9.12.12 1. Welcome Back, Introduction of SEC Exec Board, and Organizational Updates Introductions o How to start a student group Look at FAQ tab on the SEC website o Questions? Katie—finance questions Other—secofficers@medstudent.pitt.edu Updates o Academics Evaluating advising system, esp Dean’s system We would like to do a series of focus groups over dinner o MS-2 = November o LOOK FOR THE E-MAIL! o Give us your thoughts on advising system Community-based advising Residency SARC Manual Should be done by time the MS-3s are applying Try to have it finished by the end of this year o GPSG-Graduate and Professional Student Government Trying to form a stronger relationship VP-External attends meetings usually This person will be responsible for telling about the meeting pertaining to medical students Specialty Committees Opening on “Government relations committee” o Voter registration and lobby days Monthly bulletin THEY HAVE SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING!! Must be publicized to entire school Submit application for funding to GPSG Submit 6-8 wks before the event They have supplemental space in the Student Union Have colored printing Across the hall from the SORC office—for those who must make a lot of flyers, can do for free o Travel Grants SEC provides $200 for those who are presenting and $100 who are attending GPSG offers the same allotted amounts Take the information from the meetings back to your groups and classmates! 2. Discussion and Ratification of SEC Budget 2012 Look at SEC Website for information on how to submit funding requents and T&B forms Vote on Ratification of Budget o PASSES! Look at the Bylaws in terms of submitting reimbursements o 60 days from your event o If we return reimbursement back Attendance at SEC meetings o Must attend 80% of meetings! o Will not receive full funding if don’t attend SEC meetings Reimbursement forms not submitted o If reallocate for a different eventPLEASE e-mail Katie CANNOT reallocate to an event that SEC did not fund Funding to specific person or business o Cannot write a personal check o From individual people or businesses, must get an invoice and turn in an invoice! Receipt—organization or person o Charge for the invoice o Invoice or receipt number o Signature of person charging you o Must be itemized 3. Bylaws amendments: please see attached document for details. I have also included the most recently ratified of the SEC Bylaws. We will vote on the proposed changes at the meeting Proposed Amendments: (SEE AMENDMENTS DOCUMENT) - Addition to list of positions during MS-1 elections Take off list off sub-committees o Scaife Hall Improvements MS-1 and MS-2 Student Lounge Group rooms Work within own class to improve Scaife Hall in general MS-3 and MS-4 are not usually in Scaife Hall o Unity Week Student groups are doing this on their own Add to MS-1 o Yearbook Editors Add to MS-1 and MS-2 o Scaife Hall Improvements - Procedure for Nominations and Elections Add to Class Elections—information on campaigning Discussion o Professionalism Using Facebook, Twitter, etc. Can we regulate it? Report to Honor Council o What if a candidate violates the bylaws? Reported to Honor Council - Items for which SEC will not allocate funding CANNOT fund minors Vote on all of the amendments as one: PASSES All Amendments: PASSES 4. Executive Board Interim Elections: Vice President External Priyanka Amin Alex Soriano VOTE: Alex Soriano 5. Student of the Month Nominations: Telora Stein and Joel Wolf 6. Announcements GPSG o Masquerade Ball—Friday, Oct 19th FREE O’Hara Center on O’Hara St. 7:30-11:00PM Halloween Party o Friday, Nov. 2 o Holiday Inn