Job Application Rubric 4 Excellent General overall first impression Used a black or a blue pen or it was typed, pencil was not used Answers are neat, clear, and legible Answers are printed, not cursive Answers are short, concise, and carefully worded Answers were kept within the spaces provided Followed directions on the application All areas addressed and dates and events appear accurate Used N/A (not applicable) or a dash mark (--) where questions did not pertain Used correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling Clearly indicated the specific job(s) applying for Presented qualifications for the job(s) in a clear and convincing manner Reasons for leaving each position were understandable Read and signed (in cursive) and dated the employer’s release statement Name______________________ 3 Good Overall impression Looks good but could be more legible 2 Needs Improvement Overall impression Needs improvement 1 Poor Overall impression 0 Not addressed Used both pen and pencil or two different colors of pen Scribbles or doodling occurred Answers were both in cursive and print Poor quality or weak Did not use black or blue pen nor was it typed Good job on answers but could be better Needs improvement Good job on using space Needs improvement on using space Poor job on using space Good job on following directions Most areas were addressed Needs improvement on following directions Needs improvement on addressing areas Poor job on following directions Poor quality on addressing areas Did a good job on using N/A or -- Needs improvement on using N/A or -- Poor job on using N/A or – or didn’t use it properly or at all Did a good job on using correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling Good job on stating job applying for Needs improvement on use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation Poor use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation Unclear on what job applying for Good job on presenting qualifications Needs improvement on presenting qualifications Too vague on stating what job applying for or do not qualify for the job or a job that doesn’t exist, etc. Poor quality of presenting qualifications Good job on stating reasons for leaving Needs improvement on stating reasons for leaving Left some of it blank or it was printed and cursive Good job on signing and dating release statement Answers were in cursive Poor quality of stating reasons for leaving Didn’t use cursive in signing and dating Left this blank