Cover_ANSES Survey

Dear Colleagues,
I contact you in order to forward a survey request from ANSES, the French agency for food,
environmental and occupational health & safety. ANSES is requesting information on activities at
national level to monitor pesticides in ambient air, as well as in humans.
The attached document contains an introduction to the survey, as well as specific questions on:
Monitoring and assessment of pesticide levels in ambient air;
Human biomonitoring of pesticides; and
Sampling and analytical methods.
The results of this questionnaire will be analyzed by ANSES and included in a 2016 report on
Pesticides in Ambient Air.
Should you have relevant information, please return the form, together with any relevant documents,
to Ms Carole LEROUX and Ms Salma ELREEDY
They would be very grateful if you could provide feedback by 10 July 2015.
Please contact ANSES directly with any questions for further clarification. There is no need to include
the EEA on any follow up correspondence.
For your information, this request will also be sent to the Eionet Air Quality Network.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Catherine Ganzleben
Project Manager - Chemicals and Environment
Natural Resources and Quality of Life
Integrated Environmental Assessments Programme
European Environment Agency
Tel. +45 3336 7147
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