08-09 Test

THE F(ree) R(esponse) Q(uestion)
Structure and Stress
• Same structure as the DBQ, but no documents to
Topic Sentences (3!)
Facts that support your thesis and topic sentences
• Be specific!
• Hardest part of the test often the questions are
ridiculously vague
– Don’t stress- very few students will ‘own’ this part of
the test.
– You’ve already been writing FRQs all year the
Good News- You Get to Choose!
08-09 Test
Choose one of these!
2. Analyze the long-term and short-term factors responsible for the
disintegration of communist rule in TWO of the following states:
East Germany
3. Considering the period 1918 to 1948, analyze the political and
diplomatic problems faced by TWO of the following newly created
Eastern European states.
4. Analyze the extent to which Frederick the Great of Prussia and
Joseph II of Austria advanced and did not advance Enlightenment
ideals during their reigns.
And one of these…
5. Compare and contrast the economic factors responsible
for the decline of Spain with the economic factors
responsible for the decline of the Dutch Republic by the
end of the seventeenth century.
6. Analyze various ways in which the Thirty Years’ War
(1618-1648) represented a turning point in European
7. Analyze how Galileo, Descartes, and Newton altered
traditional interpretations of nature and challenged
traditional sources of knowledge.
Usually a range of difficulty. Which
are the easiest?
How to Tackle the FRQ…
• You have 30 minutes.
– Approx 5 min prep time and 25 minutes writing time
• Step #1- brainstorm relevant facts
– You will find that you know more than you think you do!
• Step #2- group facts into relevant categories
– If you are having trouble, think of Persia themes.
• Step #3- Write an intro, then your thesis. Then
write. Stuff your answer with relevant facts!
Grading Rubric
9-7: Stronger
Has a clear, well-developed thesis
Is well organized
Addresses the prompt directly and completely
Supports the thesis with ample specific evidence
Carefully stays within the time period specified in the question
May contain minor grammar errors; even a 9 need not be flawless
6-4: Mixed (Please use the symbols only to indicate problem areas)
Contains a thesis, perhaps superficial or simplistic
Has minor to medium organizational issues
Attempts to address the prompt, but may not succeed fully
Some specific evidence in support, but not enough (or inaccurate
supporting evidence)
mostly stays in the time period specified, but not always
contains notable grammatical errors
3-2: Weaker
Thesis is confused, absent, or merely restates the question
Has medium to major organizational issues
Has a medium to major problems addressing the prompt
not nearly enough specific evidence and/or evidence may contain major errors.
May use wrong time periods
writing has significant grammar errors