
Unit 4 Byzantine Empire, the Middle Ages, & Development of Islam
Byzantine Empire
- Background - Fall of the Western Roman Empire
- Constantinople
- Expansion
- Caesaropapism
Influential Byzantine Emperor's
- Valens (328-378)
- Theodosius II (416-450)
- Justinian (527-565)
- background
- Nika Riots (532)
- achievements - Law - Hagia Sophia
- Basil II (958-1025)
Enemies of Byzantium - List & Discuss
- Impact of Greek Fire
Byzantine Economy
- Theme System *
- Trade & Commodities
Byzantine Society
- Roman Heritage
- Greek Language
- social structure
- women in Byzantine society
Development of Eastern Orthodox Church
- gov't & church
- Patriarch of Constantinople *
- role of monasteries
Conflict w/ the Catholic Church
- Background
- impact of Islamic Empires
- Iconoclasm Debate - 8th-9th century
- Theological Differences - Catholicism & Eastern Orthodoxy
- Purgatory
- Mary
- Holy Spirit
- Ritual Debates - Catholicism & Eastern Orthodoxy
- priests
- Sacraments - (ex.communion)
- Great Schism of 1054 **
Influence of Byzantium on E. Europe
- Basil's impact
- E. Orthodoxy spreads - Serbs, Bulgars, & Croats
- Russia
- Vladimir of Kiev (989)
- Legacy of Byzantium on E. Europe
Decline & Fall of Byzantium
- Theme System declines
- Rise of Turkish Power
-Battle of Manzikert (1071)
- Impact of the Crusades
- 1204 **
- Byzantine infighting
- Fall of the Byzantine Empire
- 1453 **
- Ottoman Empire - Sultan Mehmed II (the Conqueror)
Foundations of Islam
- Background
- Arabian Peninsula
- Bedouins
- Mecca & Trade
Muhammad the Prophet (570-632)
- early life
- Angel Gabriel (610) *
- gains a following
- trouble for Muhammad, why?
- Flight to Medina - Hijra - (622) *
- formation of the Umma
- Mecca conquered (630)
- Prophet's death (632)
Expansion of Islam
- questions after Muhammad's death?
- Abu Bakr
- Caliph
- Expansion & growth
Split in Islam
- 4th Caliph - Ali *
- Sunni - beliefs
- Shia - beliefs
- role of the Imams
Key Beliefs of the Islamic Faith
- Qur'an *
- similarities & differences between monotheistic texts
- role of the prophets
- 5 Pillars of Islam
- Sharia Law
- Hadiths
- Mecca - Kaaba
Women in Islam
- rights of women
- equality before God
- patriarchal development
Rise of the Islamic Empires
Umayyad Dynasty (661-750)
- Arab based
- Damascus
- Jizya *
- Fall of the Umayyad
- favored Arabs
- casual towards Islam
Abbasid Dynasty (750-1258)
- Abu al-Abbas
- maintained Islamic Power
- adopted Persian gov't techniques
- Baghdad *
- Caliph Harun al-Rashid (786-809)
- weakening of Abbasid
Economy of the Islamic Empires
- new crops
- growth of cities
- major trade markets
- banking industries - innovations
Islamic Society
- law systems - Sharia Law *
- Education expands - philosophy - mathematics - medicine - astronomy
- artwork
- social structures
- women in Islam
Medieval Europe
Early Medieval Political Development
- Background - Fall of Western Roman Empire
- Germanic Kingdoms
- decentralized
- Franks
-Clovis **
- Carolingians
- Charles Martel - Battle of Tours (732)
- Charlemagne (768-814) - achievements & impact
- Louis the Pious - Louis's sons & impact
- Foreign Invasions
- Muslims
- Magyars
- Vikings - achievements & impact on the globe
Feudalism **
- define
- Lords - Vassals
- Knights - Chivalry
- Serfs
- Manor System
- life in the M. Ages
- agr. Production
- 3 field system
- trade or no trade?
Foundation of Catholic Western Europe
-Spreading of Catholicism
- Franks
- missionaries
- The Papacy - The Pope
- Gregory I (590-604)
- monasteries
- St. Benedict
- role of monasteries
Popular Catholicism
- salvation **
- sacraments
- saints
- relics
- pilgrimages
Development & Foundation of European Regional States
- changes to Europe in 10th & 11th centuries
Holy Roman Empire
- Otto I of Saxony - 962
- Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085) - Lay Investure *
- Henry IV (1056-1106)
- Frederick I (1152-1190)
Kingdom of France
- Hugh Capet - 987
- Capetian Dynasty
Kingdom of England
- Angles, Saxons, & Britons
- Early England
- Alfred the Great (849-899)
- impact of the Normans
- William the Conqueror 1066 - Battle of Hastings
- English Parliament *
- Magna Carta *
Italian City-States
Iberian Peninsula
- Reconquista
- King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella
- Kingdom of Spain
- Kingdom of Portugal
Econ. Growth in the late Middle Ages
- increased agr. production - list & discuss *
- revival of towns
- specialization returns
- guilds *
Social Structure
- 3 Estates
- Code of Chivalry
- troubadors
The Crusades - 1095-1291
- background
- Jerusalem **
- Indirect - secondary causes
- Direct - primary causes
- Pope Urban II (1095)
- 1st Crusade (1095-1099)
- Christian success, why?
- Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099-1187) *
- Knights Templar – origins – Banking System – End of the Templars? – Mystery of Templars
- Christians slowly lose lands
- Muslim military strength
-Salah al-Din (1138-1193) **
- Christians strike back
- Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199)
- Muslims win the Crusades
- Why? - Discuss
- Effects of the Crusades
- Christianity
- Islam
Christianity during the High Middle Ages
- domination of society
- edu. on the rise - universities *
- Scholastic Theology - St. Thomas Aquinas
- Dante's Inferno
- Heresy - Heretic
- Excommunication
- Reform Movements
- Dominicans - Franciscans - Waldensians - Cathars
St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1284)
- early life
- Aristotelian thought - Crusade influence
- Christian thought was changing - How?
- Scholastic Theology * - Discuss
- science & Christianity - Aquinas's influence
- Teachings of Aquinas
- wisdom & reason
- faith
- science changes truth
- concept of evil
- happiness
- 4 cardinal virtues
- 5 proofs of God's existence
1) Proof of Motion
2) Proof of Necessary vs. Possible Things
3) Proof of Efficient Cause
4) Proof from Degrees of Perfection
5) Proof of Design
- impact of Aquinas on Catholicism
Black Death
- 1347
- Origins
- Symptoms
- Impact
Anti-Semitism during the Dark Ages
- Decide
- Blood Libel
- Pogroms
- Identification
- Economics
- Black Death
- Expulsion
Spanish Inquisition
- 1478
- Purpose
- Process of the Inquisition
- Accusation – Edict of Grace
- Detention
- Trial – Torture
- Sentencing