Acceptable Use Policies What you need to know as an elementary school teacher Sections of an AUP The National Education Association suggests that an effective AUP contain the following six key elements: NEA recommendations for an AUP a preamble a definition section a policy statement an acceptable uses section an unacceptable uses section a violations/sanctions section Other sections in many AUP’s Disclaimer Student and parent signature form Preamble - components Philosophy a description of the instructional philosophies and strategies to be supported by Internet access in schools Preamble - components It’s a Privilege -a statement reminding users that Internet access and the use of computer networks is a privilege Preamble - components Technology Uses and Advantages -a statement on the educational uses and advantages of the Internet in your school or division Definition Section Defines key words used in the policy Some AUP’s will not have this section. This lack may not be a problem Policy Statement - components The computer services that are covered How students get access to computer services Policy Statement - components A clear statement of the code of conduct governing behavior on the Internet Policy Statement - components Individual Responsibilities -a list of the responsibilities of educators, parents, and students for using the Internet Acceptable Uses Section Define appropriate student use Usually in the form of a list. Unacceptable Uses Section Clear, specific examples of what constitutes unacceptable student use. Violations/sanctions section How violations will be handled Description of the consequences of violating the AUP Violations/sanctions section How to report policy violations Who can answer questions about AUP Violations/sanctions section The sanctions section is essential for new teachers. You need to clearly understand the sanctions and the procedures for reporting violations. Disclaimer This absolves the school division, under specific circumstances, from responsibility Signature Form -a signature form for teachers, parents, and students indicating their intent to abide by the AUP Overview A well-written Acceptable Use Policy focuses on responsible use of computer networks, including the Internet, and the sanctions for being an irresponsible user. Some Sample AUP’s Sample Elementary AUP - Lennox School District We are pleased to announce that electronic information services are now available to students and staff in our district. The Lennox School District strongly believes in the educational value of electronic services and recognizes the potential to support curriculum and student learning by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. Sample Elementary AUP - Lennox School District The Lennox School District will make every effort to protect students and teachers from any misuses or abuses as a result of their experience with an information service, but please discuss the following use guidelines with your child and sign where indicated. Sample Elementary AUP - Lennox School District Your and your child's signatures will indicate acknowledgment and understanding of these standards. As a user of this service your child will be expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. Sample Elementary AUP - Lennox School District Telecommunications Use Guidelines: 1. BE POLITE. Never send, or encourage others to send, messages that are not polite. Sample Elementary AUP - Lennox School District Telecommunications Use Guidelines: 2. USE APPROPRIATE, RESPECTFUL LANGUAGE. Remember that you are a representative of your school and district when you are on-line. Always use language that is appropriate and respectful in your messages Sample Elementary AUP - Lennox School District Telecommunications Use Guidelines: 3. PRIVACY. Do not EVER give any personal information online, such as a home address or phone number, for yourself or any other person. Report to your teacher any person who asks for personal information. Sample Elementary AUP - Lennox School District Telecommunications Use Guidelines: 4. INFORMATION. The Lennox School District makes no guarantees of any kind about the accuracy of information found online. Sample Elementary AUP - Lennox School District Telecommunications Use Guidelines: 5. VANDALISM. Do not damage any school computer systems. Never move, delete, or trash any applications or files that are not yours. Sample Elementary AUP - Lennox School District Telecommunications Use Guidelines: 6. OTHER: The school principal may determine other behavior to be inappropriate. Sample Elementary AUP - Lennox School District Telecommunications Use Guidelines: Required Signatures I understand and will follow the guidelines listed in this document. I understand that the use of this electronic service is a privilege, and inappropriate use will result in the loss of that privilege and/or disciplinary action. Student Name (please print) ____________________ Student Signature ____________________ Parent or Guardian Signature ___________________ Date:__________ What is the Lennox School District missing from its AUP? Missing Disciplinary Action AUP with Disciplinary Action ndex.htm#POLICY%20JCDAC Common Disciplinary Actions Disciplinary Actions 1. Send a warning reminder to parent and student about the AUP agreement 2. Loss of Internet privileges for one week 3. Loss of Internet privileges for one month Common Disciplinary Actions Disciplinary Actions (cont.) 4. Permanent loss of Internet privileges 5. Other disciplinary action as defined below: 6. For repeated offenders—Action taken according to guidelines set forth in Student Code of Conduct under the Intermediate Offenses—Class II (See student handbook) Your Responsibilities as a teacher Read the AUP Understand the AUP Make sure the sanctions are clear Communicate AUP and sanctions with parents and students Monitor compliance and give sanctions Bibliography Education World ml Virginia Department of Education UP/home.shtml#components