AHS 115 mod 9 course development (new window)

Course Outline: Module 9
Urinary System
AHS 115 Medical Terminology
The primary goal of this module is: Identify the structures of the urinary system; and describe urinary
system disorders and diseases, test, procedures and drug categories.
Module 9 – Urinary System
Spend much of your time wondering how important urine is; me neither! But once you learn about the
urinary system, you just might. The urinary system is responsible for maintaining a stable internal
environment for the body. In order to achieve this state, the urinary system removes wastes products,
adjusts water and electrolyte levels, and maintains the correct pH.
Learning Objectives
After completing this module, students will be able to:
1. Identify and define the combining forms and suffixes introduced in this module.
2. Correctly spell and pronounce the medical terms and major anatomical structures relating to the
urinary system.
3. Locate and describe the major organs of the urinary system and their functions.
4. Describe the nephron and the mechanisms of urine production.
5. Identify the characteristics of urine and a urinalysis.
6. Identify and define urinary system anatomical terms.
7. Identify and define selected urinary system pathology terms.
8. Identify and define selected urinary system diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
9. Identify and define selected medications relating to the urinary system.
10. Define selected abbreviations associated with the urinary system.
Due This Week
Mod 9 Word Building
Fill in the blank questions
Mod 9 Infection Case study
Read scenario, answer
Mod 9 Urinary terms
Journal entry
Mod 9 Quiz
Multiple choice questions
Reading Assignment, Urinary
Interactive Lecture, Urinary
Learning Activities
Read pages 295-328 in your text, Medical Terminology, A Living Language
Your textbook has great table of terms! Make sure you are reviewing the terms and making and note
cards for any terms you may need to keep studying.
After you have completed the reading, click “MARK REVIEWED” to show your progress.
©2012 Gateway Community College
Interactive Lecture
“Urinary System”
This module focuses on the urinary system, how urine is produced and why.
Activity (LINK to DEV ash 115 Mich….course tools, tests, tests, mod 9 word building)
Assignment Name
Graded Assignment
Points Possible
Number of Attempts
Mod 9 Word Building
2 attempts are permitted
“Word Building”
You will be asked to define abbreviations related to the urinary system; as well as to complete so fill in the
blank questions.
Grading and Feedback (If applicable)
This assignment will be manually graded. Grading is as follows:
18-20 A; 16-17 B; 14-15 C; less than 13 correct is failing
Check “My Grades” for your grade and feedback.
Assignment Name
Graded Assignment
Points Possible
Number of Attempts
Urinary System Infection Case Study
Only one submission is permitted
Complete the table on the attached worksheet. First you will need to open my attachment and save it to
your computer, maybe on the desktop. Then you are able to open the worksheet and type on it. Fill in the
table and answer the questions, type on the worksheet. Once you have completed the worksheet, RE
SAVE it. Attach your completed work in the assignment dropbox for grading.
Grading and Feedback (If applicable)
Completeness and correct facts will be worth 10pts.
Check “My Grades” for your grade and feedback.
Mod 9 Worksheet.docx
©2012 Gateway Community College
Journal(LINK to DEV 115 Miche….course tools, journals, mod 9 urinary terms)
Assignment Name
Graded Assignment
Mod 9 Urinary Terms
Points Possible
Privacy Settings
Urinary Terms
Create a table as a journal entry listing the urinary medical terms provided and their definition. Provide
some tips for tough terms to your classmates.
*** STUDY TIP*** when you complete this assignment- print out your definitions in a large font and cut/
glue onto your index cards... saves you some writing and adds in definitions of very difficult terms.
This assignment is worth 10 points for thorough definitions.
Quiz(LINK to DEV AHS 115 Miche….course tools, tests, tests, mod 9 quiz)
Assignment Name
Points Possible
Due Date/Time (if tracking)
Number of Attempts
Test Duration
Test Availability
Mod 9 Quiz Urinary System
Sunday Mar 24, 2013 @ 11:59pm
Only one attempt is permitted
25 Minutes, the quiz will auto save and close if open when time
Monday Mar 11, 2013 @ 8am
Sunday Mar 24, 2013 @ 11:59pm
Description of assignment
Successful completion of this quiz underscores your growing knowledge of the terms related to the
urinary system.
Instructions for Submission
When you complete the quiz, simply click on the submit button.
©2012 Gateway Community College
Grading and Feedback
This quiz is all multiple choice which is automatically graded. Grading is as follows:
18-20 A; 16-17 B; 14-15 C; less than 13 correct is failing
Check “My Grades” for your grade and feedback.
©2012 Gateway Community College