SOCK 402-110 Methods Of Soc Research

M 2-4.45
Dr. Alan Turley
Office: 217h
Office Phone: 254-501-5873
Office Hours: MW 10:50-12 and 1-2:00 and by appt.
Required Texts: Earl Babbie The Basics Of Social Research
Stephen Gould The Mismeasure of Man
Duncan, et al "How different ARE Welfare Families?" From webpage
Joint Center for Poverty Research
Robert Pollack "How Economists think" From webpage
Joint Center for Poverty Research
Katherine Newman "Tyesha's Dilemma" From webpage
Joint Center for Poverty Research
Course Description: This course requires students to integrate and use fundamental
concepts learned in previous courses within the students’ degree concentrations including
research and analysis of real-world phenomena and problems. A real-world aspect of the
course will be maintained as assignments would be given in the modern work
environment; college graduates will not be spoon fed their assignments, neither will be
parts of this course. Discovering sources and success on one’s own will be emphasized.
Attendance Class Participation Quiz Tests Research Paper 900 - A
800 - B 700 - C
50 x 2 pts a day
4 x 25 a piece
4 x 100 a piece
1 x 400 a piece
out of
1050 pts
Tests will be for the sections of readings and lectures prior to the test, not comprehensive.
A research paper will be required of all students. It will be between 17-25 pages in
length (no shorter paper will be accepted, no longer paper accepted) written in Journal
Style (it will be good for you to familiarize yourself with this style from either of the top
journals in sociology). All aspects of this assignment will be evaluated closely and will
count for/against one's grade accordingly. The paper must contain statistical analysis and
demonstrate a firm grasp of quantitative methods, including statistical data presentations.
A mandatory procedure log will also be required including all research, database,
statistical, and evaluation procedures taken by the student. Log checks may be placed
instead of quizzes so bring your log every day.
Attendance. There will be one "holy object" in this course -- the attendance role.
Dishonesty or desecration of the attendance role will be treated harshly, violators will be
flogged. The role will NOT be questioned. It is sacred and unerring. If you did not mark
yourself present - TOUGH! This is your responsibility and I will not hear heartfelt pleas
of mercy concerning the possible faultiness of this role, THE sacrosanct text of this
Quizzes will be of a surprise nature concerning the readings or assignments for that day;
A special hint… those questions look like good quiz material that you are supposed to
think about and prepare outside of class.
Scholastic Dishonesty of any kind will NOT be tolerated. Any example or hint of this will
result in the student's recommendation for scholastic review and termination.
Aug 25 Intro – Syllabus – Book – Believe it or not, Start thinking of a research question
Types of Social Research. Experimental vs. Non-Exp vs. Quasi-Exp.
Quantitative vs. Qualitative [Historical Data]. Formulating questions/ Hypothesis
Development/ Causality
Dependent vs. Independent Variables. Operationalizing the question. Ethics of human
study and Spurious Connections of data. Bell Curve.
Sept 1
Choosing a Research Question and Design. Choosing datasets. Longitudinal vs. Cross
sectional data views.
Databases, secondary data, Census, NORC.
{?} How much childcare do we need for welfare recipients' families?
Sept 15 Databases. Reliability vs. Validity. How to maintain your research log.
Demography - Urban Sociology - Econometrics (and their pitfalls)
Quantitative Observations. Establishing Meaning of these variables.
{?} How do we teach minorities different because they have lower reading, IQ, and
test scores?
Sept 22 SURVEYS. Construction. Terminology.
SURVEYS Double Barrel. Measurement.
{?} Why questions of terms and double barrels matter?
Sept 22 TEST I
Sept 27 SCALES. Likert, etc.,. Bi and Multi variate
[READING: Chapter 7 Scales and Typologies]
Oct 6 Content Analysis. Historical/Comparative.
LAB DAY Choosing the right way to measure meaning.
{?} How Religious do you feel? How Sexy? How Minty Fresh? How Conservative?
[READING: Chapter 7 Scales and Typologies & Chapter 12 Content Analysis]
Oct 13 Probability. Weighting.
[READING: Chapter 8 Logic of Sampling]
Standard Error. Sampling Difficult Populations.
Oct 20 Simple. Stratified. Cluster. Snowball…. Get your minds out of the gutter.
{?} How would you stratify and sample this class?
[READING: Chapter 11 Field Research]
Classical. Hawthorne.
[READING: Chapter 9 Experiments]
Oct 27 Double Blind. Internal & External Validity. Focus Groups.
[READING: Chapter 9 Experiments]
Oct 27
Nov 3 Mailing Response. Response Rates. Representativesness
[READING: Chapter 10 Surveys]
Case Study. Interviews. Telephone.
SURVEY-ology and Secondary Analysis.
{?} What do bosses/clients/public think about surveys and surveying? This could
be the most important question of the course.
Nov 10 Evaluation
Computers. Codebooks. Procedures. {THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT THING}
[READING: Chapter 14 Quantify, Chapter 13 Example of Evaluation, MISMEASURE]
{?} How important is procedure?
Nov 17 Distribution. Tendency.
[READING: Chapter 15 Analysis]
Mode, Median, Mean. Average.
{?} How does education effect income?
Journal Construction.
Nov 24 Descriptive and Regression
[READING: Chapter 16 Statistics] [+25 Points if paper turned in today]
{?} What stats are relevant in the real world and why?
Regression. Chi-square, Relevance Testing.
Nov 27
Dec 8 MINUS 100 Points if paper turned in today. After today, no papers accepted
Course Objectives:
Knowledge Outcomes:
1. The students will know the nature of scientific inquiry.
2. The students will understand the process of forming research questions.
3. The students will know the techniques of conducting sociological research and
critiques of these techniques.
4. The students will understand issues of measurement and sampling,
5. Students will understand the ethical considerations of research
Skills Outcomes:
1. Critical thinking: students must have “sociological insight” in order to see
through official explanations of social life, common sense conclusions, and
conclusions based solely on personal experience. Using the tools of the discipline,
sociologists analyze social life while minimizing the influence of personal
emotions and political agendas.
2. Abstract thinking: sociology is a discipline of theory testing. Research
techniques and statistics help us describe social phenomena and allow us to
evaluate theoretical statements.
3. Persistence: just because we live in a society does not mean we automatically
know everything about it. Hard study is required, and thinking is mandatory!
Research methods help us see through the veneer of official accounting of the
world around us. Research is about persistent curiosity.
4. Flexibility: Students will learn the discovery of hidden social processes. It is
imperative that we become flexible in our thinking and willing to process what we
already know. Students should be active agents in their own learning.
5. Expansion of knowledge; this course aims to expand students’ breadth of
knowledge of social behavior, organization, and diversity within populations.
Research techniques help us see how social processes affect individual
development and life chances.
Value Outcomes:
1. Students will value scientific inquiry.
2. Students will be able to discern false information from factual information.
3. Students will understand the appropriate method to utilize given the scientific
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will:
1. Develop the reasoning and communication skills expected of a person holding
a Bachelor of Science degree.
2. Develop proficiency in the use of online research retrieval methods.
3. Understand the use of quantitative and qualitative methods.
4. Be able to apply these methods in real world circumstances.
Note: This is an UPPER level course. Be prepared to make the appropriate time commitment to
study, volunteering and writing that this course requires.
Incomplete Grades:
DUE ON THE DATES OUTLINED IN THE SYLLABUS. It is the responsibility of the
student to notify me if they cannot make a test. If I do not hear from you prior to the
class, I will not allow an excuse for the absence.
Drop Policy
If you discover that you need to drop this class, you must go to the Records
Office and ask for the necessary paperwork. Professors cannot drop
students; this is always the responsibility of the student. The record’s office
will provide a deadline for which the form must be returned, completed and
signed. Once you return the signed form to the records office and wait 24
hours, you must go into Duck Trax and confirm that you are no longer
enrolled. Should you still be enrolled, FOLLOW-UP with the records office
immediately? You are to attend class until the procedure is complete to avoid
penalty for absence. Should you miss the deadline or fail to follow the
procedure, you will receive an F in the course.
Academic Integrity Statement
Texas A&M University - Central Texas expects all students to maintain high
standards of personal and scholarly conduct. Students found responsible of
academic dishonestly are subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty
includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic
work, plagiarism, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials. Plagiarism
entails using the words or ideas of another person without giving him or her credit
(e.g. not citing both the words or ideas of authors in papers); based on this
understanding, it is also plagiarism to copy an author’s exact words without
putting them in quotation marks. The faculty member is responsible for initiating
action for each case of academic dishonestly and report the incident to the
Director of Student Affairs. More information can be found
If you believe that this course may present barriers to learning due to a disability, please contact
Disability Support and Access at (254) 501-5831 in Warrior Hall, Ste. 212. For more information,
please visit their website at www.tamuct/disabilitysupport. Any information you provide is
private and confidential and will be treated as such. The instructor cannot accommodate your
disability unless you communicate with Disabilty Support.
Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and
online. Subjects tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics,
Mathematics, and Writing (APA). Tutors are available at the Tutoring
Center in Founder's Hall, Room 204, and also in the Library in the
North Building. Visit and click
"Tutoring Support" for tutor schedules and contact info. If you have
questions or if you're interested in becoming a tutor, contact Academic
Support Programs at 254-519-5830 or by
emailing is an online tutoring platform that enables TAMU-CT
students to log-in and receive FREE online tutoring and writing
support. This tool provides tutoring in Mathematics, Writing, Career
Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish, Calculus, and Statistics.
Chat live with a tutor 24/7 for any subject on your computer. To access, click on
Library Services
Library distance education services aims to make available quality assistance
to A&M-Central Texas students seeking information sources remotely by providing
digital reference, online information literacy tutorials, and digital research
materials. Much of the A&M-CT collection is available instantly from home. This
includes over half of the library's book collection, as well as approximately 25,000
electronic journals and 200 online databases. Library Distance Education Services
are outlined and accessed at:
Dr. Turley’s SPECIFIC class policies:
*On all assignments, papers, etc., if the printer failed to print, you are late period. Plan for this, just like the real world. If your presentation were due
on a Monday at work, and you didn’t have it… you would be fired. Do not
turn in handwritten assignments; if you do not have access to a computer
in your home, plan ahead to make sure you can get to the computer lab in
**I will not accept any work past the last scheduled class day for the semester,
unless you confront an emergency situation and have contacted me about that
***If anyone is deemed to be abusive or derisive AT ALL by the instructor, that
student will be asked to leave the class or discussion assignment immediately.
This is not open to debate, and depending on the level of the incident, may be
turned over to the Dean or Campus Security. This is part of your student code of
conduct and I take this VERY seriously. By signing the syllabus agreement
below, you are agreeing to participate by these rules.
****Arguing grades. When a real incident occurs where you feel the machine or
instructor has made a legitimate error in grading, then politely bring it to my
attention. Do not however engage in an all too common practice of arguing a
grade with the idea of “Well I have nothing to lose if I waste the instructor’s time
in a vain attempt to manipulate a few more points on an assignment.” This will
not work or be tolerated.
You will be responsible for getting the notes for any classes you may have to miss. This
class will be run according to the code of conduct established by the University. Any
student who is intentionally disruptive will be asked to leave. You are expected to show
respect to yourself, other students, and your instructor. Class discussion is encouraged.
Please frame your questions and comments online with respect. We all come from
different perspectives and belief systems.
Please be aware—if you plagiarize your work, you will receive a failing grade for
that work. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, you may also receive a failing
grade for the course. You will also be turned over to the Dean for disciplinary action.
IV. Academic Resources
Religious holidays: If you need to be absent for religious observance please notify me at
least one week in advance so that arrangements may be made for you to obtain lecture
notes, turn in assignments, or schedule exams.
Library Services: INFORMATION LITERACY focuses on research skills which
prepare individuals to live and work in an information-centered society. Librarians will
work with students in the development of critical reasoning, ethical use of information,
and the appropriate use of secondary research techniques. Help may include, yet is not
limited to: exploration of information resources such as library collections and services,
identification of subject databases and scholarly journals, and execution of effective
search strategies. Library Resources are accessed at.
Posting of Grades:
All student grades will be posted on the Blackboard Grade book and students
should monitor their grading status through this tool.
Grades for Quizzes will be posted 3 days after the availability period has passed.
Grades for Weekly Assignments and Papers will be posted the Wednesday following
the due date.
Technology Requirements This course will use the new TAMU-CT Blackboard
Learn learning management system for class communications, content distribution,
and assessments.
Logon to to access the course.
For this course, you will need reliable and frequent access to a
computer and to the Internet. You will also need a headset with a
microphone or speakers and a microphone to be able to listen to
online resources and conduct other activities in the course. If you do
not have frequent and reliable access to a computer with Internet
connection, please consider dropping this course or contact me (see
page 1) to discuss your situation.
Blackboard supports the most common operating systems:
PC: Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2000,
Mac: Mac OS 10.6 “Snow Leopard®”, Mac OS 10.5 “Leopard®”,
Mac OS 10.4 “Tiger®”
Check browser and computer compatibility by following the “Browser
Check” link on the TAMU-CTBlackboard logon page.
( This is a CRITICAL step as these
settings are important for when you take an exam or submit an
Upon logging on to Blackboard Learn, you will see a link to
Blackboard Student Orientation under My Courses tab. Click on that
link and study the materials in this orientation course. The new
Blackboard is a brand-new interface and you will have to come up to
speed with it really quickly. This orientation course will help you get
there. There is also a link to Blackboard Help from inside the course
on the left-hand menubar. The first week of the course includes
activities and assignments that will help you get up to speed with
navigation, sending and receiving messages and discussion posts, and
submitting an assignment. Your ability to function within the
Blackboard system will facilitate your success in this course.
Technology issues are not an excuse for missing a course requirement –
make sure your computer is configured correctly and address issues well
in advance of deadlines.
7.1 Technology Support
For technological or computer issues, students should contact the TAMU-CT Blackboard
Support Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
Support Portal:
Online chat (through the support portal at:
Phone: (855)-661-7965
For issues related to course content and requirements, contact your instructor.
Note: The course syllabus provides a general plan for the course, and deviations may
become necessary.
V. Calendar and Readings List: (Please note, you are expected to complete assigned
reading PRIOR to the class for which they are assigned.)
The Operation of the Online Course and Being an Online Student
Online learning requires students to be very self-disciplined, be sure you
understand and are prepared to comply with all required class assignments and
deadlines. For this course, the Weekly Assignment will be posted on the Course
Home Page By Monday or Tuesday morning (latest) and will be due to the
associated Discussion Forum, my email IN the BB course or Quiz the following
Friday night at midnight. Always be checking the Announcements section!
Term Paper Project
I. Expectations for the Paper
This is a research paper. I expect the paper to be between 17 and 20 pages in length with
between 7 and 10 “peer-reviewed” journal article or book resources in a bibliography that
does NOT count towards the number of pages.
II. Paper Topics
Choose a topic which interests you and is worth spending your time on. It will have
academic and public value AND pertain directly to this course, ie your feelings on Justin
Bieber will not cut it.
III. Constructing the Paper
Once you have a topic and have begun to read the relevant literature, begin considering
how you want to construct the paper. Keep these points in mind:
1. What is your thesis?
2. How many points do you want to make?
3. In what order are you going to present these points?
4. Do your points follow a reasoned pattern?
5. Does your conclusion tie the paper together (from thesis to final point)?
IV. Body of the Paper
The paper should be comprised of the following components:
1. Introduction:
What is your research question? What is your hypothesis? (What did you expect to find)
What is your theoretical orientation? (How would a functional/conflict perspective best
explain your expected outcomes and research question?)
2. Literature Review:
This is where you introduce your points and begin to lay the groundwork for illustrating
them in the discussion section of your paper. What have previous authors said about this
topic? What were their hypotheses and how did their findings support or reshape their
theory? Where are the major gaps in the literature, and how does your paper fit into the
discussion (novel idea, supportive of one perspective)?
3. Discussion:
Develop your points here. What did you find, without making any conclusions.
4. Conclusions:
Was your hypothesis correct? How did your findings support your hypothesis? How did
your findings support your theoretical perspective?
5. Bibliography, Notes
You must have these done correctly or lose a letter grade
Grading Rubric for the Final Paper
Presentation (25 points)
1. Proper Format (1 inch margins, double-spaced,
at least 17 pages in length)
2. Free of Spelling Errors
3. Grammatically Correct
Content (30 points)
4. Information and evidence are accurate,
appropriate, and integrated effectively.
5. Claims and ideas are supported with citations
from the article and text.
Thinking (35 points)
6. Analysis/synthesis/evaluation/interpretation are
effective and consistent.
7. Independent thinking is evident.
8. Creativity/originality is evident.
Assignment Specific Criteria (10 point)
9. Responds to all aspects of the
Overall Evaluation
Not Acceptable
Your written work will be evaluated by the
criteria below in order to give you specific
feedback to help guide your development as
a writer. Your writing will not be graded
point by point by these items; it will be
graded for its overall quality.
This rubric is designed to make clear the
grading process for written communication
by informing you, the writer, what key
elements are expected by the university in a
“good” piece of written work.
Grade _100.0 (A)_
Average (8089.9)
Average (7079.9)
Average (6069.9)
Personal Information
Home Phone Number:
Work Phone Number:
Last 4 of Social Security Number or student number:
Email Address:
Work Schedule:
Are there any issues that might affect your class performance?
Why did you pick this course?
Relevant Personal Information:
By signing this paper, I agree to the syllabus as a course contract and agree to abide by
the course as
outlined within: _________________________________________________ date:
Definitions, Violations and Consequences of Academic Honesty
Courses Offered by
Dr. Alan C. Turley
Department of Sociology
I have read Texas A&M Central Texas’ statement on Academic Honesty on page 16 of
the TAMU-CT Student Handbook (
I have also read over the definitions and examples of Plagiarism at “Purdue University’s
Online Writing Lab” web-site ( I am
aware that if I should violate Texas A&M’s Academic Honesty policy in Dr. Turley’s
course, he will 1) fail me for the assignment and/or the course, and 2) initiate an
Academic Dishonesty action against me. I know I have the right to appeal Dr. Turley’s
action against me with the Vice Provost. 3) I also agree to abide by Dr. Turley's Policies
outlined in this Syllabus.
Course: Sociology Methods
Term: FALL 2014
Print Name
Student ID
Sign Name