Orr handout

Orr Handout
HMXP 102
Dr. Fike
Different editions may have different par. numbers. If you are using the new edition, add 1 to all
par. numbers below. All paragraphs mentioned below are also identified by their first words.
Opening video: Easter Island.
Take 7 minutes to work with one or two partners on items 1-3.
1. Orr’s definition of biophobia (par. 2 and 11; these pars. begin with “Allen’s aversion”
and “The manifestation”).
2. Find six characteristics of biophobia (biology + fear) in par. 7, which begins with
“Looking back.”
3. The alternative is biophilia (biology + __________). For definitions see par. 4 (“At the
other end”) and par. 5 (“Biophilia is not”).
4. Consider the nine items on slide seven. Make two categories: bio-friendly and not biofriendly. Then, within each category, identify those that go together and those that seem
more or less bio-friendly.
5. Why did we arrive at biophobia? (The numbers refer to question 2.)
a. #2: René Descartes: dualism
b. #4: Francis Bacon: scientific method
c. #1, 3, 5, and 6: consumerism
6. Metaphors: Cf. Lakoff and Johnson. Our relationship to nature is USE vs. our
relationship to nature is __________________ (something much more positive in par. 12,
“Even so”). How else might you fill in the blank? What are some alternative ways of
relating to nature?
7. Stories are off too. See the long quotation by Gore on the other handout. We can have a
whole discussion on the “Gore Handout” if you wish. Now watch the five Youtube clips.
8. Key concept: Feedback loop (think two microphones). Best environmental example is
9. More terms:
a. Environmental free-rider (par. 12, “Even so”)
b. Mass biophobia (par. 15, “Can the same”)
c. Topophilia (par. 20, “We relate”—final par. in the text)
10. The words of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas. Copy the boldfaced passage here.
11. Two more authorities on the dissociation of humans and nature:
a. Lewis Thomas on Antaeus
b. C. G. Jung
Final image: Earthrise.