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Testing the Tester
Measuring Quality of Security Testing
Ofer Maor
CTO, Hacktics
AppSec 2008
San Jose – Nov 2007
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The OWASP Foundation
Security Testing is a Critical Element
Part of the system’s security lifecycle
Is in fact the QA of the security in the system
Provides the only way to assess the quality of security
Nonetheless, Quality is Uncertain
No way to measure quality of security testing
No certification or other type of quality ranking
And even worse – We only know our testing failed
when it’s too late.
Even PCI and other regulations avoid this issue
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Creates a Huge Challenge for Organizations
How to choose the right security testing solution
How can we guarantee that security testing is
Makes Budget Decisions Harder…
How can we determine cost effectiveness
How to deal with purchasing constraints
In This Presentation We Will:
Discuss aspects of security testing quality
Discuss means of assessing quality of testing
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Quality of Security Testing
False Positives / False Negatives
Coverage / Validity
Business Impact / Threat
Security Testing Approaches (Pros & Cons)
Black/Grey/White Box
Penetration Test vs. Code Review
Automatic vs. Manual
Testing the Tester
Determining the Right Approach
Evaluating Tools Quality
Evaluating Services Quality
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Quality of
Security Testing
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Quality of Security Testing
Quality of Testing is Essentially Measured by
Two Elements:
False Negatives (Something was missed…)
Most obvious problem
Exposes the system to attacks
False Positives (Something was made up…)
Surprisingly – equal problem for enterprises
Generates redundant work and effort
Creates distrust (Cry Wolf Syndrome)
Not necessarily technological (the flaw is there – but
poses no real threat)
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
False Negatives: Reasons
Coverage of Tested Components
URL/parameter/component missed
Specific code section not reached in tested setup
 Flow
 Attributes
 Users
Coverage of Tests
Specific vulnerability not tested
Specific variant not tested
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
False Negatives: Reasons (Cont’d)
Test Quality/Proficiency
Poorly defined test
 Attack not properly created
 Expected result not properly defined
Poorly run test – lack of proficiency
Technology changed / security measures exist
Test requires some modifications
Requires evasion techniques
Requires different analysis of results
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Coverage Problems
Application Data Coverage
Automatic crawling problems
 Practically infinite links
 Client-side created links (JS/AJAX)
 Proper flow and context data
 3rd Party components can not be tested
 Code unavailable
 Too many URLs/parameters/code to cover
 Insufficient time
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Coverage Problems
Test Coverage
Vulnerability not tested
 Impossible to test (Logical by Automated, Brute Force by
Manual, etc.)
 Newly Discovered Vulnerability (Not up to date yet…)
 Seemingly Insignificant Vulnerability
 Never-before seen vulnerability (Mostly logical…)
 Test may impair availability or reliability
Variant not tested
 Too many possible variants (common with injection
problems) – may require very specific tweaking
 Logical vulnerability extremely dependant on actual
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Scope of Threat
Who is Trying to Attack Us?
What do They Want?
Not Just Security Testing - The entire security
solution should be relative to the threat
Security Testing Cost-Effectiveness:
Simulates a script-kiddie / automated tools?
Simulates an average hacker?
Simulates focused attack with large resources?
When is a Missed Vulnerability Classified as
“False Positive” (And when is it out of scope?)
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
False Positives: Reasons
Test Quality/Proficiency
Poorly defined test
 Expected result not properly defined
 Poorly defined validation differentiators
Poorly run test – lack of proficiency
Technology changed / security measures exist
Result appears vulnerable
“Patched” security solutions
Test unable to correlate to other components (code review)
Technological vulnerability – no threat
 Test does correlate to context of the system
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How Can We Tell if It’s Really Vulnerable?
Probe Tests – Attempt to determine validity by a
set of tests and expected results
May poorly identify a result as a vulnerability
Very susceptible to honey pots
Take advantage of a vulnerability to achieve an actual
Very high validity (Still might fall on honeypots though)
Requires additional effort and may pose a risk
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Business Impact
How Dangerous is This Vulnerability?
Still Controversial – Do we really want to fix just
vulnerabilities posing immediate threats?
Can we call it a vulnerability if it does nothing?
Associating Risk
Organizations usually prioritize effort by risk
Do we really give each vulnerability the same risk level
in every system?
Requires Contextual understanding of system
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Quality of Security Testing – Criteria Summary
False Negatives
Application data coverage
Test coverage
Test quality / proficiency
Scope of threat
False Positives
Test quality / proficiency
Business context
Cost Effectiveness (% of acceptable False
Negatives and Positives)
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Security Testing
(Pros & Cons)
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Security Testing Approaches (Pros & Cons)
Black/Grey Box
Application vulnerability scanners
Manual penetration test
White Box
Static code analyzers
Manual code review
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Application Vulnerability Scanners
Application Data Coverage
Good in terms of volume (Large applications)
Problematic in contextual aspects
 Complex Flows
 Multiple User Privileges
 Specific data influences code executed
Coverage of Tests
Generally good with Technical Vulnerabilities
Very limited with Logical Vulnerabilities
Variant Coverage – Wide, but not adaptive
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Application Vulnerability Scanners
Test Quality / Proficiency
Generally Good (Depends on product…)
However, fails to adapt to changes and non standard
Limited – Generally high rate of False Positives
 No (or very limited) Exploits
 Validation differentiators suffer from test quality
Business Impact
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Application Vulnerability Scanners
Scope of Threat
Good against:
 Script Kiddies
 Tool based attacks
 Basic-level Hackers
Usually insufficient with focused/advanced attacks
Cost Effectiveness
Can be High, under following circumstances:
 Coverage and Quality issues not present with tested technology
 Users of tools have sufficient security understanding
 Tool used for many scans
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Manual Penetration Testing
Application Data Coverage
Good in contextual aspects
 Allows properly utilizing the application
 Differences between users are usually clear
May be problematic in volume aspects
 Nonetheless, proper categorization can solve volume issues
Coverage of Tests
Very good – if working methodologically
Variant coverage
 Not necessarily wide
 However, Proper testing allows finding the right variants
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Manual Penetration Testing
Test Quality / Proficiency
Potentially good – but depends greatly on the person
Main advantage – allows creativity and adaption to
identify non standard vulnerabilities
Usually good – Easier for person to identify false
Easier to perform exploits
Business Impact
Can be considered by tester
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Manual Penetration Testing
Scope of Threat
Depends on the actual effort and quality
Can be used to face advanced focused attacks
Cost Effectiveness
Potentially high. May suffer when:
 Very large applications
 Need to only face automatic tools
Effort invested (and cost) may vary greatly
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Manual Penetration Testing
Additional Key Aspects
Quality varies greatly between testers
Quality may also vary for the same tester (time, mood,
inspiration, etc.)
Black vs. grey box
 Users
 Coverage
 Information Gathering
Business impact
 Greatly depends on tester’s understanding
How much effort do we want to invest?
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Static Code Analyzers
Application Data Coverage
Generally good (no crawling setbacks)
Problematic when not all code available
Coverage of Tests
Generally good with technical vulnerabilities
Very limited with logical vulnerabilities
Variant coverage – wide, but not adaptive
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Static Code Analyzers
Test Quality / Proficiency
Generally good in some aspects (Depends on product…)
High accuracy in identifying code violations
However, not necessarily security violations
Very limited – high rate of false positives
 Code violations may often not be exploitable
 May be blocked by external components
Business Impact
None. There even is no application context (static)
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Static Code Analyzers
Scope of Threat
Good against:
 Mostly syntax attacks (Injections)
 Mostly script kiddies / tool based attacks
Usually insufficient with focused/advanced attacks
Cost Effectiveness
Good for enforcing proper coding practices
Requires, however, performing modifications of code
not necessarily vulnerable
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Manual Code Review (Static)
Application Data Coverage
Can be problematic – Usually impossible to go over
every line of code
Requires smart analysis of what to review and what
not to review
Coverage of Tests
Generally good with technical vulnerabilities
Somewhat limited with logical vulnerabilities (often
hard to determine full logic of non running code)
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Manual Code Review (Static)
Test Quality / Proficiency
Potentially excellent (if properly done)
Allows identification of backdoors and rare issues
May suffer from inability of understanding flow of
complex systems
Limited – Relatively high rate of false positives
 Code violations may often not be exploitable
 May be blocked by external components
Business Impact
Partial. Depends on preliminary preparations
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Manual Code Review (Static)
Scope of Threat
Good against:
 High level of attackers
 Backdoors and rare problems
Cost Effectiveness
Usually expensive, and only justifies costs in critical
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Choosing the Right Approach
Determining the Types of Threats
Determining the Required Frequency
Weighing Pros, Cons and Costs
Usually – A combination of approaches applies:
Manual Penetration Test + Partial Code Review
Manual Penetration Test + Scanner (Free/Commercial)
Scanner + Partial Manual Penetration Test (Validation)
Scanner + Static Code Analyzer (Correlation)
Static Code Analyzer + Manual Code Review (Validation)
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Testing the Tester:
Evaluating Quality
of Security Testing
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Testing the Tester
The Hardest Part – Determining the quality of
security testing solution:
This Consists Of:
Identify % of false negatives
Identify % of false positives
Other aspects (Not discussed here)
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Testing the Tester
How NOT to Determine Quality
Marketing material
Sales pitches
Magazine articles (Usually not professional enough)
Benchmarking on known applications (WebGoat,
Hackme Bank, etc.)
So What Should We Do?
References (that we trust…)
Comparative analysis (on our systems)
Ideally – Compare with a “perfect” report
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Product Assessment
Comparative Analysis
Run several products on a few systems in the enterprise
False Negatives
 Ideally – compare against a report containing all findings –
identify percent of false negative in each product.
 Alternatively – unite the real findings from all reports, and
compare against that
False Positives
 Perform validation of each finding to eliminate all false positives
 Note the amount of false positives in each product
Assess other aspects (if needed) – Details of report,
speed of execution, etc.
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Service Assessment
Much Trickier
Hiring a consultant is like hiring an employee
First of All - References
Find references of customers with similar
environments and needs
Ask around yourself – the vendor will always provide
you with their best references!
Check the Specific Consultant
It’s not just about the company – it’s about the people
involved in the project
Check the resume, perform an interview
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Service Assessment
Comparative Analysis
Similar to product – great way of comparing services
Main problem – Usually expensive
Important note – The benchmarking should be done
without prior knowledge of the testers!
False positive & negative assessment:
 Mostly similar
 Business impact, however, now plays a role – a good tester
should eliminate (or downgrade) non hazardous findings
 See if testing includes strong validation (exploitation)
Quality of report and information gathered in it should
also be examined
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Some Techniques That (Sometimes) Help
Application Data Coverage
Build (and approve) a test plan
List all components/modules tested
Require an automated tool in addition
Main problem – usually increases costs
Test Coverage
Review methodology / list of tests
Main problem – does not really improve variant
Validation – Require strong validation (Exploits)
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Quality of Security Testing is Hard to Measure or
Nonetheless – It is Important to Maintain
Adequate Quality to Address the Threat
Quality of Security (and Security Testing)
Must be Guaranteed In Advance
Maintaining Quality has an Associated Cost:
Testing for quality
Best products, best tools, best consultants
Finding the Balance is Crucial
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008
Thank You!
& Questions
OWASP Israel 2008 Conference – Sep 2008