ALICE Commissioning Part I : General & HV work Yuri Saveliev •LogBook Practice •Shift work practice •Low or high Q ? (and other notes) •Strategy •Gun HV conditioning •Photocathode HV conditioning Seminar on 14-15/07/2008 LOGBOOK & SHIFT practice (sorry about that ….) LOGBOOK Structure Start a new Logbook entry with a short title saying what is this entry about. •This way, instead of, for example, “16:00 Still checking out safety paperwork“ we would see something more meaningful in the right hand side column of the entries list. •avoid using “Shift aims”, “Aims” etc •indicate only a main purpose of work for the shift •do not use fancy fonts for the first line (bold, italic etc) Shift Summary should be on top of the shift log entry Divide the shift log into tasks and subtasks and put a heading line (in bold) for each of them, e.g. Steering the beam to FC-02 Measuring bunch charge on FC-02 Energy spectrum at Q=5pC GOOD BAD Data Recording Every set of data collected (be it a plot, an image, or a single measurement) must be accompanied by a machine parameters and settings at which this data was collected Use tools similar to the previously used “Diagnostic Line Status” tool It is called now “Machine status” – there is an icon on the Desktop Please read the Manual before using it !! Do not report all changes of settings in chronological order unless there is a comment to make. Instead, summarise changes when a step is completed or data collected. The bad practice is to report all the changes made in a time stamped chronological order scattered over half a page For table-like data recorded in the shift log, use [code] and [/code] keys to make sure it stays table-like in a final form File naming convention Files are stored in \\apsv4\Astec\Projects\4gls\ERLP\Work\YEAR\MONTH\DAY\Shift N Click the Today's work folder shortcut Each file must start with a time stamp followed by all other descriptive information, e.g. 1745-yag-01-image.png Use exact match between the time stamp in the LogBook and the corresponding file (e.g. do not name the file "1842-?????.png" if the logbook note starts with a timestamp of "18:40 ..."). If a collection of similar images need to be taken for a measurement (e.g. emittance), use a single timestamp in all file names related to this measurement. Remember, file name timestamping is to facilitate data analysis and not for chronological reasons. Better practice is to put all files into a sub-folder but the name of this sub-folder must start with the four digit timestamp similar to that for files. Avoid multilevel sub-folder structure in the Work folder. Ideally, only one sub-folder level in the work folder should be made Do not record full paths of stored files in the Logbook entry Shift work practice Use actual (from DVM) readbacks (not set values) for voltage Use set values (???) for magnet settings (this still to be decided). YAG/OTR images: always ensure that the images recorded and stored are not saturated (remember- image may not have red pixels but still be saturated ! Always check “one pixel wide” distributions available in Matlab Image Capture immediately after frame grabbing). YAG/OTR protection: there is one in place (TrainLength to 50ns when screen inserted) but it is not fully “fool-proof” !!!! BPMs: use more than ~ 25μs train length Make sure the scope inputs are set to 1MΩ and there are no other 50Ω terminations Laser and QE keep the laser shutter shut whenever you are not doing measurements close the laser shutter before you make a significant change in the system (like, switching linacs on & off, group of magnets on & off etc …) (remember: in the Procedures, this is not always said explicitly – please use common sense ) ALICE Manual • all procedures are in Wiki • attempt is made to make them as step-by-step instructions • but it is not a Bible !!! (try not to take everything at face value) Some introductory notes ERLP diagnostics schematic ERLP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM v.0.2 (15/06/2006) extracted from AO-180/10078/E FCUP-01 YAG-?? INJ EC TO R Q-07 Q-09 Q-08 DIP-3 Q-06 DIP-02 Q-10 DIP-01 Q-05 YAG-03 Q-04 H&V-03 YAG-02 ST4 YAG-04 ARC 2 OTR-01 Q-01 Q-02 Q-03 Q-04 Q-05 BPM-06 DIP-03 Q-03 BPM-03 Q-02 BPM-05 SEXT-02 OTR-02 Q-04 BO OS TE R Q-01 H&V-06 H&V-01 BPM-02 SOL-02 YAG-01 BUNCHER BPM-01 GU N BPM-01 H&V-01 Q-12 BPM-01 OTR-01 H&V-01 OTR-02 DIP-01 DIP-03 DIP-02 Q-01 BPM-02 H&V-02 Q-02 Q-03 Q-04 LINAC OTR-02 BPM-02 DIP-01 DIP-02 DIP-03 H&V-02 OTR-04 OTR-03 DUMP-01 DMP BPM-01 Q-01 Q-02 ARC1 1m BPM-01 DIP-01 BPM-02 SEXT-01 OTR-01 Q-01 Q-03 V-01 Q-02 OTR-01 BPM-03 Note: scale is for guidance only DIP-02 DIP-02 BPM-03 BPM-04 Q-02 V-01 Q-03 V-02 OTR-01 SEXT-01 BPM-02 DIP-01 BPM-01 BPM-02 H&V-02 OTR-01 BPM-03 DIP-03 V-03 DIP-02 BPM-01 H&V-01 Q-02 Q-01 Q-07 Q-06 BPM-04 H&V-04 Q-05 ST 3 Q-03 DIP-04 Q-04 DIP-01 BPM-02 H&V-02 OTR-02 BPM-01 H&V-01 OTR-01 OTR-03 WIGGLER Q-04 ARC 2 SOL-01 ST1 V-02 Q-03 BPM-03 Q-01 H&V-02 ST1 Q-11 BPM-05 H&V-05 BPM-04 H&V-04 BPM-05 TCM-01 PLM-01 H&V-05 ST 3 ST 2 Q-04 Q-03 Q-02 Q-01 ST 2 OTR-02 SEXT-02 BPM-05 DIP-03 BPM-06 ARC1 No Energy Recovery = limitations on either Q or Train Length RF power available ~15-20kW Full beam power in main linac ~180kW (80pC; 6.5mA; 27MeV) Hence: beam loading ~ equal to short circuiting of the cavity Train Length ~0.5ms ERLP Train Length = 0-100ms Q(loaded)~106 tf ~ 0.3ms Example: If Train = 25us, DE/E = 8% RF pulse Options: 1) small Q and long TrainLength 2) nominal Q (=80pC) and short TrainLength Commissioning: Low or High bunch charge ??? Ideally, - set the machine at low Q then just raise the bunch charge up But the gun beamline is very sensitive to Q (let alone the effect of the offset of the laser beam on the cathode) Option I: small Q and long train If Q=2pC, and TrainLength ~25us the beam loading in the main linac =4.5kW Small enough to sustain the beam with available RF source ! GOOD THINGS: Can use BPMs for steering (minimal TrainLength ~22us required) ? BAD THINGS: • the gun beamline settings are very sensitive to Q (i.e. we cannot set ERLP at low Q and then just boost it up to a nominal value) • BPM signal/noise ratio may not be enough ? BUT: We can, in principle, set the gun beamline at 80pC and then insert the slit in INJ-DIA-YAG-01 thus reducing the effective bunch charge to ~2pC • Awkward “beam shape” • Not easy to deduce beam size or Twiss parameters • Eliminates space charge effects in Injector beamline Option II: nominal 80pC bunch charge and short TrainLength If we set maximal DE/E ~ 0.3%, maximal TrainLength is ~1us at 80pC (Max dispersion is ~1m ~3mm beam motion) GOOD THINGS: • Raw BPMs signals still could be used (with good signal/noise ratio) • The gun beamline is set once and for all • Normal beam parameters measurements BAD THINGS: • Cannot use BPMs for beam position measurements • OTR sensitivity may not be enough (remains to be seen) In the following, we OPT FOR SETTING THE ERLP AT NOMINAL BUNCH CHARGE AND SHORT TRAIN LENGTH ~1ms (the worst case scenario) Earth & stray magnetic fields Earth field Assume 0.3G field perpendicular to beamline axis (worst case) Energy 1m 3m ------------------------------------------------------------8MeV 0.5mm 4.5mm 35MeV 0.1mm 0.9mm Note: trajectory deviation is proportional to path length squared Stray field Assume 1G over 10cm Energy 1m 3m ------------------------------------------------------------8MeV 0.3mm 0.9mm 35MeV 0.1mm 0.3mm Note: trajectory deviation is proportional to path length Beam based ballistic alignment is not straightforward Energy spread after booster At present design, two booster cavities operate at +15o and -30o off crest (which is large !) The resulting energy spread (4 x sigma): 4 E after 1st cavity : ~160 keV (at ~4MeV) at booster exit: ~ 200keV (at ~8MeV) But YAG-05 – 30mm diameter only (beam pipe limited anyway) FCUP-01 YAG-05 DIP-02 DIP-01 Q-05 YAG-03 Q-04 H&V-03 YAG-02 Q-03 BPM-03 Q-02 Q-01 Dx ~1.1m at YAG-05 Q-06 BPM-04 H&V-04 Hence: Dx ~28mm full screen already ! New ALICE injector model: DE (after booster) ~ 40keV Dx ~ 5mm quite acceptable Strategy 1. First goal: achieving energy recovery - the undulator is not installed - correct longitudinal phase space and bunch length are not of importance - energy spread is kept to minimal (near on crest at main linac) 2. Machine setting is performed at nominal Q (80pC or less if necessary) - use YAGs and OTRs only (no BPMs) - low (~1us) TrainLengths 3. Injector is set carefully but the rest of the machine – coarse setting only (until energy recovery is established) 4. Fine tuning and measurements after establishment of energy recovery. 5. Procedures (and strategy !) may (and probably will !) be adjusted after gaining first experience in ALICE commissioning. All procedures are now in a Wiki format 6. Commissioning is divided into steps that correlated to ALICE sections, i.e. Injector, ST1, ARC1, ST2 & 3, ARC2, ST4, Energy Recovery. Variations (temporal) to a strategy 0. Bakeout at 200oC. 1. HV conditioning not to a “magic number” of 450kV but as far as there is no appreciable outgassing and FE at ~370kV - reduce the risk of the ceramic failure - may (or may not) help the cathode lifetime 2. Machine setting and energy recovery at, e.g. Q ~ 40pC, instead of nominal 80pC - alleviate a reduced cathode lifetime - continue to work even at reduced QE below 1% - a bit easier to get the machine set 3. Operation at reduced gun voltage if FE is found on bare wafer GUN and CATHODE conditioning Gun HV conditioning A fully refurbished gun ceramic has been installed. Expect a lot of outgassing. HV electrodes (stem, ball) have been polished and cleaned. Expect a bit more of field emission at lower <300kV voltages than usual -------------------------Time stamp the events on the chart recorder ! Conditioning resistor (200MΩ) inserted !!! Avoid increase of the base pressure level above 10E-8 mbar unless proven that the progress is too slow PMT readings: if the range is set to, e.g. 1E5, use 0-10 scale; if you read, e.g. 5 - this means 5E4 if the range is set to, e.g. 3E5, use 0-3 scale; if you read, e.g. 2 - this means 2E5 Gun HV conditioning HV PSU initially, set HV PSU in current trip mode MANUALLY (in the rack room upstairs) with a setting of 10 on the knob (~100μA) above ~300kV, the "current trip" setting may require to be increased to "30-40" on the knob to avoid too frequent trips above ~400kV, HV PSU may require to be set to "current limit" mode with the setting of "20-30" on the knob Always set current limits MANUALLY (not from console) to avoid mistakes Set voltage increment corresponding to one right/left click on the mouse equal to 1kV Keep gun gate valve CLOSED (unless looking for FE) never open/close the gate valve with HV ON Gun HV conditioning Up to 350kV raise voltage carefully: below ~150kV, - increments of 5-10kV should be OK expect some current / vacuum activity after as low as ~100kV; after first signs of current/vacuum activity, reduce the voltage increments avoid "aggressive" conditioning; if a significant vacuum activity begins or baseline pressure increases significantly, - do not force it, allow vacuum to settle for 5-15 min. if the baseline pressure increases by x5, reduce voltage by 5-10kV and wait until vacuum recovers above ~300kV, the outgassing may become quite intensive; this may require a reduction of voltage increments to 1-3kV at a time. take PMT readings from time to time and after major events at baseline levels of 250 and/or 300 and/or 350kV Gun HV conditioning Above 350kV in the beginning of the shift, make baseline measurements at 350kV • HV PSU current • both PMT readings • vacuum levels (all monitors available) • chart record at 350kV for ~10 min from time to time, reduce voltage to 350kV and take baseline measurements as above if in the "current limit" mode, do not allow the HV PSU being in current limit regime for too long ~1/2 min is enough avoid increase of average pressure above ~1E-8mbar; if this happens - reduce voltage to ~350kV and wait until vacuum recovers take baseline PMT readings at 350kV 3-4 times during the shift and after major events Gun HV conditioning Above 400kV All of the notes in "Above 350kV" section apply take baseline PMT readings at 350kV and 400kV 3-4 times during the shift and after major events ! HV conditioning not to a “magic number” of 450kV but as far as there is no appreciable FE and outgassing at ~370kV - reduce the risk of the ceramic failure - will help the cathode lifetime Hence: check the gun conditioning status at ~370kV frequently Photocathode conditioning Initial settings set HV PSU in current trip mode MANUALLY (in the rack room upstairs) set 10 on the knob (this corresponds to ~100μA) HV PSU control - from the ERLP control room set voltage increment corresponding to one right/left click on the mouse equal to 1kV Aims condition cathode to 365kV Before ramping up: open the gate valve, insert YAG “A”, ensure the conditioning resistor is in (200MΩ) Raise voltage slowly. If there is even minimal vacuum activity/pressure rise, wait until it diminishes to approximately baseline. Look for field emission on YAG-01 by varying SOL-01, and HVCOR-01. Gun & cathode work : Summary • Bakeout at reduced temperature of 200o C (as opposed to 220o C) •HV Gun conditioning just to make gun good at 370kV (do not go all the way to 450kV unless absolutely necessary) • Wafer heat clean & HV tests to make sure there is no FE on bare (not activated) wafer if FE is present, decide what to do next: (i) change wafer – not a viable option at present (ii) commission at reduced voltage • Cathode activation • Cathode HV conditioning (usual 365kV) • If the FE is present, decide what gun voltage to use (below 350kV) • Decide on what Q to use for ALICE commissioning probably ~40pC ? (we will need to readjust the machine later for the nominal 80pC)