Unit 1 and 2 REVIEW 1

1) Mrs. Robinson- AP World History Tutoring
2) Define Neolithic Revolution
3) What are some of the reasons why people migrate?
4) What are the characteristics that makeup a civilization?
5) Define cultural diffusion
6) Define pastoralist societies
7) Define foraging societies
8) What are the classes of Mesopotamian society?
9) Define cuneiform
10) What is the Code of Hammurabi and who created it?
11) What were the two most important Rivers in Mesopotamia?
12) What is the most important aspect of the religion of the Israelites (Hebrews)?
13) What are some of achievements of the Phoenicians?
14) Who was responsible for deporting a large number of Jews to Babylon?
15) What characteristics of civilization did Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, the Indus River Valley, and
the Yellow River Valley all share?
16) What river located in Ancient Egypt was vital for irrigation?
17) Who were the pharaohs and what were their achievements?
18) Define mummification
19) What are the classes of Ancient Egypt?
20) What river located in Ancient Egypt was vital for irrigation?
21) What rights did Ancient Egyptian women lack?
22) What factors led to the decline of the Indus River civilization?
23) What led to the decline of the Gupta Dynasty in India?
24) How did the Persians treat the people they conquered?
25) Define satrap
26) What are the political characteristics shared by the Mauryan and Gupta empires?
27) Who influenced Mycenaean civilization? How did Mycenaean civilization rise to power?
28) Who was Shi Huangdi? What did dynasty did he found in China? What were some of his
29) What are the characteristics of the Qin Dynasty
30) How did the Olmec and the first Andean civilizations (Chavin) develop differently from other
early river valley civilizations?
31) What was the Mandate of Heaven? Could the emperors of China rule with absolute power or
did they have to rule justly and wisely?
32) Who was Ashoka and what religion did he convert to and support?
33) Which leader is responsible for spreading Greek culture throughout the world?
34) How do Confucians believe people can live in harmony?
35) Why did the Spartans develop into a militaristic society?
36) What were the causes and effects of Greek colonization?
37) -What achievement is the Shang Dynasty c.1500 BCE best known for?
38) -What was one commonality of both the Roman and Hellenistic empires?
39) -From 27 BCE, the two centuries of relative peace in the Mediterranean became known as?
40) -What event caused Athens and Sparta to unite in common interest in the 5th century BCE?
41) -Which people migrated south into Ancient India and replaces the older Harappan civilization
around 1500 BCE?
42) -What is the most recent world religion to be established?
43) -Who is Zoroaster and what is his influence in Judaism?
44) -What did ancient Rome and Sparta have in common?
45) -The Olmecs are known for being what?
46) -What are the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism?
47) -Why did Roman Emperor Hadrian build walls to separate Britain from modern day Scotland?
48) --What was the central location for Jewish worship in ancient times?
49) -Who did the Medes and Persians unite under? (leader?)
50) -HOW was the expansion of Chinese culture and rule over surrounding peoples
accomplished through?
51) -What geographical feature influences the development of Greek city-states?
52) -As early as the 2nd century BCE, what product did the Chinese make with plant fibers?
53) -What was the main reason for the prosperity of the Byzantine empire?
54) -What type of labor force was used since the Qin dynasty to make the Great Wall?
55) -What class of people were most early Christians?
56) -What crop led to greater urbanization in the Andean highlands?
57) -What areas did the Phoenicians colonize?
58) -What was the main reason for the decline of the Roman republic?
59) -What was the most important factor in enabling the Macedonians to defeat the Persians?
60) -Describe the inequality of Roman political life.
61) What did the Silk Road spread throughout Eurasia?
62) -What viewpoint was the Roman persecution of Christianity based on?
63) -Describe the classical Mayan civilization at its apex c.500?
64) -How was the Seleucid kingdom created?
65) -Name one shared characteristic of Mesoamerican and South American regions in ancient times
66) -In ancient China, which philosophy stressed obedience to the state and strict laws.
67) -Which ruler was the codification of Roman law done under c.560