4-15-13 Name of Teacher: School: HCPSS Student Learning Objective Accounting I - Content Component Student Learning Objective (SLO) Description 100% of the students will demonstrate growth toward mastery in the ability to apply the accounting cycle as measured by growth on rubric scores for different types of businesses. Population Learning Content All students enrolled in Accounting I Accounting I is a yearlong course which aligns NBEA National Standards, MDSE State Standards, HCPSS District Standards in Accounting I Students will explain the forms of businesses and the purpose of all steps of the accounting cycle for the different types of business entities and recognize, explain, and associate elements in an income statement and balance sheet. (MSDE POAF 1.2) Instructional Interval Evidence of Growth This year long course consists of five units. 1. During the first month of the year, students will engage in the first two steps of the accounting cycle for a sole proprietorship service business. The Accounting Cycle Rubric (attached) will be used to assess performance. 2. During the first semester of the year, students will be engaged in each of the nine steps of the accounting cycle for the sole proprietorship service business. The Accounting Cycle Rubric (attached) will be used to assess performance. 3. At end of year, students will be asked to engage in each of the nine steps of the accounting cycle for a merchandising corporation. The Accounting Cycle Rubric (attached) will be used to assess performance. Baseline Based on a class size of ____ students, following are the results from the pre-assessment using a sole proprietorship service business: ___ students scored a 0 on the Accounting Cycle Rubric. ___ students scored a 1-2 on the Accounting Cycle Rubric. ___ students scored a 3-4 on the Accounting Cycle Rubric. (Attach class roster to share students’ scores on Beginning-ofthe-Year Assignment/Performance Task/Assessment.) This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be achieved for all students. 4-15-13 Rationale for Student Learning Objective Students have little prerequisite knowledge of the accounting cycle process. This assessment challenge will measure content knowledge as well as the application of content within a problem-based setting. Students will develop an understanding of the accounting cycle process and be able to apply this to a real-world problem. Target Mid-year Assessment: (Accounting Cycle Rubric Based on a class size of ___ students, following are the targets document.) from the mid-year assessment using a sole proprietorship service business: Students scoring a 0 on the pre-assessment will score between 0-9 on the Accounting Cycle Rubric. Students scoring a 1-2 on the pre-assessment will score between 10-15 on the Accounting Cycle Rubric. Students scoring a 3-4 on the pre-assessment students will score between 16-18 on the Accounting Cycle Rubric. End of Year Assessment: Based on a class size of ___ students, following are targets on the post-assessment at the end of the year: Students with mid-year assessment scores between 0-9 on the Accounting Cycle Rubric when applied to a sole proprietorship service business will score 0-9 on Accounting Cycle Rubric when applied to a merchandising corporation. Students with mid-year assessment scores between 1015 on the Accounting Cycle Rubric when applied to a sole proprietorship service business will score 10-15 on Accounting Cycle Rubric when applied to a merchandising corporation. Students with mid-year assessment scores 16-18 on the Accounting Cycle Rubric when applied to a sole proprietorship service business will score 16-18 on Accounting Cycle Rubric when applied to a merchandising corporation. Criteria for Effectiveness (rating categories when Learning Targets focus on mastery) *Please note: Students identified by IEP teams as having significant cognitive disabilities will have individual targets. Insufficient Full Attainment of Partial Attainment Attainment of Target of Target Target More than 90% of Between 75% and Less than 75% of students meet 90% of students students meet agreed upon meet agreed upon agreed upon learning targets. learning targets. learning targets. This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be achieved for all students. 4-15-13 Strategies Scaffold instruction. Practice ongoing formative assessing. Provide engaging, hands-on instruction. Provide activities that require purposeful close reading and deep analysis of complex text. Use technology appropriately. Develop supplemental resources for Accounting I. Employ principles from Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to ensure that multiple ways to represent instruction are provided. Provide multiple means of expression, to ensure that students have comprehended and can apply content. Implement additional strategies based on student needs. This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be achieved for all students. 4-15-13 Assessment Instrument–Accounting Cycle Rubric Step in Accounting Cycle 1 Category Collect and verify source document Below Target (0 points) Not attempted or partially attempted 3 Analyze each transaction Journalize each transaction Not attempted or partially attempted Not attempted or partially attempted 4 Post to the ledger Not attempted or partially attempted 5 Prepare a trial balance Not attempted or partially attempted Prepare a work sheet Prepare financial statements Journalize and post closing entries Prepare a postclosing trial balance Not attempted or partially attempted Not attempted or partially attempted 2 6 7 8 9 Not attempted or partially attempted Not attempted or partially attempted On Target (1 point) Source document identified and verified but with errors Transaction analyzed but with errors Transaction journalized but with errors Transactions posted to the ledger but with errors Trial balance prepared but with errors Work sheet prepared but with errors Financial statements prepared but with errors Closing entries journalized and posted but with errors Post-closing trial balance prepared but with errors Above Target (2 points) Source document identified and verified correctly Transaction analyzed correctly Transaction journalized correctly Transactions posted to the ledger correctly Trial balance prepared correctly Work sheet prepared correctly Financial statements prepared correctly Closing entries journalized and posted correctly Post-closing trial balance prepared correctly This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be achieved for all students.