Adaptive Mirror Control System Final Presentation Performed by: Boris Goychman & Eyal Tsin Instructor: Tsachi Martsiano Annual project – Part B, Winter 2013 Abstract Joint project with the physics faculty, the objective of which is to build a system that interfaces with a PC on the one end and controls an adaptive mirror that is connected to it on the other end. An adaptive Mirror – contains 59 capacitors to control the convexity in order to correct distortions of light. Now Used for eye retina distortion corrections. Specifications Data transfer rates Supply voltage Power consumption Interfaces Test requirements DLP-USB D2A FPGA Sample & Hold 1Mbps 460ns per channel 50Mhz 4.15us per channel 3.3V 5V 3.3V Up to 300V 125uW 3mW 217mW 240mW PC FPGA Sample & Hold FPGA USB D/A D/A Adaptive Mirror Emulation Simulation – ModelSim Read from dat file (signal tap) Scope Write to FPGA FIFO Emulation for each external component Scope DVM System Block Diagram Analog Board DE2 - FGPA D2A ALTERA CHIP HV S&H HV S&H DLP - USB PC DLP CHIP GUI System timings Timing Requirements of the mirror(as given by the physics department) : 2ms T 20ms 18ms margin 2.1ms 0ms 20ms From PC to DLP-USB : From FPGA to D2A : 59 8 2 944bits t PC 2 DLP 59 channels (8 bit each) 944 1.888mSec 0.5M t FPGA 2 DAC 59 460n sec 27.14 sec From DLP-USB to FPGA's internal FIFO : From D2A TO Sample and Hold : 944bits (8 bit parallel transfer) t FPGA 2 HV t DLP 2 FPGA 118 200ns 23.6 Sec Write Cycle Tone update cycle 30 75n 4 75n writing to both HVs at the same time 160.2 sec 1888 23.6 27.14 160.2 2.1ms 2ms 2.1ms 20ms Ext_START_KEY0 Ext_SD_KEY1 Ext_RESET_KEY2 FPGA Block Diagram START CLR _ DE 2 _ DA CS WR DB[7..0] A0, A1 D2A D2A Controller GAIN DATA _ DE 2 _ DA[7..0] RESET GAIN _ DE 2 _ DA RD ADDRESS _ DE 2 _ DA[1..0] RXF RESET FINISH LDAC CLR DLP_ Controller DLP245USB OE RESET PD _ NOT DATAOUT START _ POWER _ UP VNN _ SWITCH D_inout[7..0] START _ POWER _ DOWN RELAY-AQY274 S&HHV257 B _ OUT [4..0] S&HHV257 MUX-ADG784 RESET A _ OUT [4..0] EN _ HV D[7..0] START _ SAMPLING RELAY _ 300 wrreq VDD _ SWITCH full SWITCHADG202AKN MANAGER HV257 Controller A _ IN [4..0] sclr B _ IN [4..0] rdreq FINISH _ SU EN _ MUX FINISH _ SD IN _ MUX FINISH _ SAMPLE Q[7…0] empty (SC)FIFO System Testing 300 250 200 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Digital Input 150 HVמוצא צפוי ב Expected Voltage from D2A [V] HV-מוצא ה 100 Analog Voltage Output Analog High-Voltage Output Actual voltage from D2A with [V] Analog Voltage Output High Voltage Output - Expected and Actual Output Voltage 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 Analog Low-Voltage Input 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 Digital Input 200 250 300