Lesson Plan - Integrating Technology into Content Name: Lin Lu Grade Level/s: Any Grade Content Area/s: Social Studies Name of Curricular materials: Prezi (http://prezi.com/) Page #(s) of Curricular materials: Other Materials: Content Standard/s: (Use the standards’ link found in the library. Copy and paste the standard/s. Specify which content area to which it applies. 3.1 The student uses maps, graphic representations, tools, and technologies to locate, use, and present information about people, places, and environments. 3.2 The student analyzes the spatial organization of people, places, and environments that form regions on the Earth's surface. . Lesson Plan - Integrating Technology into Content Technology Standard/s: (Use the standards’ link found in the library. Copy and paste the standard/s. Standard 11: The student demonstrates knowledge of social, ethical, and human issues. Benchmark 3: The student develops positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity. The student… 1. develops positive attitudes toward technology uses that support for lifelong learning. 2. develops positive attitudes toward technology uses that support collaboration. 3. develops positive attitudes toward technology uses that support personal pursuits. 4. develops positive attitudes toward technology uses that support productivity. Standard 12: The student uses technology productivity tools. Benchmark 1: The student uses technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promotecreativity. The student… 1. uses technology tools to enhance learning. 2. uses technology tools to increase productivity. 3. uses technology tools to promote creativity. Standard 12: The student uses technology productivity tools. Benchmark 2: The student uses productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technologyenhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works. The student… 1. uses productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models. 2. uses productivity tools to prepare publications. 3. uses productivity tools to produce other creative works. Objective/s: The student/s will be able to Make a Prezi work with information of themselves and a place to others with Prezi.com Technology: (List programs such as websites or software.) prezi.com Lesson Plan - Integrating Technology into Content Activity: (Use a numbered list to show the order the activity should follow.) 1. Create a prezi account. 2. Insert information about yourself with necessary images and videoes. 3. Change the background and text colors and font theme and size. 4. Share it 5. Find a reliable website for information regarding a location overseas. 6. Write the facts learned about the location. 7. Make a prezi work according that information. Assessment: (Describe how you would access students’ understanding or cooperative learning.) Look at the creativity, the accuracy of the contents selected and logic showed in their Prezi.