BL6_Christmas Whose Birthday_PPtext

Christmas Lesson
Whose Birthday Is It? – Flashcard text
Lesson Overview
Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38
Gift box. Did you ever have a gift too wonderful to describe?
KJV – Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we
forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil:
ESV – Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your
kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we
also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
The unsaved child will trust in Jesus as his Savior and King.
Jesus has power to save you from sin and rules your life.
MT for Saved
Listen to your Heavenly Father.
Word Up! Jesus is God the Son!
- Mark verses to be read from your Bible (the ones in blue)
- Practice handmotions for Teaching to Saved
Daniel rests after helping his mom decorate for Christmas.
Daniel dozes off and has a dream.
In the dream friends come to his birthday party with gifts.
In the dream the friends give the gifts to each other instead of
to Daniel.
Daniel’s mom wakes him up and he tells her his dream.
Mom reminds Daniel that Christmas is Jesus’ birthday.
Mom explains why God sent the gift of His Son to the world.
(Luke 1:26-38)
Daniel admits he is a sinner and receives God’s gift of
salvation through Jesus.
Daniel looks for a way show his thankfulness to God.
Daniel admits he is a sinner and receives God’s gift of
salvation through Jesus.
Interaction with children
A. Daniel looks for a way show his thankfulness to God.
B. Daniel hears about operation Angel Tree in church.
Challenge (saved): Give with a thankful heart. (Heb 13:17)
- Official Angel Tree angel(s) to show children
- Wrapped box or gift bag with the verse 2 Corinthians 9:15 on or in it.
(see Bible Lesson/BL6_VerseVisual)
- Paper Angel (see Bible Lesson/BL6_Angel)
Invitation (unsaved): Receive God’s gift of salvation. (Romans 6:23)
Whose Birthday Is It? – Christmas Lesson
1►Did you ever have a gift that was too wonderful to describe? Usually
when someone asks about your gift you can tell him what it’s like. If it’s a
bike, what things could you tell about it? (Allow a child to respond.) If it’s a
video game, what could you tell about it? (Allow a child to respond.) If it’s a
cool pair of jeans, what could you tell about it? (Allow response.)
(Show verse.) ►This verse from the Bible talks about a gift. (Have
children read verse.) Who gave the gift? God did! If God gave the gift then it
must be very special. It is so special, so wonderful, that there are not enough
words to describe it! That’s what “inexpressible” means.
Today we’re going to have a story about a boy named Daniel and God’s
inexpressible gift!
2►Daniel was tired, but it was a happy tiredness. He had just finished
helping Mother put up their artificial Christmas tree and other decoration. He
had brought the tree up from storage in the basement to their third floor
Often when Daniel wanted to think he sat in the stairwell. He was
thinking happy thoughts that day. December was his favorite month of the
year because there was Christmas and his birthday. Those were the two most
special days of the year to Daniel. Why do you think he liked those day?
(Allow a child to respond - Because he got presents!)
He hoped he would get lots of presents this year. He thought of the
bicycle he had seen at the mall. He knew it was quite expensive. His mom
probably couldn’t afford that. He had mentioned a baseball glove to her. The
guys would think that was cool. He wanted a flashlight, too. But if he didn’t
get everything he wanted for Christmas there was still his birthday.
On his birthday his mother always made the meal he liked best – fried
chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and of course, a birthday cake. Then
there were gifts! What birthday gifts could he wish for? Raise your hand after
I say a gift if you would also wish to get it at your birthday. Some video
games? New tennis shoes? An IPad? Wouldn’t it be fun to have a birthday
Daniel had been to several parties for his friends. There were always lots
of presents for the person who had a birthday Maybe he could talk to Mother
about having a party. She could make a big cake and have ice cream and
snacks. It would be a lot of work for her. But maybe if he did some extra
chores. 3►Daniel closed his eyes while he was thinking of things he could
do… like running the vacuum cleaner or folding the towels when they come
Whose Birthday Is It? – Christmas Lesson
out of the dryer or…or…or… ►While thinking about all he could do to,
Daniel fell asleep on the stairs and began dreaming…
What was that noise? Oh, some kids were coming up the stairs. It was
some of his classmates from school! They were carrying gifts.
“Happy Birthday!” they called.
A birthday party…Daniel was having a birthday party! 4►He welcomed
them into his apartment. He was so excited it didn’t even seem strange to
have his birthday before Christmas. (You know how in a dream it seems so
natural, but really it’s ridiculous – that couldn’t have worked!?)
5► “Just put the packages under the tree.” He instructed. He was
wondering what kind of gifts his friends brought. They played some games
and there was cake and ice cream, too. But Daniel couldn’t keep his eyes off
the gifts. Big ones, little ones, long ones, short ones, floppy ones, brown
paper ones, shiny paper ones.
I can’t wait, Daniel thought. With all those presents I’ll be the happiest
person around.
At last his mother said, “Time to open the presents!” Daniel’s whole
body tingled with excitement as the children reached under the tree and
picked up their packages.
6►But something strange was happening! His friends weren’t giving
their gifts to him. They were giving them to each other!
“Look at this new game, Eddie. I was sure you would like it,” Tasha
explained as she handed it to Eddie.
“Oh, this is a DVD I’ve been wanting.” Someone said as he opened his
package. “Thank you!”
“You must have known I like to read.” Said another, holding up a book.
“Thank you! Thank you!” Everyone seemed to be talking at once, but no one
paid any attention to Daniel. They didn’t even seem to notice that he was
standing there. He felt numb all over. He tried to say something but no words
would come. All those presents were supposed to be mine, he thought. After
all, it’s my birthday!
After the last gift had been opened and admired, the children trooped out
the door, carrying their presents. “Good bye, Daniel.” They called. “Goodbye. We sure enjoyed your birthday party.” And waving they went down the
7►Daniel felt terrible as he glanced at the pile of wrapping paper and
ribbons under the tree. Suddenly the words he wanted to say earlier burst out.
“It’s not fair, it’s not fair! They’re all mean. Whose birthday do they think it
is anyway?”
“Daniel, wake up! Wake up! I’ve been looking for you and thought I
might find you out here.” His mother was shaking him.
8►Daniel blinked his eyes and then realized he had fallen asleep in the
stairwell. The birthday party was all a dream! “Oh, Mom, I had a really bad
dream.” He told his mother all about it.
Mother chuckled. “That was a pretty bad dream.” She agreed as they
walked back to their apartment. Then she thought a bit. “But I think it can
teach you an important lesson. Daniel, whose birthday is Christmas?"
"It's Jesus' birthday." he replied, puzzled by such an easy question.
Daniel’s mom had taken him to church from the time he was a little boy. “I
know all about Jesus birthday.” He said confidently.
“Tell me what you know.” Mother asked.
“I know Mary and Joseph had to go to a stable and the baby Jesus was
born and put in a manger. Shepherds came, and later wise men came.”
“That’s right.” Mother responded, “But there’s much more to the story
than that.” She picked up her Bible and opened it to the book of Luke.
9► “Some months before baby Jesus was born God sent an angel to
Mary with a surprising message. “God is pleased with you.” Look at what the
Bible says…(read Luke 1:31-32a.) Mary was engaged to Joseph, but she had
obeyed God and had done nothing wrong to become pregnant.
“How can this be?” Mary asked. (read Luke 1:35,37)
10► “You see, Daniel,” Mother said, “This baby would be different
from any other that had ever been born, because He lived in Heaven before
He came to live in Mary's body. Now God the Father was going to give His
own Son to the world as a tiny baby. So God gave the first Christmas gift. It
was Jesus!” ► Word Up! Jesus is God’s gift!2
“I never thought about Jesus being God’s Christmas present,” Daniel
Mother smiled. “The Bible tells us, ‘God so loved the world that He
gave His only Son.’ But many people do not know about God’s gift
to the world.”
11► “There’s even more to the story.” Mother continued as she turned
to the book of Matthew. “Joseph also needed to know that Mary was going to
be the mother of God’s Son. An angel came to him, too, and told him that
Mary was going to have a baby who would be the Son of God. ‘You shall
call His name Jesus.’ The angel said, ‘for He shall save His people from their
What do you think of when I say sins, Daniel?” his mother asked.
12► “We-l-l, murder and stealing and stuff like that.”
“Mother nodded. “Those things are sins. But sin is a lot more
than that. Sin is anything that displeases God. The Bible tells us what
those things are: lying, disobedience, meanness, selfishness—
wanting things for ourselves rather than caring about others, not being
thankful for what God has given you.”
Whose Birthday Is It? – Christmas Lesson
Thinking about those sins, Daniel was beginning to feel uncomfortable.
“I-I guess I’ve been pretty selfish.” He said. “When it comes to presents I’ve
been thinking only about me. I haven’t been thankful for everything I do
have. And I do lie sometimes and don’t always do what I’m told to do.”
“The Bible says everyone has sinned, Daniel, even me (Rom. 3:23). God
hates all sin and the punishment, or consequence, for sin is death. That kind
of death means being separated from God. 13► But since God loves us and
does not want us to be separated from Him He sent His own perfect
Son, Jesus, to Earth to save us from sin.” Word Up! Jesus is God’s
14► “You’ve heard how Jesus grew to be a man and died on the cross.
When He did that He was taking the punishment for our sin…yours and mine
and the sin of the whole world. Thankfully, He didn’t stay dead. God raised
Jesus up out of the grave after three days. It says so right her.” Mother read
from the Bible. (Read 1 Cor. 15:3b-4.) Now He lives in Heaven where He
lived before He became a baby!”
That was a lot for Daniel to think about. He knew about these things, but
he never thought about them having anything to do with him. Now he was
beginning to understand.
Mother had a bit more explaining to do. “Because Jesus was punished in
our place we don’t have to be separated from God. We can be part of God’s
family.” She turned in her Bible to the book of John. (Read John 1:12.)
Daniel, would you like to receive the very best gift you could ever receive—
Jesus, God’s gift to you. Do you believe that Jesus is the only one who can
take away your sin?”
Daniel did. He bowed his head and closed his eyes and admitted his
selfishness and other sins to God. He prayed, “I believe Jesus died for my
sins and rose from the dead, and God, right now I receive Jesus your gift to
me. I want to be your child forever.”
15► After Daniel received the Lord Jesus as his Savior, Mother told
Daniel about the verse we looked at. (Read the verse together from the visual
you used at the beginning.) Daniel liked that verse. Right then he thanked
God for the gift of Jesus. ► Word Up! Jesus is God’s gift!
He looked into Mother’s eyes and smiled. Then he looked at the
Christmas tree. “I’m glad I learned that Jesus was God’s gift.” He said.
“Since Christmas is Jesus’ birthday, is there a present I can give Him to show
Him how thankful I am?”
16► An answer to that question came on Sunday morning when Daniel
went to church. In the foyer was a big Christmas tree covered with paper
angels3. Daniel’s teacher explained the angels had names of children on
them. “It’s an angel tree. All the children whose names are on the angels
have a father or mother who is in prison. The parents of these children may
not be able to give them anything for Christmas. How would you feel if you
knew you wouldn’t be getting any presents for Christmas?” Even though
Daniel felt different about Christmas gifts now than he did when he had the
dream, he still knew he would feel unhappy about not getting any presents.
Mother helped Daniel find an angel with the name of a boy who was nine
years old. Daniel knew what a nine-year-old boy would like! The next week
they went shopping. Mother bought something for the boy to wear, but
Daniel spent his own money for something else. He chose a flashlight and a
game he thought a boy his age would enjoy. And he was right!
17► Boys and Girls, if you have already received Jesus as your
Savior you should give thanks to the LORD for saving you. 18►
Because your Heavenly Father has done so much for you, you can
give with a thankful heart4. What are some ways you can give to Jesus
because of all He has given you? (Allow a few children to respond. 19►
Here are some ideas:
o Sing songs of thanks
Tell Him how amazing He is
o Feed the hungry
Give to the needy
o Share the Good News
Bake cookies for a shut-in
o Invite someone to church Send an encouraging card
o ► Give Him YOURSELF
20►The most important thing for you to do today is to be sure you
have received God’s gift. God tells us in the Bible (read Romans
6:23). God says you deserve death because of your sin – that means
separation from God forever. 21►But God loved you so much that He sent
His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die in your place. He took your punishment.
22► Now God offers you the gift of a life forever with Him. Have you
received that gift?
Please bow your heads and close your eyes. The way to receive that gift
is to tell God you know you have sinned and that you believe Jesus died to
take your punishment. Then ask God to give you the gift of eternal life. If
you decided to receive God’s gift of eternal life today or want to talk to
someone about doing that today, please show me by raising your hand.
(Acknowledge responses.) If you raised your hand to show me you want to
receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior, I would like you to meet me
Whose Birthday Is It? – Christmas Lesson
(designate time and location) so that I can show you from God’s Word how
you can receive God’s gift of eternal life.
Wrap a box and put 2 Corinthians 9:15 on the outside or inside OR place the verse
in a gift bag.
Each time you come to this say Word Up! and have the children shout it.
Show a paper angel or bring an “official” one from Angel Tree of Prison
Show the teaching card and have the children say it with you, doing the hand
Cut out the invitation, tape it in your Bible at Romans 6:23, and READ IT!