Stoll Exploring Careers WS 2-1-16

College and Career Foundations
2/8/16 College and Career Exploration
Interest Profile
Cornell Notes
Read TB p. 3-10 and take CN
Personality traits
Career Cluster CN
No School
Date: 2/8 Objective: I can explore my personal
Bell Ringer:
What are four of the Career Clusters we investigated last
Date: 2/1 Objective: I can explore my personal
Exploring College and Careers
Date: 2/1 Objective: I can explore my personal
Textbooks – Stay at home for homework
Workbooks bring to class everyday
Date: 2/1 Objective: I can explore my personal
Textbooks – Stay at home for homework
Workbooks bring to class everyday
Inside Cover Write this information in WB
Your Name
Date:2/1 Objective: I can review semester one
Go to website:
Sign up – use you cps user name and password
Go to “My Dashboard”
Scroll down to “Career Interest Surveys”
click on
Click on the Interest Profile
Complete the survey
Date:2/2 Objective: I can reflect on the 1st
Bell Ringer:
Independently complete the 1st Semester reflection
Date:2/2 Objective: I can reflect on the 1st
Bell Ringer:
Complete the 1st Semester reflection
Complete the 1st Semester class evaluation
Date:2/2 Objective: I can reflect on the 1st
Take out your Notebook
Quickwrite Questions:
• How did you learn
the skill of note
• How did this skill
contribute to your
• Cornell note taking stimulates
critical thinking skills.
• Note taking helps students
remember what is said in class.
• A good set of notes can help
students work on assignments
and prepare for tests outside of
the classroom.
• Good notes allow students to help
each other problem solve.
• Good Notes help students organize
and process data and information.
• Helps student recall by
getting them to process
their notes 3 times.
• Writing is a great tool for learning!
• Developed in 1949 at Cornell
University by Walter Pauk.
• Designed in response to frustration
over student test scores.
• Meant to be easily used
as a test study guide.
• Adopted by most major law schools
as the preferred note taking method.
First & Last Name
Class Title
Class Notes
2 1/2”
3 to 4 sentence summary across
the bottom of the last page of the
day’s notes
Subject: Why take Cornell notes?
Date: 11/20/01
Main Ideas (input)
Can be used to provide an outline of chapter or lecture.
Organized by main ideas and details.
How can
Cornell notes Can be as detailed as necessary.
Sequential-- take notes as they are given by instructor or
help me
text in an orderly fashion.
organize my
After class, write a summary of what you learned to
clarify and reinforce learning and to assist retention.
Can be used as study tool:
Which side for
1. Define terms or explain concepts listed on left side.
2. Identify the concept or term on the right side.
Can be used to provide a "big picture" of the chapter or
Why use
concept maps? lecture.
Organized by main ideas and sub-topics
Limited in how much detail you can represent.
Simultaneous- you can use this method for instructors
who jump around from topic to topic.
After class, you can add questions to the left side
What are the
Can be used as a study tool
-- to get a quick overview
benefits to me? and to determine whether you need more information or
need to concentrate your study on specific topics.
Subject: Notetaking
Date: 11/20/01
There are a couple of ways that you can take notes. The Cornell
method is best when the information is given in a sequential, orderly
fashion and allows for more detail. The semantic web/concept map
method works best for instructors who skip around from topic to
topic, and provides a "big picture" when you're previewing
materials or getting ready to study for a test.
• Summary is added at the end of ALL
note pages on the subject (not page)
• Summary added AFTER questions
are finished
• Summary should answer the
problem stated in the subject.
Recall Clue Column
Record Column
Propaganda Techniques in Advertising
Define "Propaganda"
List 4 common tech. used by
Define & explain
"testimonial" technique
Define & explain
"bandwagon" technique
Define & explain "plain folks"
Define & explain "transfer"
Propaganda used by politicians, writers.
Also by advertisers.
Def: Messages intended to persuade audiences to adopt a certain opinion.
Advertisers use propaganda. 4 techniques common.
1. Testimonial
Def: Celebrities used to pitch idea, sell product;
Audience associate star qualities of celebrity w/ product.
Ex. Michael Jordan sells Nike shoes
2. Bandwagon
Def: Encourages people to buy b/c e'one is doing it.
Ads urge you to get on board; don't get left out.
Ex. "All over America, people are switching to...."
3. Plain Folks
Def: Product associated with ordinary folks like you & me.
Ads use "regular", next-door-neighbor types to sell product.
Ex. New mother in hospital uses Tylenol.
4. Transfer
Product associated with s'thing that is attractive or respectable.
Car ads show gorgeous model - audience transfer feelings about model to car.
Ads use patriotic symbols like bald eagle - audience transfers patriotic feelings
to product, company.
Ex. Wal-Mart claims to sell only made-in-USA products.
Advertisers use propaganda.
Propaganda = Messages intended to persuade audiences to adopt a certain opinion.
4 common propaganda techniques used by advertisers:
1. Testimonial: celebrity endorses product.
2. Bandwagon: everybody is buying product.
3. Plain Folks: ordinary, non-glamorous people like us use it.
4. Transfer: transfer feelings of admiration to product.
about it )
• How do the
ticks find the
• Why don’t the
ticks usually
kill their host?
• How could
infestations in
cattle impact
(Diagram copied
during lecture)
Date:2/2 Objective: I can reflect on the 1st
Have one person from each table get textbook for the
whole table
As a class Read Textbook (TB) p 3
Put your head down
Close your eyes
Be Quiet
Date:2/3 Objective: I can analyze career
requirements and rewards
Bell Ringer: Your current career is a Student. What are
five requirements of your career as a Student?
2 min
Date:2/3 Objective: I can analyze career
requirements and rewards
One person from each table gather books for each
member of the table
Date:2/3 Objective: I can analyze career
requirements and rewards
One person from each table gather books for each
member of the table
Independently read Textbook (TB) p. 4-5 and take Cornell
Notes (CN)
10 min
Date:2/3 Objective: I can analyze career
requirements and rewards
1. Independently read Textbook (TB) p. 4-5 and take
Cornell Notes (CN)
2. In your NB, independently answer “You want me to do
What?” on page 4
Date:2/3 Objective: I can analyze career
requirements and rewards
Independently read Textbook (TB) p. 6-7 and take Cornell
Notes (CN)
10 min
Date:2/3 Objective: I can analyze career
requirements and rewards
1 Independently read Textbook (TB) p. 6-7 and take
Cornell Notes (CN)
2.In your NB, independently answer “Number Games” on
page 7
2.Homework Read TB p 8-10 and take CN
Date:2/3 Objective: I can analyze career
requirements and rewards
Independently read Textbook (TB) p. 8-9 and take Cornell
Notes (CN)
10 min
Date:2/3 Objective: I can analyze career
requirements and rewards
Independently read Textbook (TB) p. 8-9 and take Cornell
Notes (CN)
In your NB, independently answer “Why might someone
who values the environment be unhappy working in a
factory that creates pollution?
Put your head down
Close your eyes
Be Quiet
Date:2/4 Objective: I can compare and contrast
two careers of my interest
Class read LS-A Student Instruction Sheet
Split Notes (Cornell Notes) Scoring Rubric
Date:2/4 Objective: I can compare and contrast
two careers of my interest
Review the 16 Career Clusters
Date:2/4 Objective: I can compare and contrast
two careers of my interest
Go to website:
Log In
Go to “My Dashboard”
Scroll down to “Career Interest Surveys”
click on
Click on the Interest Profile
Click restore
Date:2/4 Objective: I can compare and contrast
two careers of my interest
Go to website:
Log In
Go to “My Dashboard”
Scroll down to “Career Interest Surveys”
click on
Click on the Interest Profile
Click restore
1.Research 3 Careers in 3 different clusters
2.Take Cornell Notes (Split Notes) for each Career
3.What does the Career do
4.Determine qualifications, skillls, education, experience
5.Follow the rubric
Date:2/4 Objective: I can investigate career
Date:2/1 Objective: I can review semester one
Go to website:
Date:1/25 Objective: I can review semester on
Review the first semester
Work on incomplete assignments
Work on missing work
Check grades
Work independently and productively
Date:1/26 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
Bell Ringer: Describe three advantages to using a
template in word like a flyer instead of creating a flyer
from scratch.
Date:1/26 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
Letter feed back
Date:1/26 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
Work with your shoulder partner to complete #1-7 on the
study guide. Use your notes and class handouts.
20 min
Your progress will be checked for a grade
Date:1/26 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
With your shoulder partner complete study guide #1-7
20 min
Date:1/26 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
With your shoulder partner complete study guide #8-15
20 min
Date:1/27 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
With your shoulder partner complete study guide #8-15
20 min
Date:1/27 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
With your shoulder partner complete study guide
defining the terms
20 min
Date:1/28 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
Bell Ringer: What are 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of using
PowerPoint in a presentation?
Date:1/28 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
Bell Ringer: What are 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of using
PowerPoint in a presentation?
Best for visual concepts
Offers multiple Channels
(words, pictures, graphs)
Easy to use
Date:1/28 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
With your shoulder partner complete study guide #3
questions 1-6
15 min
Date:1/28 Objective: I can review for the
semester Final Exam
With your shoulder partner complete study guide #3
questions 7-12
15 min
Date:1/28 Semester Final Exam
Grab a Qwizdom remote
Session 207898
Denied press menu
enter your ID and press join
Date:1/19 Objective: I can develop an essay use
formatting techniques in Google Docs
Read Essay Directions
Date:1/19 Objective: I can develop an essay use
formatting techniques in Google Docs
1.Open Google Docs
2.Share you information with Mr. Stoll (
3.Write down bullet points of your best meal
1. Describe your best meal using sensory description (sight , smell,
taste, touch)
2. Describe what made it memorable
3. Describe the meal for beginning to end
4. Compare the meal to other meals
5. Describe the people, the place, and the food
Date:1/20 Objective: I can complete an essay
use formatting techniques in Google Docs
Outline the structure of your letter:
Introduction- Explain why you are writing the letter and briefly
describe what you are going to write.
Body - Describe your best meal using sensory description (sight ,
smell, taste, touch)
-Describe the meal for beginning to end
-Describe what made it memorable
-Compare the meal to other meals
-Describe the people, the place, and the food
Summary- final paragraph should shortly summarize the intent of
the letter.
Check the rubric for formatting requirements- 3 paragraphs, Bold,
Italics, baskerville font, 14 point, use Word letter template
Bullet points
Date:1/21 Objective: I can complete an essay use formatting
techniques in Google Docs
Bell Ringer:
Write this in your notebook:
Quiz tomorrow 1/22 on Word Processors
Venn diagram comparison of MS Word
Types of word processors worksheet
Word Processor Formatting worksheet
Best meal letter formatting
Date:1/21 Objective: I can complete an essay use formatting
techniques in Google Docs
Outline the structure of your letter:
Introduction- Explain why you are writing the letter and briefly
describe what you are going to write.
Body - Describe your best meal using sensory description (sight ,
smell, taste, touch)
-Describe the meal for beginning to end
-Describe what made it memorable
-Compare the meal to other meals
-Describe the people, the place, and the food
Summary- final paragraph should shortly summarize the intent of
the letter.
Check the rubric for formatting requirements- 3 paragraphs, Bold,
Italics, baskerville font, 14 point, use Word letter template
Bullet points
Date:1/21 Objective: I can complete an essay use formatting
techniques in Google Docs
Open your letter on your screen
Date:1/21 Objective: I can complete an essay use formatting
techniques in Google Docs
Gallery Walk
Write down the name of the letter writer
Read the letter
Grade the letter based on the rubric
Write areas of improvement for each score
Circle rubric items that are missing or need improvement
College and Career Foundations
Session 207898
Denied press menu
enter your ID and press join
College and Career Foundations
Date: 1/22
Objective: I can demonstrate my understanding of word
Bell Ringer: Reflect on your letter writing assignment
I believe I did _________ on my best meal ever letter, because I ____
______________________. I could have done better if I __________
___________________________________. I liked / disliked this
assignment because ________________________________________
College and Career Foundations
Date: 1/22
Objective: I can demonstrate my understanding of word
Complete the Quiz
Write all your answers on the paper.
Use the back for the written response questions.
College and Career Foundations
Date: 1/22
Objective: I can demonstrate my understanding of word
Complete the Quiz
Write all your answers on the paper.
Use the back for the written response questions.
When you finish, independently complete Activity #10 handout.
Use MS Word to complete the drawing
Figure 10-1 can be found on our webpage
Save the document on your desktop
Upload the saved document into your Google drive
Share the drawing document with Mr. Stoll (