5E Lesson Plan Student Name __Sylia Adrian ____Collin Henderson__Nathan Allred__ Name of Lesson __Cellular Respiration_______ Grade of students _____10th_____ Date to be Taught _______________________ Subject ________Biology _______________ 1. Cite the source of the lesson in proper APA format. UA Teach, V. L. (2013). Guided Inquiry Version. Preliminary Activity For Cellular Respiration, 1. Retrieved October 8, 2014, from https://learn.uark.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_group=courses&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Fcontent%2Ffile%3Fcmd %3Dview%26content_id%3D_2634523_1%26course_id%3D_64083_1%26framesetWrapped%3Dtrue 2. Explain the main concepts involved in the lesson. Investigating the process of the mitochondria in animal cells Concentration on the glycolysis process inside the cell. Students will design experiment to observe cellular respiration 3. Objectives of the lesson. Understanding of mitochondria processes Associate facts correctly with each of the three stages of cellular respiration 4. List vocabulary words and definitions related to the lesson. Mitochondria ATP Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain Cellular Respiration 5E Lesson Plan 5. List the primary national standards related to this lesson and include a brief description of each standard. MC.3.B.1 Compare and contrast the structure and function of mitochondria and chloroplasts Chloroplast produces glucose to store energy Chloroplast uses carbon dioxide and water to release oxygen and ATP during photosynthesis Mitochondria breaks glucose down to get energy from ATP Mitochondria starts process of using glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water during cellular respiration MC.3.B.5 Compare and contrast cellular respiration and photosynthesis as energy conversion pathways Cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water to produce oxygen MC.3.B.4 Describe and model the conversion of light energy to chemical energy by photosynthetic organisms Light dependent reactions Light independent reactions Chlorophyll pigment absorbs light photon causing electrons to go through “electron acceptor” Electron accepted by photosystem II, splitting H from O2 Chemical products of photosystem II sent to Calvin cycle to create glucose (C6H1206) 5E Lesson Plan 6. Performance Objective or Performance Expectations: SWBAT recall how plants respire and identify what characterizes each stage of cellular respiration What the Teacher Does Engage Engaging video “Do plants respire” Probing Questions Time ________ mins________ So do plants respire? Why is that? Explore Students will break into groups of 3 and each is labeled “glycolysis”, “Krebs”, or “ETC”. Will play game where facts are read off and students decide if that fact occurs in one of the three stages assigned after given 10 minutes to look over paper of facts per section. Time _______ mins__________ Explain Go over each stage again. Ask about any questions. Time _______ mins__________ Who can tell me about their stage of cellular respiration? Do you have any questions about this stage? Time _______ mins____________ When do you think glycolysis happens in the plant? Elaborate Relate each stage to how it applies to plants by what occurs when. Evaluate Mix and match board with aluminum electricity circuit. All SWBAT light each board up correctly by matching facts to cycle. What facts define each stage? Can you remember which fact is associated with each stage? Time _________ mins___________ Can you associate each fact on the left side of this board to the right side of this board? If you get the answer right, the light bulb will light up. Expected student response Dark reactions of photosynthesis -Glycolysis -Kreb’s Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle) -Electron Transport Chain Groups of 3 will assign role of glycolysis, krebs cycle, or electron transport chain to each of the students and will learn facts individually Groups who have memorized the facts the best will win the game “this” happens in “this” stage example question: how is the ATP used at the beginning of the first stage, glycolysis? I think it might happen before photosynthesis? Students may mess up a few times, but for the most part will be able to light up the bulb for the correct answers in five minutes or so. 5E Lesson Plan 7. List possible safety issues related to this lesson and explain how they will be minimized in the classroom. Include instructions that will be delivered to the students. A pointer will probably be used for the students to point to the correct stage during the exploratory game. The students will be instructed to be aware of their surroundings so as not to hurt any peers. There will also be aluminum boards with a light bulb. This should not be a safety issue, but students will be warned to be careful anyway. 8. Describe expected student misconceptions and how the teacher will guide the students to correct these misconceptions. Some possible misconceptions would be the CO2 levels would increase for the plant experiment, but plants take in CO2 and release oxygen through photosynthesis. Students may mix facts with differing stages, but the end of the lesson should clear that up. Students may misunderstand when cellular respiration occurs and when photosynthesis occurs.