Unit 9 - Sub Saharan Africa


Unit 9: Sub-Saharan Africa

Political Map of Africa

Physical Map of Africa

African Ecosystems:

based on latitude and wind patterns

Physical Characteristics

Equator through middle

▫ Great Rift Valley

(divergent plate boundary)

Most of pop. Lives in fertile highlands of the SW

Lake Victoria in SW

▫ Olduvai Gorge

▫ Serengeti Plain

▫ Mt. Kilimanjaro

Horn of Africa

• strategic value : value of location to nations planning lg scale military actions

• (Includes – Ethiopia,

Djibouti, Eritrea, and


Sahara Desert

• Affects migration

• Expanding

• Loss of vegetation

• Loss of arable land

• Less food

The Sahel

• Sep. the Sahara from the tropical grasslands

• Arab word for “border” or “Shore”

• Sahara used to be fertile with rivers

(7,000 yrs ago)

• Grassland, subsistence farming, overgrazing is an issue. Semi-Arid

Namib Desert

• World’s oldest desert – 55 million years old

• No surface water

• A few dry, ancient riverbeds

Using Natural Resources

• Senegal and

Niger Rivers provide transportation, irrigation

• In Mali, the Niger

R. expands into an inland delta-where ppl can grow rice, cotton

& veggies

The Big River

• 2 nd largest river in Africa is the Congo R

(2,900 mi)

• Most of Congo

R. is located in

Dem. Rep. of


Congo River Basin

• The basin that feeds the

Congo R. system is over

1 mil sq. mi.

• At the center is a dense rainforest

• Soil has little use for farming

African Population Density

African Religions Map

African Linguistics Map

Reasons for Migration in Africa

• Disease

• Conflict

• famine



• Oil

• Natural gas

• Gold

• Diamonds

• Freshwater

• Timber

• Arable land in the south

African Regions Map

African GDP: most are Primary

North Africa Review









Series of recent revolutions leading to democratic change




Many languages


Variety of religions


Varied economic development


Not much interaction with

North Africa due to

Sahara Desert

The Sudan

• North – desert, Muslim


• South – clay plains & a lg swamp called “The

Sudd”, diff. ethnic groups, practice animalism or


• N & S cont. at war since independence in 1956

• Millions in danger of starvation

Sudan Today

• Split: Northern Sudan and

Southern Sudan

• N. Sudan - Islamic State, republic, current President -

Omar Hassan al-Bashir

• Market economy but relies on agriculture

• Not considered Genocide b/c

N. Sudan was not intent on killing one group

• George Clooney and the

Enough Project

• Darfur Discrimination


• The Asante of Ghana practice Ancestor worship – belief in spirits of dead

• They also believe in animism – belief that ordinary things are gods (ex. River, sun)

• Vary rapid pop.


• Muslim/ Christian


Trade Links & Empires

• Ppl from N. sought ivory, slaves, gold.

• Ppl from S. sought salt

• Central location of Sahel’s trade route became a bridge b/w Med. Coast and rest of


• Chiefs (Ghanas) grew wealthy from taxes on traders.

Ghana – greatest kingdom in the Sahel

Mali – one of the largest empires in the world.

Songhai will later replace

Mali, but is destroyed in 1591 by Moroccans

Trade Along the Coastal Countries

• European traders came for gold, ivory, palm oil, & slaves

• iron ore, peanuts, and cocoa also exported

• Large debt – 9 bill per yr just to pay interest

The Sahel Today

• The Sahel includes the countries of Mauritania,

Mali, Niger, Burkina

Faso, Chad, & Ghana

Farming: short rainy season

▫ Use Shifting

Agriculture (farming one area until exhaustion then moving to another area) to deal with poor soil

▫ Grow millet, sorghum, and peanuts

The Sahel Today

• Herding:

▫ Camels, cattle, & sheep

▫ Baobab & Acacia trees provide forage (green food) for grazing animals

▫ Overgrazing and deforestation damaged the environment

▫ Sahel suffering from increased desertification

(increasing the desert)

▫ Causing ppl to flock to refugee (ppl fleeing due to political or economic reasons) camps

Economic Opportunities

• Women are key – grass roots: effort begins w/ ppl

• Women grow crops in war against hunger & are est. farming co-ops.

(subsistence farming)

• Women own the food markets


• Liberia founded in

1822 by freed

Amer. Slaves – independence in


• Liberia military coup in 1980 – chaos– 1996 return to democracy


• In Benin – 6 coups

(military overthrows) from 1963-1972

• Multiparty


• Market economy, but very poor

Sierra Leone

• 1996 – free elections

• Today – anarchy

• Failed banking system

• No more free elections

• Rebels control the diamond mines

• Freetown, one of the largest harbors in the world

• 31% literacy rate

People of Nigeria

• Yoruba – SW

• Ibo – SE

• Hausa (traders) &

Fulani (herders) – N

• English – official language (250 total)

• Muslim /Christian split

• 9 / 36 states adopted

Shariah (Islamic Law)

Lacks unity among regions

• Varying climate

Military Leadership

• Govt collapsed with fall of oil prices in 1983– dependence on oil

• Turned to World Bank

& International

Monetary Fund (give loans to developing countries)

• 1986 began structural adjustment program suggested by World

Bank– proposed how to fix economy, can’t borrow money unless follows guidelines

Nigeria Today

• In 1993 Gen.

Sani Abacha took over & ended to structural adjustment program and increased the debt

• 1 st free elections in 1999

• Currently a

Federal Republic

Early History

▫ Aksum: 100 CE along the Red Sea

▫ Berlin Conference : divided all of Africa, only Ethiopia and

Liberia remained free of European control

▫ Divisions were made with little regard to already established ethnic boundaries


• Kushite civilization about

3500 yrs old

• Long droughts have caused famine & starvation

• Relies on other countries for aid

• Landlocked

• Home of Lucy – oldest human skeleton ever found


• Used to be part of


• Located along

Red Sea

• Split b/w

Christians and Muslims

• No official language

• Provisional govt due to cont. conflict with Ethiopia


• Independence in


• 1980s – lg civil war started

• 1991 – state of anarchy

• Severe drought in 1990s – about

1.5 mill risked starvation

• Currently have a democracy ran by Sharia Law


• Independence in 1962 – dictator, Idi Amin came to power

• 300,000 died or disappeared under his rule in 1970s

• Led to rebellion by

Joseph Kony

• 2001 free elections for president

• Still problems

• Invisible Children

Rwandan Genocide

• Ethnocracy (1 ethnic group rules the others)

• Genocide: intent on killing a specific group of ppl based on race, religion, ethnicity, etc.

• 80% belong to Hutu group

• 20% Tutsi

• Hutu in power for 35 yrs after overthrowing Tutsi in

1959 – killed 100,000 Tutsi

• In 1994 100,000s of Tutsi were murdered in civil war,

2 mill refugees

• Currently they share power

• “Hotel Rwanda” Hotel

Rwanda- One million Voices


• Tutsi in power but only 14% of pop.

• Tutsi control army & use army to control pop.

• Thousands have died since independence in


• Violence continues


• Great potential wealth

• Poor development

• Pop. Subjected to Villagization (forced to move into towns to work on collective farms)

• After Socialism was abandoned the economy began to repair

Bantu Migrations

• Culture who speaks


• Started around 2000


• MASS MIGRATION across Africa

• Today 100s of Bantu languages and they helped spread much of

African culture

African Slave Trade

• Started w/ Portuguese on Sao Tome near Gabon

• Africans were both sold and the sellers

• Trading posts along coasts

• Most slaves from interior


• Many countries of

Western & Central

Africa belong to a financial community known as the CFA

• Use currency called

CFA franc (can be exchanged for French franc)

• Use of common currency promotes trade & travel

• Used in Benin, Burkina

Faso, Cote d’Ivoire,

Central African

Republic, etc.

Renewable Resources

• Hydroelectricity

• Central African

Republic lies on a watershed (dividing ridge b/w 2 basins) –

80% of hydroelectricity produced here

• In Cote d’Ivoire – 85% of rainforest destroyed since 1940s--increased global warming

Nonrenewable Resources

• Resources such as minerals and petroleum

• Dem. Rep. of

Congo –copper, more Cobalt than any other country in world, diamonds

The Congo Under Leopold

• King Leopold II of


• Congo Genocide (10-20 million died)

• Congo River development, RR

• King Leopold’s Ghost

• Europeans are responsible for the development of transportation in Africa

Countries of Southern Africa

• Includes countries of

Lesotho & Swaziland which are enclaves

(country within a country) of South


South African Inequality under British rule

• Minority Rule: 75% Black, 14% White… whites are ruling class

• Whites own the diamond & gold mines

• Whites own best farmland

• Whites control the govt.

• Still whites dominate the upper class

Boer War

• Afrikaners

(Boers) –

Europeans that pushed the natives off their land

• War in 1899… resulted in

English rule

• Black Africans sent to work on plantations

South African Independence from Britain

• Independence in


• 1950-1980: fast growing economy

▫ Coal reserves

▫ DeBeers


▫ Capital to invest

▫ Connection w/

Britain to build factories

▫ Cheap labor


South African Segregation

• 75% of pop. Forced to live on 14% of land

• All were assigned to a homeland--- created an apartheid

(racial segregation in S.


• Under apartheid,

Africans were forced to be segregated

International Backlash

• 1986 Europe and

USA economic sanctions (bans on imports) against S. Africa

• US sanctions --prohibited Amer.

Investment & banned imports

• Caused imports to fall by 40% in 1 st yr.

Nelson Mandela

• Held in prison for

27yrs for apartheid actions

• Leader of African

National Congress

• Achieved 1 st free elections in 1994

• 1 st black president

• 1996 – new constitution--- equal rights to all


• wealthier b/c diamonds, copper, coal, cattle

• very dry

• Okavango Delta world's largest inland delta.

• Diamonds are Botswana's primary export.


• Coastal, former

Portuguese colonies


• White Flight : departure of skilled labor

• Communist

• Rebels went to war against new govt.

Both were backed by

S. Africa

• Countries deteriorated (death & disease)

• Angola – 1 st free election in 1992


• Mozambique remains one of poorest countries in world

• 80% farming

• Portuguese official language

• Democracy

• 30% literate

• Most are animists


• (1964) part of the copper belt, relied on 1 resource--copper prices fell, economy fell

• Victoria Falls

• 80% Christian

• English – official

• Democracy, but chiefdoms still remain

• 15% of population infected with HIV

Victoria Falls


• Great Zimbabwe : est. by the Shona ppl (Bantu)

• Mutapa Empire : extended Great


• (1965) white minority ruled govt…1 st free elections in 1980, new leader---Robert

Mugabe– land redistribution plan failed

• began new basic infrastructure, still no peace for blacks and whites

Economic Issues of Africa

Key Concepts:


Reliance on one resource = Unstable Economies


Continuous ethnic fighting = Unstable Governments

One-Commodity Countries

• Copper (Zambia)

• Oil (Nigeria)

• Diamonds (Botswana)

• Agriculture

• When the price goes up, the economy goes up, but when the price goes down, the economy goes down too

• instability

Unstable Governments

• Colonial rule

• Colonial influence

• Coups

• Military leadership

• Lack of unity b/c

MANY ethnic groups

• Lack of education

• Corruption

African Union


Established in 1999 to promote peace and prosperity in Africa


Focus on Human Rights, growing economies, democratic governments, develop technology, and to promote healthy living


Almost every nation in

Africa is a member


Similar to NATO, but runs like the UN


Similar goals of the UN

African Health Care & the AIDS


Key Concepts:


Water Scarcity


Deadly Diseases


HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Ten Leading Risk Factors for Preventable Disease

• Maternal and child underweight

• Unsafe sex

• High blood pressure

• Tobacco

• Alcohol

• Unsafe water, poor sanitation, and hygiene

High cholesterol

• Indoor smoke from solid fuels

Iron deficiency

• High body mass index or overweight

Source: WHO, World Health Report 2002: Reducing Risk, Promoting Healthy Life (Geneva: WHO, 2002), accessed online at www.who.int, on Nov. 15, 2004.

Global Causes of Death


Communicable diseases, maternal and perinatal conditions, and nutritional deficiencies

Noncommunicable diseases

Source: WHO, World Health Report 2000 —Health Systems: Improving Performance (Geneva: WHO,


• Individuals (where they fetch water, boiling water, washing hands)

• Communities (fatalism regarding diarrheal diseases, community latrines)

• Governments (ignore or underfund safe water and sanitation needs)

Diseases Related to Water Scarcity

• Cholera : severe diarrhea that can cause death

• Malaria : comes from mosquitoes born in standing water (fever)

• Dysentery: severe diarrhea

• No proper sanitation or filtering system

Other Viruses Prominent in Africa

• Tuberculosis : respiratory infection, no cure, cough up blood

Ebola: “Hot Zone”

– liquifies your insides, no cure

Smallpox: sm.

Blisters, no cure

Maternal and Child Underweight

• Individuals (may resist nutrition education)

• Communities (male preference norms)

• Policymakers (fail to address poverty)

• Health planners and health workers (do not include nutrition programs for the poor)

Unsafe Sex

1. Individuals (abstinence, fidelity, condoms)

2. Communities (norms regarding male dominance and multiple partners)

3. Poverty (transactional sex for poor women)

4. Health policymakers and health workers (effective

AIDS prevention programs)

AIDS/HIV In Africa

• HIV is the virus

• AIDS in the syndrome that kills you

• Swaziland 3:4 deaths are due to AIDS

• UNAIDS : UN program that studies AIDS

• Africa needs $4.63 billion to fight the pandemic

• About 80 million worldwide have AIDS

3 Ways to Get HIV

• Blood to Blood Transmission

(includes sharing needles, blood transfusions, & in the womb)

• Sex

• Breastfeeding

Children Orphaned by AIDS in Sub-

Saharan Africa

Source: UNAIDS , 2006 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic , 2006.

Distribution of Orphans, by Country, 2005

Behavior Change Successes

• Reducing malnutrition

(micronutrient initiatives)

• Preventing malaria

(insecticide-treated bednets)

• Helping children survive


• Improving maternal health

(safe motherhood movement, emergency obstetric care)

• Making family planning a norm (worldwide efforts)

• Combating HIV/AIDS

(Uganda program)

Combating HIV/AIDS in Uganda

• Political support, multisectoral response

• Decentralized behavior change campaigns

• Focus on women and youth, stigma and discrimination

• Mobilization of religious leaders

• Confidential voluntary counseling and testing

• Social marketing of condoms

• Control and prevention of



• Improving global health requires behavior change at every level— individuals, families, communities, organizations, and policymaking bodies

• Evidence-based behavioral theories and successful behavior-change case histories point the way

• Next step: political will and sufficient resources
