Senior Portfolio Scoring Guide A Portfolio containing examples of your best work, evidence of research into colleges and careers, a high school transcript, two letters of recommendation, and a sample of your resume is required to complete the Senior Portfolio. You will present this portfolio of work to a teacher and your classmates and you will be scored on the following criteria: Creation of Portfolio Cover Page Free of spelling/grammar errors Table of Contents with accurate page numbers Total Value 4 4 4 Content Letter of Introduction Career or College Path (1st) Completed Career Interest Inventory (1st) Career Comparison Chart (3 careers) (1st) College Comparison Chart (3 colleges) (1st) Interview of Expert (2nd) Action Plan A and B (1st) Resume (1st) Interview--interview someone who works in the career in which you are interested OR interview someone who attends the college in which you are interested (15-20 Q's and A's) (2nd) Thank You Letter (2nd) Letters of Recommendation (2) (2nd)--cannot be Mrs. Shead Career/College Research Paper (1st) 2 Other work samples (2nd) Record one of the following (2nd): 1. College Visit + Reflection (1/2 page) 2. Job Shadowing + Reflection (1/2 page)--you can include virtual Job Shadowing on SCOIS 3. Scholarship Application (see me for info) Community Service (4-6 hours)--see teacher for examples and approval + Reflection (1/2 page) (2nd) High School Transcript (will be given to you) (2nd) Personal Reflection Essay (Entire process--1-2 pages) (2nd) Overall Presentation of Portfolio (neatness, creativity, etc) Record of one of the following: 1. Completed College Application/Acceptance letter 2. Military Application/Acceptance letter 3.Completed Job Application Total Points Final Grade Due Date: Tuesday, January 5th 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 4 5 5 Extra Credit (5 pts) ___ / 100 Points Scoring Key Given 6 = Exceptional ** 5 = Met + beyond adeq. 4=Met + adequate 3=Not yet met – some Problems exist in this area 2= significant problems 1= not acceptable 0= not scoreable ** This would result in Extra Credit Comments/Notes: Important Information: *You will need clean copies of everything you put in your portfolio! You will have points taken off each item that is not a clean copy. You are responsible for printing your own copies. Don't wait until the last minute. I will not be printing your copies for you. *You will need to put your work in a 3-ring hard-back binder. You may use page protectors, but they are not required. *Some items will be due before January 5th and will get a separate grade. You will then need to make corrections, reprint and add them to your portfolio. *Work turned in 1st 9 weeks will need to be revised (if necessary), reprinted, and added to your portfolio. *The overall portfolio grade is what will be your senior portfolio grade this 9 week (15% of your total grade)! *Your presentation of this information will be after the due date but before the end of the semester. This presentation grade will count as a separate major grade(s). Please sign below explaining that you understand the requirements of the Senior Portfolio: Student Name (Please Print): _____________________ Student Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________ Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print): _____________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________ Date: ______________