03A – 2014 RM BEST TMI

Teacher/Mentor Institute
RM BEST Season
Carolyn Bauer
July 21 - 22, 2014
2014 Event Schedule
 Saturday, September 6
 Denver South High School
Deadline for registering for
BEST Award
 Friday, September 26
 RSVP to
org, 720.250.6896
Practice Day
 Saturday, October 11
 Thomas Jefferson High
BEST Award - Marketing
 Friday, October 17
 Metro State University of
Denver campus
 Times arranged with email
org or 720-250-6896 prior
to Friday, September 26
Game Day
 Saturday, October 18
 Auraria Campus Events
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Kickoff Details
Saturday, September 6
12:00 (Noon) until 4:00 p.m.
Denver South High School
Receive one Memory Stick per team with 2014 Kickoff Files!
1700 East Louisiana Avenue, Denver, CO
Use doors on the south end - near gym (look for balloons)
A treasure chest of information
Also available on our website
Game will be revealed – Blade Runner
See Game floor and prototype robot demo
Goal - Send 1-2 team members to each of the breakout sessions
Receive your software licenses and keys – don’t lose them!
Pick-up your Robot Kit (consumable & returnable)
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Bring to Kickoff
Students/Mentors – enough to attend all breakout
 Bring snacks / water
Forms to turn in at registration table:
 Returnable Kit Agreement
 Request for Loan of Returnable Kit
 Signed Consent and Release forms for teachers,
mentors and students
Reference RM BEST Consent and Release Policy
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Blade Runner 2014
Mascot for Blade Runner 2014
Robot is transporting renewable energy
 Enjoy the poster of this year’s mascot
 Grab this logo picture
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Kickoff Breakout Sessions
Project Engineering Notebooks
Robot Design & Construction Tips
Programming easyC
Kits and Rules
Control Systems
BEST Award
BEST Award Marketing Presentation
Teacher & Mentor Tips
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Practice Day Details
Saturday, October 11
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Thomas Jefferson High School
9:00a.m. Team Registration and Robot Compliance Check
3950 South Holly St, Denver, CO 80237
Use the main entrance (look for balloons)
REQUIRED to submit Project Engineering Notebook at registration
Locate assigned Pit Area and get set-up
Robot inspection for compliance in pit area
Open practice AND a dry run of the competition – multiple matches
Bring food and drinks
We’ll have forms to order sandwiches before the event
If you travel a long distance you might consider getting dinner too!
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Bring to Practice Day
Robot (whether it’s working or not) and Team members
Project Engineering Notebook & Team Demographic
Tools & safety goggles for Pit Area
Forms to submit:
Consent & Release Forms for additional teachers, mentors and
Student Roster – list of ALL team members for program
Mentor Roster – list of ALL mentors for program
Teacher Roster – list of ALL teachers for program
Driver list for the day’s competition
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BEST Award Marketing
Friday, October 17, 2014, 8:30 – 4:30
Sign up for time slot by September 26 email
lscott@rockymountainbest.org or call 720250-6896
 Classroom at Metro State University of Denver
What to bring:
Presentation in PowerPoint or similar format
 Four Member Presentation Team
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Game Day
Saturday, October 18
7:00 a.m. Team Registration and Robot Compliance Check
Locate assigned Pit Area and get set-up
Robot inspection for compliance in pit area
Have Team Photo with robot taken
Set-up BEST Award Team Exhibit
7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Auraria Campus Events Center (aka the Gym)
Buy food in Tivoli Center or bring your own
Pizza (2 slices / person) & water are being provided for the teams
Parking on campus near Tivoli Center
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Game Day Details
7:00 Check in & robot compliance
9:00 Team Exhibits Open
9:45 Opening Ceremony
10:00 Seeding Matches Begin
3:00 Wildcard Match
3:30 Semi Final Matches
4:00 Final Matches
4:30 Award Ceremony & photos of winning team & robot
5:00 Conclusion of Game Day
5:10 Winning teams meet regarding Regional Competition
Teams turn in Returnable kits or sign kit loan form
Invite parents, friends, band, cheerleaders & mascot
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Game Day
Forms to submit:
Driver list – before the competitions
Sportsmanship voting sheet – during the competitions
Feedback forms – before you leave
RM BEST Request for Loan of Returnable Kit (unless
you return the kit)
We return Project Engineering Notebooks with
Judges’ comments and scoring
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After Game Day
We will send to you:
Your Team Photo
 Additional medallions as needed
 All your score sheets
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BEST Regionals
Who gets invited to attend
Top teams in BEST Award
 Top teams in Robot Competition
 Exact number of teams TBD
 $3,000 BRI mini-grant is providing funding to
help with transportation costs
 Dates – December 5 & 6, 2014
 Location – University of Arkansas
Ft. Smith, Arkansas
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BEST Websites
The BEST Robotics, Inc. (BRI) national website
contains all the information you will need to
understand the overall program, how the
competition works, links to other resources
(e.g., VEX), an FAQ section, and many resources
The Rocky Mountain BEST website is our local
website and it contains local information (e.g.,
Calendar of events, history, local contact
information, etc.) and links to BRI’s website
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BEST Website
See the BRI Website Map
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Rocky Mountain BEST Website
See the RM BEST Website Map
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Summary of Web Resources
Rocky Mountain BEST: http://rockymountainbest.org/
BEST Robotics, Inc.: http://best.eng.auburn.edu/
easyC V4 Programming Software:
Vex Robotics: http://www.vexrobotics.com/
Eventbright (Team Registration):
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