Group Prompt • In groups of 2 or 3, make a list of nations in the world that have developed nuclear weapons. • Put your list on the white boards. • Hint: There are 9 and the United States is one of them. Unit 2: The Arab World Iran Background: Iran • For much of its history, Iran was known as Persia. • Today, Shiites make up Iran’s religious majority. • Most Iranians are Persian, not Arab. • Most Iranians speak Farsi, not Arabic. Iran’s Wealth • 1900s: As petroleum became increasingly important to the world economy, Iran’s wealth grew. The Shah: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi • 1900s: As petroleum became increasingly important to the world economy, Iran’s wealth grew. • The Shah (king) ruled Iran for decades. • Had an alliance w/USA • Economic partner of USA • Secular leader (non-religious) • Recognized Israel’s right to exist • Associated by many Muslims w/materialism Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Shah of Iran (1941-1979) The Shah and America Islamic Reaction to Wealth • Materialism angered many Muslims in Iran. • Wanted a return to traditional Shi’a Islamic ways. • Shiite clerics were especially unhappy with secular government of the Shah. • Protests occurred throughout 1970s. Islamic Revolution of 1979 • The Shah was ousted from power. • Clerics took control of Iran • Imams (religious leaders ) still hold true power today Islamic Republic of Iran: Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini • Led Islamic Revolution of 1979 • Cleric (Religious Leader) - Fundamentalist • Anti-American • Anti-Israeli • Anti-Materialist • Returned Iran to traditional Islamic culture Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Supreme Leader of Iran (1979-1989) Iran Hostage Crisis • Following the Iranian Revolution, Iranian students stormed the U.S. Embassy and took over 50 Americans hostage. • WHY? • Hostages were finally released after a year in captivity (1980). Top: An American Hostage Left: The defaced seal of the United States at the former embassy in Iran. The Ayatollah died in 1989. He is buried here. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei • Current Supreme Leader: • Works w/Iran’s “democratically” elected president • During the 1990s, some reforms occurred • In the past decade, more conservative clerics have reversed many of those reforms. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Supreme Leader of Iran (1989-present) President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad • President of Iran (2005-2013) • Answered to Imams (Ayatollah) • Called an extremist by many • Called the west: materialistic, arrogant powers • Denied the Holocaust • Pushed for Nuclear Program • Caused economic sanctions to be placed on Iran by many western nations. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President of Iran (2005-2013) Islamic Republic of Iran: TODAY • President Hassan Rouhani (2013-present) • Considered more moderate than Ahmadinejad • In 2015, the United States and Iran reached a deal that could: • End the economic sanctions • End Iran’s nuclear program • The deal is VERY controversial and must be further approved by both sides before it takes effect. • Only time will tell . . . Netanyahu’s Response • Israel’s Prime Minister isn’t buying it! • Iran and Israel have been enemies for decades. • He called Ahmadinejad a wolf in wolf’s clothing. He calls Rouhani a wolf in sheep’s clothing.