inclass in applying what they know and analyzing the problem. Problems given in context of case study. (4c) Faculty help students create a method of solution and evaluate their understanding by creating a realistic deliverable (product, experiment, etc.) (5) Students build an engineering portfolio, developing credentials. (6) Students assess and reflect on their understanding and experiences. able to solve a Apply Be related problem build a solution Be able to predict system Analyze behavior quantitatively evaluate performance able to make Evaluate Be objective judgments 10% improve performance new approaches Create Develop to a problem 5% Bloom’s Taxonomy used to gauge student development By building an actual working device, student teams test which concepts are applicable to a real engineering project. Not everything works the way it is illustrated in the book. What does this change? • 94% of the respondents felt that they learned more from working in a team. • 78% felt this method of teaching helped make the material more relevant. • 78% of students reported that the in-depth approach promoted learning: “Even though this class is more work, is very demanding, can be confusing, and can be frustrating at times; I feel that I learn better by actually doing. I will definetly [sic] retain it better.” “I think that this class is a good step in making learning what it should be -- a vibrant and enjoyable experience.” “Did not like the format of the class at all. Should have had tests to test what we have learned instead of having a final out of the middle of nowhere.” • Student-reported learning gains varied greatly from class to class with greater success reported by faculty more experienced in alternative teaching methods. • A common comment from students is that they miss lecture, but there were few substantive comments about lecture from lecture courses. “I feel like the lectures were vital to being able to tie together everything we had learned, and to see the relationship between two concepts.” • After the transition there were three times more negative comments concerning course materials than positive comments- in lecture courses a common thread was the book was not used, rather lecture notes were preferred. “I did not even open the book once the whole semester, nor did I do any of the suggested homework problems, but I still feel like I know this material very well.” (student in lecture format class) • There were six times fewer comments about faculty in REAL LIFE, correlated with a 36% drop in the importance of the instructor to learning; • Faculty rated student learning significantly higher than students themselves did “…the students became better ‘learners.’ They did not struggle as hard with difficult material as previous classes, since they had tried to learn it themselves, and knew what questions to ask...”. Assessment: SALG TANSTAAFL! Lecture and review sessions Standard homework & Exams Help from professor/TA Facts and Equations Class expectations Help from friends Concepts Test taking ability Importance Enthusiasm Textbook & other resources Relevance Quizzes help learning Teamwork Communication Computer Tools -100 Electromagnetic Fields -80 80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100