Accommodations Training 4 Teachers PPT 2014

Testing Code of Ethics
• Sample Irregularities:
– Providing accommodations to students who are
not eligible to receive them
– Failing to provide approved accommodations to
the appropriate students
– Failing to follow appropriate procedures for
providing testing accommodations
– Providing accommodations that invalidate the test
(Read Aloud on reading test)
TSWD p. 10
Testing Code of Ethics
• Sanctions
– Suspension or revoking of professional license
– Dismissal
– Civil or criminal prosecution
– Letter in employee’s file
• For a test misadministration caused by a staff error
• Principal must write a letter documenting the incident
and impact on students (include name and OTISS #)
• Send to employee responsible, file in employee’s record
at school, and send to State and Federal Programs (who
will send to Employee Relations)
TSWD p. 10
Collaboration is Required
• The School Test Coordinator is a key leader in
the accommodations process
• In order to ensure all student needs are met,
collaboration is required:
– EC Compliance Facilitator – Ms. Gladney
– Section 504 Coordinator – Ms. Parks and Ms.
– ELL Chair – Ms. Vieregg
– Respective case managers, Committee members
TSWD p. 7- 12
Step 1: Decide
Decision Process
• Committees must meet annually and
collaborate to make student specific decisions
1. Discuss the student’s eligibility and specific
needs. Document the justification for
2. Discuss and document needed classroom
modifications and accommodations.
3. Discuss and document needed testing
TSWD p. 13- 15
Committee Participation
IEP Team
Section 504 Committee
ELL Committee
Students with Transitory Impairment
– School Test Coordinator (& Committee)
• Students Dually Identified EC/ 504 and LEP
– ELL Chairperson should participate in IEP Team/
Section 504 Committee Meeting
• STC should communicate with Committees
– STC should participate in meetings when possible
TSWD p. 25- 28
Student Eligibility
• Must have a current plan
– Student must be identified as EC/ 504/ LEP on test day
– Plan must be in date on test day
• Must be defined using state language
– Only NCDPI approved testing accommodations
– Must specify implementation details where needed
• Must be routinely used
– During instruction and similar classroom assessments
– Documented at least 30 calendar days before the test
TSWD p. 26
LEP Student Eligibility
• LEP students eligible for test accommodations:
– Must score below proficiency level 5.0 on the
reading subtest of the W-APT or ACCESS
– 5.0 exactly is NOT eligible
• LEP students eligible for first year in US
schools LEP exemption:
– Must score below proficiency level 4.0 on the
reading subtest of the W-APT or ACCESS
– Enrolled in US school after June 11, 2014
– Just one day of enrollment counts as first year
TSWD p. 26
Modifications vs. Accommodations
• Modifications change the construct through
altering language load, content complexity,
and/ or cognitive complexity
– Reduced assignments, simplified reading passages
• Accommodations are changes in the way a
student accesses instruction or an assessment
– Give equal access without watering down content
– Do not change the construct of the assessment
– May not be provided for score enhancement
Class vs. Test Accommodations
• The student’s eligibility and justification for
accommodations must be documented
• All testing accommodations must be used
during instruction and documented for
classroom use
• Not all accommodations used during
instruction may be used as testing
– Only approved NCDPI testing accommodations
TSWD p. 13- 15
Guidelines for Committees
a) Do not assume every student with disabilities/
identified as LEP needs accommodations
b) Get the approval of the Committee
c) Base decisions on specific student needs
d) Be respectful of student’s cultural and ethnic
e) Integrate accommodations into instruction
f) Know which accommodations are approved for
each test
TSWD p. 18- 20
Guidelines of Committees
Plan early to afford maximum use
Include students in decision making
Understand the purpose of the assessment
Request only what is needed to access the test
Determine if the selected accommodation
requires another accommodation
l) Provide practice opportunities
m) Remember that accommodations will not
eliminate student frustration
TSWD p. 18- 20
Step 2: Document
Documentation Process
• Committees must document accommodations
in authoritative electronic source
– Easy IEP, Ellevation, Section 504 electronic file
• Students dually identified as EC/ 504 and LEP:
– All accommodations in IEP/ 504 Plan to represent
the whole student
– All language accommodations ALSO documented
in the ELL Plan
TSWD p. 25- 26
Documentation Deadline
• Accommodations Key Dates page (handout)
provides the deadline for documentation
– Due 30 calendar days before first day of testing
– The accommodations documented at the close of
business on the due date is exactly what must be
provided on test day
– No accommodations can be added or removed from
the plan for use during current testing period
• Accommodation must be provided for entire test
– Not just for short answer or math problems
TSWD p. 28- 29
Documentation & Communication
• Make sure the student’s plan and all updates are
– Students and parents
– Classroom and pull-out teachers
– School Test Coordinator
• Make sure updates in student plans are also
updated in other documentation
– Small group spreadsheet, Review of Accommodations
Used During Testing forms
• Maintain security/ confidentiality of student
TSWD p. 28- 29
Documentation & Communication
• Prior to testing, students must be provided
the following information on an individual
basis if they have a documented testing
– Identity of the test administrator, proctor,
interpreter, transliterator, or scribe (if known)
– Test date, time, and room location
– Test accommodations that will be provided
TSWD p. 29
Which tests need to be documented?
• All state tests the student will participate in during
the period covered by the plan
• EOG: EOG ELA, EOG Math, EOG Science, BOG3
• EOC: EOC English 2, EOC Math 1, EOC Biology
• NCFE: NCFE English, NCFE Math, NCFE Science,
NCFE Social Studies
• Alternates: NCEXTEND1, CCRAA, Alt ACCESS
• Other: ACCESS, NAEP, World Languages, CTE postassessment
TSWD p. 16- 17
Which tests are not documented?
• PSAT and AP
– Apply to College Board
• MAP, Reading3D
• Teacher/ school created assessments
• Committees should not omit any state tests
that are required to be documented, but
should select “Regular Testing without
Accommodations” for standard testing
Step 3: Monitor
Monitor Accommodation Use
• Are teachers providing classroom
– Do teachers know which accommodations are
documented for their students?
– Do teachers understand how to implement the
– Are students using these accommodations when
they are provided?
– Do students need other accommodations?
– Are students refusing their accommodations?
TSWD p. 105- 106
Monitor Accommodation Use
• NCDPI, LEA, and schools are required to
monitor accommodations required, provided,
and used
– Electronic files from departments/ physical
student plans
– Review of Accommodations Used During Testing
– Student answer sheets/ NC Education for online
TSWD p. 105- 106
Review of Accommodations Used During Testing
• Standard and NCEXTEND1 form
• One form per student per test
• Pre-populated from EasyIEP
and Ellevation
– Verify the printouts for accuracy
• Must be filed in student’s
folder after testing and kept for
at least one year
– IEP, LEP, 504 (or cum for TI) folder
TSWD p. 105- 106, 135-137
Review of Accommodations Used During Testing
• Staff completes/reviews documented
accommodations before testing
• Test administrator completes provided and
used accommodations during testing
– Must be completed DURING the test session
– Was the accommodation provided? Yes/ No
– How was the accommodation used? Specific
details about how/ if the student used the
accommodation to inform Committee decisions
TSWD p. 105- 106, 135-137
Review of Accommodations Used During Testing
TSWD p. 105- 106, 135-137
Provided vs. Not Used vs. Refused
• Review of Accommodations Used During
Testing forms asks for accommodation
provided= Yes or No
• If No, report in OTISS
• If a student does not use or refuses an
accommodation, but the school provided
record Yes on Review of Accommodations
Used During Testing form
TSWD p. 105- 108
Accommodation Not Provided
a) Notify parent immediately
b) Report in OTISS
c) Misadministration is declared and
d) Student retested
--- OR --e) Parent waives the right to retest (in writing,
before having test results)
TSWD p. 107
Accommodation Provided, Not Documented
a) Notify parent immediately
– The parent may not waive the right to retest if
his/ her student was provided an
accommodation that was not documented for
the student
b) Report in OTISS
c) LEA staff investigates to determine actions
d) If misadministration declared, retest student
TSWD p. 107- 108
Student Refusal
1. Before test day, remind student of accommodation
2. On test day, discuss reason for the accommodation
and consequences of declining
3. Test the student with or without the
accommodation, note on the Review of
Accommodations Used During Testing, notify staff
4. Notify parent immediately by phone and in writing
5. If parent wishes to have student retested, must
request in writing, report in OTISS
Only report accommodations refusals in OTISS if parent
requests a retest
6. Committee meets to address this accommodation
TSWD p. 29- 31
State Testing Accommodations
• If student does not use a regular answer sheet,
responses must be transcribed for scanning
– Must occur under secure conditions with 3 or more
school personnel present
• In the classroom with students present is NOT secure
– One to transcribe, one to verify, one to observe
• All 3 personnel must be present at the same time, in the
same room, and participate in the transcription process
– All three sign front cover of test book
– Must also include student name and ID number on
the responses
TSWD p. 47
• Answers must be transcribed exactly as written,
including student errors
– Double bubbles
– Mixed numbers in gridded response
• For gridded response where the answer is not
clear, make the best guess and bubble
• Original student responses must be returned to
and stored at the Scoring Center during check-in
TSWD p. 47
Mark in Book
• ALL students may write in the test book with
no accommodation needed
– Answers must be on student answer sheet
• Students with MIB do not transfer their own
answers to the answer sheet
• Students with MIB must not be given an
answer sheet
• Staff must transcribe responses
• Omit instructions that do not apply
TSWD p. 75- 76
Mark in Book
• Very common irregularity/ misadministration
• Students must NOT receive their answer sheet
• Do not include answer sheets for students with
Mark in Book documented in test day bins
• Clarify to staff that students are only provided
pre-coded answer sheets
• Label MIB students on the roster/ post-it
TSWD p. 75- 76
Student Reads Test Aloud to Self
• Student may read the test aloud, but the test
administrator may not help or correct errors
the student makes
• May use whisper phone, PVC elbow pipe, or
similar device if used routinely
• Separate Setting one-on-one required
TSWD p. 77- 78
Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud
• Not allowed on ELA/ Reading tests
– BOG3, ELA EOG, English EOC, English NCFE
• Must provide implementation specifications:
– Read Everything
– Read by Student Request
– Read Other (i.e. words only on math test)
• Separate Setting required
TSWD p. 79- 82
Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud
Prior to testing, Test Administrators must:
• Be familiar with grade level/ course content
• Be trained on proper implementation and
have time to practice read aloud activities
– TA may use document on how to read symbols
during read-aloud test administrations
– Verify that the symbols are documented correctly
– STC must provide the symbols sheet on test day
• NOT have access to secure test materials prior
to the test
TSWD p. 79- 82
Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud
During testing, Test Administrators:
• May repeat instructions and questions as many
times as necessary
• Use student test book of same form letter and
number to read aloud from
– All students in the group must have the same form
letter and number test book
– Each read aloud group must use a different form
– Only for Read-Aloud and Interpreter can a student be
assigned a different answer sheet than his original
pre-coded answer sheet
TSWD p. 79- 82
Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud
TA Reads Test Aloud- Read Everything
• Test administrator must read
– Item number
– Test item and answer choices
– Graphs, charts, subscripts
• Pause and allow students to choose an answer
• While students are responding, review next
item to determine how it should be read
• Proceed after all students mark their answer
TSWD p. 79- 82
Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud
TA Reads Test Aloud- By Student Request
• Separate Room required
– One-on-One or Small Group
– 6 students or less, at least 6 feet apart
• Student will indicate item number
• TA and students must have test book of same form
letter and number
• TA should pause to read problem to self prior to
reading aloud to student
• TA must move near student and quietly read entire
item with corresponding graphs, etc.
TSWD p. 79- 82
Computer Reads Test Aloud
• Available for online tests
– Must be enabled in SIQs in NC Education before
– Not allowed for ELA/ Reading tests
• Separate Setting One-on-One required if not
using headphones
• Student clicks on speaker icon next to text to
activate read aloud option
• Audio files are recorded human voices
• Limited to only questions and answer choices
TSWD p. 83- 85
Computer Reads Test Aloud
• For an online assessment, student may have
test read aloud by:
– Test Administrator reads test aloud
– Computer reads test aloud- student controlled
– Combination of the two methods
• TA read aloud needed to have ancillary
information (navigation buttons, graphs) read
• Document the difference in implementation
TSWD p. 83- 85
Multiple Testing Sessions
• More frequent breaks
– 5 minute break every 30 minutes
– 3 minute break every 10 test items
• Problematic if students will stop at different times
• Multiple Days
– Half test each day over two days
• Separate Setting required if breaks are
different than the standard script
• Only students with same breaks can test
TSWD p. 95- 98
Scheduled Extended Time
• For students who need extra time
• Document estimated extended time, but the
student is allowed as much time as needed
up to a full school day
• Document based on maximum testing time
– 60 minutes/ 1.5 times/ 200%
• Must complete test in one day with regular
break schedule
• May not begin testing early, must eat lunch,
and travel home at regular dismissal time
TSWD p. 99- 101
Scheduled Extended Time
• If the maximum testing time is 4 hours:
– 60 minutes additional= 5 hours estimated
– 1.5 times= 6 hours estimated
– 200% times= 8 hours estimated
• Plan out the test day timeline:
– What time will students be moved?
– Who will escort students?
– Where will students be moved?
– How long will students be out of a test session?
– Only paper-clip for extended student breaks
TSWD p. 99- 101
Testing in a Separate Room
• All students in a small group setting must be
receiving the same accommodations
• Test administrator and proctor required
• Must document specifics:
– One-on-One
– Small Group (and group size- Maximum 12)
• If an accommodation requires separate room (i.e.
Read Aloud), then separate room must be
• If student has other environmental needs,
request on Special Accommodation Request Form
TSWD p. 103- 104
Word-to-Word Bilingual Dictionary/
Electronic Translator
• LEP- Identified ONLY
• Allowed for all state-mandated tests
– Except for W-APT and ACCESS
• Document language and type (paper or electronic)
• Must be word-to-word or word-to-phrase
• Must not contain diagrams, written notes, formulas,
• Must be a published document, not teacher made
• Make sure student uses paper version all year
• Electronic devices MUST be approved, send to State
and Federal Programs
Guidelines p. 30
Test Specific Accommodations
ACT Assessments
• All accommodations for EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT, and
WorkKeys must be documented
• For ACT college-reportable scores, ACT must
approve accommodations
– ACT Receipt deadline: November 21
• Restrictions for LEP students:
– No ACT-Approved accommodations (collegereportable scores)
– Can use State-Allowed accommodations (no college
reportable scores)
– WorkKeys allows paper dictionary only
ACT Assessments
• Notable Accommodations Differences
– Scheduled Extended Time documented as percentage
• 150% or 200%
– TA Reads Test Aloud (Reader’s Script)
• Requires separate room one-on-one
• Requires extended time
– Computer Reads Test Aloud (Audio DVD)
• Requires separate room small group
• Requires extended time
– Testing in a Separate Room (small group of 10)
Read Aloud Accommodation
Examples and Practice
Rules for Reading Tests Aloud
1. Symbols should be read aloud in the same manner as routinely
used in the classroom EXCEPT if reading them in this manner
provides the student with the answer.
2. Most numbers should be read as they would be used in the
classroom. When place value is involved in the question,
numbers need to be read as digits, commas, decimals, etc.
3. When an item deals with converting fractions to another form,
such as decimals, one of the forms must be read as digits.
4. When items contain graphic representations, refer the student
to the graphics contained in the stem or answer choices.
5. Language contained in a graph or chart should be read to the
student, not explained.
Reviewing Student Plans
Sample Documentation in Easy IEP
Note: Instructional accommodations recorded separately.
Sample 504 Documentation
Sample ELL Documentation
Sample Transitory Impairment
Reviewing Plans
Is all documentation included?
Are plans in date?
Is justification included?
Are accommodations used in class?
Are all tests included?
Are the accommodations appropriate for the test?
Are all accommodations documented with
specifications correctly?
8. Are any special procedures needed?
Presentations from CMS
Accommodations Stakeholders
Contact information on the back
of the Key Dates page
Kim Capuano
Patrice Simon
Heidi (Amelia) Campbell
Tamara Holt
Jessica Wright
Robyn Steward
Cynthia Vines
Section 504
• SharePoint
– Shared Documents – State Testing Information –
• NCDPI Websites
– Guidelines:
– Released forms: