Core Competencies

Core Competencies
Student Focus Group, Nov. 20, 2008
What are “core competencies”?
Original definition:
 “Competencies consist of knowledge, skills, experiences, qualities and
practices that are observable, verifiable, assessable and measurable. These are
substantially developed, sustained, and demonstrable by an AACC student by
graduation. The attainment of these competencies provides the foundation for
lifelong learning.”
Recent definition:
 “Consistent with the institutional mission and vision, AACC expects students to
gain and demonstrate proficiency in core competencies which encompass
general education and essential life skills. The college is committed to
offering experiences that allow students to acquire, develop and demonstrate
growth in these competencies. The attainment of these competencies provides
the foundation for lifelong learning.”
Simple definition:
“Core competencies are abilities gained or enhanced at AACC which are
important for student success in academic pursuits, professional life and
personal development.”
Is this a familiar idea?
Have your instructors discussed these in any
 Identified on syllabi?
 Introduced as an element of grading or
evaluation of assignments?
Original Competencies
 1. Communication
 Demonstrate
ability to communicate
effectively in verbal, nonverbal and written
forms. Includes the ability to use
appropriate technology that supports or
facilitates communication.
Original Competencies
 2. Scientific, Mathematical
Technological Proficiency
 Demonstrate
ability to collect, organize,
compute and interpret quantitative and
qualitative data and/or information.
Demonstrate the ability to apply
mathematics, science and technology to
make decisions.
Original Competencies
 3. Critical Thinking
 Demonstrate
and Problem Solving
ability to think critically and to
solve problems using basic research, analysis
and interpretation
Original Competencies
 4. Information
 Demonstrate
Literacy and Research
ability to identify, locate and use
informational tools for research purposes.
Original Competencies
 5. Social
and Civic Responsibility
 Demonstrate
ethical and cultural awareness,
an understanding of cultural diversity and
effective and appropriate modes of social
Original Competencies
 6. Holistic
Nature of Human Knowledge
 Demonstrate
knowledge of the relationships
among the arts, sciences and technology.
Original Competencies
 7. Global
 Demonstrate
understanding of the value of a
global perspective on society with respect to
past, present and future events.
Original Competencies
 8. Self
Management and Wellness
 Demonstrate
knowledge of health
maintenance and wellness
Worthwhile to have core competencies?
 Should
instructors think about these in
 Courses/curriculum
 Teaching
 Student tests/evaluations
Revised core competencies – better, the
same or worse than originals?
 Communication
 Original: Demonstrate ability to communicate
effectively in verbal, nonverbal and written forms. Includes
the ability to use appropriate technology that supports or
facilitates communication.
 Revised: Effectively using listening, speaking, reading,
writing and visual communication skills.
Revised core competencies – better, the
same or worse than originals?
 Scientific, Mathematical and Technological
 Original: Demonstrate ability to collect, organize, compute
and interpret quantitative and qualitative data and/or
information. Demonstrate the ability to apply mathematics,
science and technology to make decisions.
 Revised: (divided
into three competencies)
Scientific Reasoning: Applying logic and the scientific method to
interpret observable evidence.
Quantitative Reasoning: Performing and interpreting
mathematical applications in daily life and understanding their
connections to other disciplines and career fields.
Technological Fluency: Utilizing technology to enhance
productivity in one’s academic, professional and personal life.
Revised core competencies – better, the
same or worse than originals?
Original (2 competencies)
 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Demonstrate ability to think critically and to solve
problems using basic research, analysis and interpretation.
Holistic Nature of Human Knowledge
Demonstrate knowledge of the relationship among the
arts, sciences and technology.
 Revised: (combined
into one)
Innovative and Critical Thinking:
 Integrating
knowledge to analyze problems using critical,
creative and innovative modes of thinking.
Revised core competencies – better, the
same or worse than originals?
 Information
Literacy and Research:
 Original: Demonstrate ability to identify, locate and use
informational tools for research purposes.
 Revised: Recognizing when information is needed and
locating, evaluating, and using information appropriately.
Revised core competencies – better, the
same or worse than originals?
 Social
and Civic Responsibility
 Original: Demonstrate ethical and cultural awareness,
an understanding of cultural diversity and effective and
appropriate modes of social interaction.
 Revised: Participating in communities as an informed,
committed and productive individual.
Revised core competencies – better, the
same or worse than originals?
 Global
 Original: Demonstrate an understanding of the value of
a global perspective on society with respect to past,
present and future events.
 Revised: Awareness of understanding of the diversity
and interdependence among cultures, communities and
the environment.
Revised core competencies – better, the
same or worse than originals?
 Self
Management and Wellness
 Original: Demonstrate knowledge of health
maintenance and wellness.
 Revised: Separated into two competencies
 Personal
wellness: Healthy balancing of mind, body and
spirit that contributes to an overall feeling of well-being.
 Self
management: Displaying accountability and
adaptability as a learner.
Overall conclusions
Number of competencies – too many, few, or about right?
1. Communication
2. Scientific, mathematical and technological
2. Scientific reasoning
3. Quantitative reasoning
4. Technological fluency
3. Critical thinking and problem solving
4. Holistic nature of human knowledge
5. Innovative and critical thinking
5. Information literacy and research
6. Information literacy
6. Social and civic responsibility
7. Social and civic responsibility
7. Global perspective
8. Global perspective
8. Self management and wellness
9.Self management
10. Personal wellness
Overall conclusions
 Number
of competencies – too many,
few, or about right?
Are some of these duplicative?
 Too complex, too simple?
 Too hard to remember?
Overall conclusions
 What
should the college do to
increase student awareness of these
 Marketing