Class Outline and Student Responsibilities

Number of Credits: 5
Number of periods the course will meet each week: 5
Number of days the course will meet each year: 180
Grade levels the course is offered through: 9 through 12
Prerequisites to enrollment: None
Brief statement of content: United States History II LEP is the last in a series of three Social Studies courses required for
graduation. As a continuation of United States History I it begins with the Progressive Movement and the emergence of the United
States as a world power. It will cover the history of America during the Twentieth Century and the beginning of the Twenty First
Century. The Course has nine Units, starting with the Progressive Movement and ending with Contemporary American and World
issues. A variety of issues are examined from both a national and international perspective. Among these are economic problems,
various social, political and economic theories, the role of science and technology and the role of big business. Other issues examined
include the military-industrial complex, racism, multiculturalism, poverty, urban problems and the use and abuse of power on
government and social levels.
Standard 6.1 U.S. History: American in the World
By the End of Grade 12: All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to think analytically about how past and present
interactions of people, cultures, and the environment shape the American heritage. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make
informed decisions that reflect fundamental rights and core democratic values as productive citizens in local, national, and global
Standard 6.3 Active Citizenship in the 21st Century
By the End of Grade 12: All students will acquire the skills needed to be active, informed citizens who value diversity and promote
cultural understanding by working collaboratively to address challenges that are inherent in living in an interconnected world.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
The Great
Depression and the
New Deal
The Great Depression
and the New Deal
The Great Depression
and the New Deal
The Great Depression
and the New Deal
The Great Depression
and the New Deal
World War II
2nd 6
World War II
World War II
World War II
World War II
World War II
World War II
3rd 6
The Cold War
The Cold War
The Cold War
The Cold War
The Cold War
The Cold War
Civil Rights and
Social Change
Civil Rights and
Social Change
Civil Rights and
Social Change
Civil Rights and
Social Change
Civil Rights and
Social Change
Civil Rights and
Social Change
United States –
Domestic Policy
Contemporary United
States – Domestic
Contemporary United
States – Domestic
Contemporary United
States – Domestic
Contemporary United
States – Domestic
Contemporary United
States – Domestic
United States –
International Policy
Contemporary United
States – International
Contemporary United
States – International
Contemporary United
States – International
Contemporary United
States – International
Contemporary United
States – International
1st 6
4th 6
5th 6
6th 6
Due dates for your homework and any projects are not a suggestion – but the requirement.
Your work will be marked “M” for missing in the grade book on the due date if you have not yet turned in your
work. It will be considered late if not turned in on the due date and you will lose 10% of the grade. (ie: for an
assignment worth 20 points, you lose 2 points, etc.)
You will be allowed 2 school days after the due date to turn in missing work for an adjusted grade;
After 2 school days, your work will be marked as a zero (0) for a final assignment grade;
If you are out of class, it is your responsibility to find out what homework you missed by looking at Genesis or
asking me. You must make your own arrangements to finish work in the Media Center if you need a computer.
Class participation is a daily occurrence. Items considered part of class participation include:
You have your textbook, notebook and a pen / pencil with you and have asked for pencil and paper from
classmates before the class begins;
You are in your seat and ready to start class when the bell rings;
The desktop is for your work. Your head, purse, and other non-class related items should be somewhere else;
You have turned off cell phones and music. Your earphones, hoods/hats and other non-class items are removed
and put away. Any food is also put away and trash thrown out. Your cell phone is only in your bookbag or
purse, not in a pocket or “hidden” on your lap under your desktop.
The textbook is school property. It needs to be in class if you are in class. If you take it home, then you must
return it. A missing book = 10% from an in-class assignment. Also, the book is also not an art board or a place
to write personal comments.
Arriving for class after the bell rings is a tardy. Two or more late arrivals in a week = an assigned teacher
detention. If you must go to the bathroom, please do so before class begins. Arriving in class right before the
bell rings and then asking to go to the bathroom means you are missing my class! After 2 minutes, even if you
are in the bathroom, you will be counted late and will earn detention. 10 minutes late means you cut class and
will be written up. No excuses, especially about gym classes!
You know it is NEVER acceptable to interrupt or make rude comments about a fellow student who is
expressing their opinion in class because you understand that if you expect respect, you must show respect.
Extra help is always available after school hours. Please request the extra help if you need it - I was
never very good at reading minds, so you must tell me if you want some extra help!
You need this class to graduate from MRHS. How well you do in class is your choice. The more effort
you put into your classes now, the easier you make your senior year.
I understand my responsibilities for this class:
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