Plutarch on Caesar

The Life of Caesar
1. Read and summarise Bradley’s analysis of Plutarch
as a historian (p. 303). Additionally, find out when
Plutarch lived and wrote.
1. Read and summarise Bradley’s analysis of Plutarch
as a historian (p. 303). Additionally, find out when
Plutarch lived and wrote.
Plutarch was a Greek who lived from 46 AD to 120 AD.
At some point, he became a Roman citizen. He is most
well known as a historian, biographer and essayist.
Bradley (1990: 303) acknowledges the valuable detail
provided in Plutarch’s biographies of Caesar and others.
However, she claims that these accounts suffer because
of Plutarch’s superficial understanding of Roman
politics in the 1st century BC. There is a particular lack
of attention to the role of the optimates.
3. What is Caesar reputed to have said as he crossed
the Rubicon (Chapter 32)? What did he mean by this
3. What is Caesar reputed to have said as he crossed
the Rubicon (Chapter 32)? What did he mean by this
Plutarch claims that as Caesar crossed the Rubicon he
stated “let the die be cast”. According to Plutarch, had
contemplated the decision to re-enter Italy for a long
time because he appreciated that it would have grave
consequences. His utterance indicates that he realised
that he was taking a huge gamble and ultimately the
outcome would be, to an extent, out of his control.
4. Briefly summarise Caesar’s conquest of Rome. How
long did it take from the outbreak of the war?
4. Briefly summarise Caesar’s conquest of Rome. How
long did it take from the outbreak of the war?
Plutarch depicts a time of turmoil upon the outbreak of
war. He states: “… conflicting emotions and violent
disturbances prevailed everywhere. Those who rejoiced
did not keep quiet, but in many places, as was natural
in a great city, encountered those who were in fear and
distress, and being filled with confidence as to the
future came into strife with them…” (Plutarch, Ch. 32).
Despite having a greater army, Pompey fled the city
first to Brundisium and the across the Adriatic Sea to
Dyracchium. Caesar assumed control of Rome before
pursuing Pompey.
5. In Chapter 35, Plutarch tells of how Caesar broke
into the treasury. How does Caesar rationalise his
action to Metellus?
5. In Chapter 35, Plutarch tells of how Caesar broke
into the treasury. How does Caesar rationalise his
action to Metellus?
Caesar’s response to Metellus was to insist that the
standards of peacetime do not apply to a time of war.
“… Caesar said that arms and laws had not the same
season.” (Plutarch, Ch. 35) Ultimately, Caesar answered
Metellus’ continued objections by threatening to kill
6. If true, what does the anecdote in Chapter 38
reveal about Caesar’s character?
6. If true, what does the anecdote in Chapter 38
reveal about Caesar’s character?
Caesar found himself without sufficient troops and so
conceived a plan to sneak back to Italy and levy more,
despite the fact that Pompey’s men controlled the seas.
When the captain felt that the weather made a crossing
impossible, Caesar revealed himself and, according to
Plutarch, declared: "Come, good man, be bold and fear
naught; thou carryest Caesar and Caesar's fortune in
thy boat." The sailors forgot the storm, and laying to
their oars, tried with all alacrity to force their way down
the river.” (Plutarch, Ch. 38). If there is any truth in this
anecdote, it is clearly testimony to Caesar’s courage
and daring.
7. What happened to Pompey in Egypt? How did
Cleopatra figure in events (Chapter 48)?
7. What happened to Pompey in Egypt? How did
Cleopatra figure in events (Chapter 48)?
After defeat in northern Greece, Pompey fled to Egypt.
The Egyptians, aware that Caesar was in the
ascendancy and seeking to gain his favour, assassinated
Pompey. When Caesar arrived, they presented him with
Pompey’s head. In return, Caesar had Pompey’s
assassins killed. Cleopatra apparently seduced Caesar
and was to have a child by him. When Caesar had
defeated an Egyptian uprising, he left Cleopatra on the
8. Explain what we learn about Caesar’s rule after his
victory in the civil war from Chapter 57.
8. Explain what we learn about Caesar’s rule after his
victory in the civil war from Chapter 57.
We learn from Chapter 57 of Plutarch’s life that Caesar
became ‘dictator for life’ and many of the Roman ruling
class responded to his absolute power fawningly.
Caesar’s rule exhibited qualities he was already wellknown for. He displayed clemency and also
magnanimity as when he ordered statues of Pompey to
be reconstructed. He also ruled as a popularis,
pandering to the mob by providing them with grain and
the like.
9. What is the significance of the offering of a crown
to Caesar in Chapter 61?
9. What is the significance of the offering of a crown
to Caesar in Chapter 61?
In Chapter 61, Plutarch recounts a public display in
which Mark Antony offered Caesar a crown (or diadem)
on three occasions. On each occasion, the crowd
cheers when Caesar refuses the crown (as this is seen
to be keeping faith with Rome’s republican tradition).
However, Caesar’s enemies read these events with
suspicion, concluding that Caesar had staged this public
show to ‘test the waters’ about popular attitudes to
him becoming king. This was a pivotal source of
inspiration for Caesar’s assassins who executed their
deed about one month later.